As most of you know, the name x-panel is only temporaly since the X stands
for some variable which could hold some piece of name we don't have yet.
It's your turn!
please help us find a Name for our project.
The winner will be listed forever (until that name is used) with his name on the Website and in our Contributors - List.
We've already some ideas - but cannot decide
The Ideas follow :
some are taken out of the sysop-forum:
systrays ideas :
Y our
E asy
A another
H osting Panel
V irtual
M ultihosting
S ystem
skyhigh ideas:
C onfiguration
A dministration
F actura
E nvironment
P rofessional
O nline
T ool
rats & me thought about this ones :
yacp (yet another control panel)
yasp (yet another server panel)
yahp (yet another hosting panel)
yacp (yet another cocktail page Zunge raus )
OCDB (Others can do better)
MyPHP - My Private Hosting Panel
LWSCC/A - LightWeight Server Controll Center / Administration
even writeable as LiWiCC or CC/A in short.
But what are your ideas ?