[Feb 13, 2008 Update, I have just posted a new patch for RC7
By way of introduction, I have used VHCS2 (heavily modded) in a production environment for several years, and have been following this ispCP project since it was started. I have installed most of the Release Candidates on various test environments as they were released and am impressed with the improvements that have been made to the project - good work!
For some time, I have been pondering the best route to enhance ispCP so that it can manage users and resellers across multiple servers. After much thought I have begun putting this together.
Here's how it works:
ispCP already allows you to create multiple IP addresses, and designate which IP addresses Resellers and Users can use with their accounts. I have simply built an additional table in the database and added one other column to an existing table to assign each IP address to a specific host server.
Yesterday, I completed mods to the GUI to allow for managing the hosts, and assigning each IP address to a specific host. See screenshots attached below:
ispcp_manage_hosts.gif (Size: 9.33 KB / Downloads: 379)
ispcp_manage_ips.gif (Size: 18.46 KB / Downloads: 334)
The concept is that each server (host) will have ispCP installed on it, with the daemon running and the back-end perl engine scripts to build/manage the various server configuration files. The perl engine scripts (ispcp-rqst-mngr, etc.) will be modded slightly with a JOIN added to each query to limit results and operations to only domains assigned to it's local host (server).
The GUI function call to the daemon will also be adjusted to have it connect to each host IP address (as necessary) to trigger the Request Manager on each server whenever changes are made through the centralized GUI.
I will have more details on exactly how this is done as I complete more of the work. Once completed, I will be happy to submit my mods back to the project if the dev team is interested.
This may not be the optimal setup for everyone, but it seems like it will fit in with our infrastructure perfectly. Any thoughts and additional ideas building on what I have presented here would be appreciated!
If anyone is interested in testing this out once I get my mods to a fully-working condition, let me know!
I will report back in here when I have more hammered out.