(06-22-2010 04:08 PM)BeNe Wrote: Lets start from the beginning!
1.) Check your /tmp/ if there is a .lock file from the Backupscript and delete it
2.) Enable Debug in your /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf and start the Backup engine again. So we will see why it won´t work.
3.) Check the permissions and of the copied files
Greez BeNe
Hi, i did it ... No lock file, edited conf file. i try to start ispcp-backup-all, but i dont know what input data does it expect ... Got this:
scooby:/etc/ispcp# /var/www/ispcp/engine/backup/ispcp-backup-all
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: main(), msg: ERROR: Missing Input Data! Please provid e appropriate command line parameter(s)!
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: main(), msg: ERROR: Missing Input Data! Please provide appropriate command line parameter(s)!
ERROR: Missing Input Data! Please provide appropriate command line parameter(s)!
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: unlock_backup_all_system(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: ERROR: File
'/tmp/ispcp-backup-all.lock' does not exist !