(07-15-2010 05:59 PM)Freakez Wrote: Maybe the set-gui-permissions script can help you. Try:
[root@fr01]# /var/www/ispcp/engine/setup/set-gui-permissions.sh
Setting GUI Permissions: .... done
But still, a blank page.
(07-15-2010 06:32 PM)joximu Wrote: also have a look at /var/log/apache/suexec.log and maybe the *error.log (depending on your ispcp version)
/var/log/httpd/suexec.log keeps logging this:
[2010-07-15 10:22:39]: uid: (2001/vu2001) gid: (2001/2001) cmd: php5-fcgi-starter.
Which error.log do i need to look into? Is there an error.log for my admin? I'm running on 1.0.5.