Read this:
There is a leak in FastCGI version of PHP, it does not clean up properly after
each request. Using system's limits to kill off memory hogging FastCGI process
would not be a good idea as this would result in 500 errors. You can use
PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS ENV variable instead. After processing number
of requests defined by this variable, the FastCGI PHP will exit nicely and a
new/fresh process will be created in its place. You will need to figure out how
many requests is safe for your FastCGI process to process before you have it
On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 21:55:14 +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:
>Hello PHP users,
>I have PHP running as CGI with Apache 2.0.49 on Linux 2.4.26 here, and with
>a huge PHP file involving some diagram creation, I can "kill" the machine if
>I re-load the
>script for five seconds continuously. It soaks up all my memory and runs for
>nearly a minute multiple times. I've tried to limit that via php.ini's
>memory limit setting and via Apache's RLimitCPU/RLimitNPROC/RLimitMEM
>directive, but it does not seem to work.
>Do you have any idea of what can be done in order to protect myself from
>such an "attack"?