I asked my good coder to preapere same checks to $comand_line ... This is necessary for any option.
And now, My wise Bear said that we can try both ways. And we can start whith hcrond-0.3.2.
But my Dog, which is an authoritative system administrator (
http://hong-lee.bull-doc.ru/images/012.jpg ) , told me that we do not have much time to test all way.
Do not be surprised us all Bear in Russia can write php-scripts and each dog manages the server after slightly Russian Vodka. As well as babies know how to do overclocking and hacking....
About the case...
I see the samthing
hcrond at the thirst time. And I dont now anything about this stability and cecuritu.
I need to rapid betta-testers.
And at his point we see 2 pacages at
My Bear read the "README", but was unable to explain to me the difference
What package we must use for ispSP?
And what about they cecure and stability?