Thanks for your help. I ve tried the fix that weblivehelp did post but nothing happens
weblivehelp Wrote:Ok,
I don't know if it's an ispcp bug or not, but what I did was remove admin.x.com.db in /var/cache/bind and replace it with x.com.db
in x.com.db I added the admin subdomain entry (you can "copy" from www)
Then, on /etc/apache2/sites-available/ispcp.conf (and then on /etc/ispcp/apache/working/ispcp.conf)
I removed the admin subdomain VirtualHost Entry and added the admin.x.com in the ServerAlias entry for the x.com VirtualHost entry.
I think that was it... I don't really remember because I did it a while ago, but let me know if it works or if you go into any trouble.
Can you tell me step by step what have I to do? I have tried too changing the domain configuration on the register website. I can redirect with one primary nameserver or with a CNAME A to the 2ndlevel domain/IP
Apologies for my poor english