I need a little advice on how to completely uninstall eAccelerator since it has started to caused some very annoying problems.
PHP Code:
[Tue Jul 13 20:26:13 2010] [notice] mod_fcgid: call /var/www/virtual/DOMAIN.TLD/htdocs/index.php with wrapper /var/www/fcgi/DOMAIN.TLD/php5-fcgi-starter
] [notice] EACCELERATOR(27894): PHP crashed on opline 13 of main() at /var/www/virtual/DOMAIN.TLD/htdocs/libraries/joomla/import.php:21
This gives the customer a 500 Internal server Error, and the solution is of course to delete everything in the cache folder. This solution lasts for around 10-15 minutes then the error occur again.