Also klar ist ja schon mal das bei Dir keine MySQL-Module geladen sind.
Daher funktioniert das auch nicht.
Versuche es mal mit:
cat /etc/proftpd/modules.conf
So sieht meine zum Vergleich aus:
# This file is used to manage DSO modules and features.
# This is the directory where DSO modules reside
ModulePath /usr/lib/proftpd
# Allow only user root to load and unload modules, but allow everyone
# to see which modules have been loaded
ModuleControlsACLs insmod,rmmod allow user root
ModuleControlsACLs lsmod allow user *
LoadModule mod_ctrls_admin.c
LoadModule mod_tls.c
# Install proftpd-mod-mysql or proftpd-mod-pgsql to use this
LoadModule mod_sql.c
# Install proftpd-mod-ldap to use this
#LoadModule mod_ldap.c
# 'SQLBackend mysql' or 'SQLBackend postgres' directives are required
# to have SQL authorization working. You can also comment out the
# unused module here, in alternative.
# Install proftpd-mod-mysql to use this
LoadModule mod_sql_mysql.c
# Install proftpd-mod-pgsql to use this
#LoadModule mod_sql_postgres.c
LoadModule mod_radius.c
LoadModule mod_quotatab.c
LoadModule mod_quotatab_file.c
# Install proftpd-mod-ldap to use this
#LoadModule mod_quotatab_ldap.c
# Install proftpd-mod-pgsql or proftpd-mod-mysql to use this
LoadModule mod_quotatab_sql.c
#LoadModule mod_quotatab_radius.c
LoadModule mod_wrap.c
LoadModule mod_rewrite.c
LoadModule mod_load.c
LoadModule mod_ban.c
LoadModule mod_wrap2.c
LoadModule mod_wrap2_file.c
# Install proftpd-mod-pgsql or proftpd-mod-mysql to use this
#LoadModule mod_wrap2_sql.c
LoadModule mod_dynmasq.c
# keep this module the last one
LoadModule mod_ifsession.c
Kannst auch noch überprüfen ob die die proftpd-mysql Packete installiert hast.
wg. den rechte -> bist Du root ?
Greez BeNe