(03-17-2010 11:03 PM)RatS Wrote: We are not sure how to reproduce this behavior explained in post #1.
Could you please give us a hint how to? The description is not clear enough.
By the Way:
Our Developer Shin is working on a new IP implementation that handles IPv4, IPv6 and Subnetmasks, Net Ranges. For a status update, please ask him.
Add an static IP by /etc/network/interfaces with netmask. Then, add an IP by ispCP (on panel by his Web). (EDIT: Add the same IP on panel to use it on a domain).
Then, see the IPs added on server: ifconfig
At this time, you can see that there are 2 virtual eths (eth0:1 and eth0:2 by example) with the same IP, one with netmask and other with (i'm speaking on memory, cant see that value now). What's the reason of having 2 virtual eths with the same IP? Is this a bug?