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PHP&FastCGI Problem - No input file specified
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okercho Offline

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At PHP&FastCGI Problem - No input file specified

When I add a new domain with PHP but without CGI execution, if I put a php file in the htdocs directoty (any php file, like a index.php with a redirection, or a forum, or gallery...) I get a white page with "No input file specified" and a 404 error in log.

If I delete the domain and add it again with CGI execution enabled, with THE SAME file, it works perfectly.

The problem is that I can't delete all domains and add it again, becouse domains have mails and I can't delete it, and if I change the domain propeties for enable CGI, it doesn't work.

If I remove fastcgi_isp module from apache, everithing works again, but ispcp gui doesn't work.

I don't know what to do, any Ideas? Sad

11-28-2008 02:48 AM
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PHP&FastCGI Problem - No input file specified - okercho - 11-28-2008 02:48 AM

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