Cool. Thanks Joximu.
If we are removing the command to stop postfix, should we also remove the command to start it too?
if ($main::changed_mail_cnt > 0 || $main::changed_dmn_cnt > 0 ||
$main::changed_sub_cnt > 0 || $main::changed_als_cnt > 0) {
if ($main::cfg{'CMD_MTA'} ne 'no') {
$cmd = $main::cfg{'CMD_MTA'};
sys_command_rs("$cmd start");
I also noticed a descripancy when checking to stop the services when new domains, etc are added and when they are started again. They are started when mail_cnt, dmn_cnt, sub_cnt, and
als_cnt are changed. But stopped only when mail_cnt, dmn_cnt, sub_cnt are changed.