currently I seem to have a problem with the final installation step. All prior steps did work fine.
Here's how far I get with the setup dialog:
Quote:Welcome to ispCP '1.0.0 OMEGA' Setup Dialog.
This program will set up ispCP OMEGA system on your server.
Next you are asked to enter a "fully qualified hostname" (FQHN).
For more infos read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FQDN.
Please enter a fully qualified hostname. [Ubuntu-804-hardy-LTS-64-minimal]: static.213-239-214-71.clients.your-server.de
Please enter system network address. []:
Please enter the domain name where ispCP OMEGA will run on [admin.static.213-239-214-71.clients.your-server.de]:
Please enter SQL server host. [localhost]:
Please enter system SQL database. [ispcp]:
Please enter system SQL user. [root]:
Please enter system SQL password. [none]:
Please repeat system SQL password:
Please enter ispCP ftp SQL user. [vftp]:
Please enter ispCP ftp SQL user password. [auto generate]:
Please repeat ispCP ftp SQL user password:
Please enter ispCP phpMyAdmin Control user. [pma]:
Please enter ispCP phpMyAdmin Control user password. [auto generate]:
Please repeat ispCP phpMyAdmin Control user password:
Please enter administrator login name. [admin]:
Please enter administrator password:
Please repeat administrator password:
Please enter administrator e-mail address: borisbojic@gmail.com
IP of Secondary DNS. (optional) []:
Use MySQL Prefix.
Possible values: [i]nfront, [b]ehind, [n]one. [none]:
FastCGI Version: [f]cgid or fast[c]gi. [fcgid]:
Activate AWStats. [no]:
Starting Installation...
After that, nothing happens anymore ... no progress, no message, no error.
All I can do is to interrupt the script.
This script also will stop working in the same way whenever I select [auto generate] for passwords.
I have no idea what can be wrong? :-(