(09-19-2010 11:18 PM)Aloukat Wrote: CRITICAL ERROR: Module [File::Copy::Recursive] WAS NOT FOUND !
Modules [File::Copy::Recursive] WAS NOT FOUND in your system...
You miss a despondence. If you are using debian use apt-get to install libfile-copy-recursive-perl. Rebuild error can be orphan entry. test and clean using:
-- Check orphan admins not having domain
select * from `admin` where not exists (select `domain_admin_id` from `domain` where `domain`.`domain_admin_id` = `admin`.`admin_id`) AND `admin_type` not in ('reseller', 'admin')
-- check orphan domain (not having admin)
select * from `domain` where not exists (select `admin_id` from `admin` where `domain`.`domain_admin_id` = `admin`.`admin_id`)
-- check orphan domain trafic entries (not existing domain)
select * from `domain_traffic` where not exists (select `domain_id` from `domain` where `domain`.`domain_id` = `domain_traffic`.`domain_id`)
-- check orphan ftp groups entries (not existing domain)
select * from `ftp_group` where not exists (select `domain_gid` from `domain` where `domain`.`domain_gid` = `ftp_group`.`gid`)
-- check orphan ftp users entries (not existing domain)
select * from `ftp_users` where not exists (select `domain_uid` from `domain` where `domain`.`domain_uid` = `ftp_users`.`uid`)
-- check orphan ftp users entries (not existing ftp group)
select * from `ftp_users` where not exists (select `uid` from `ftp_group` where `ftp_group`.`gid` = `ftp_users`.`gid`)
-- check orphan htaccess entries (not existing domain)
select * from `htaccess` where not exists (select `domain_id` from `domain` where `domain`.`domain_id` = `htaccess`.`dmn_id`)
-- check orphan htaccess groups entries (not existing domain)
select * from `htaccess_groups` where not exists (select `domain_id` from `domain` where `domain`.`domain_id` = `htaccess_groups`.`dmn_id`)
-- check orphan htaccess users entries (not existing domain)
select * from `htaccess_users` where not exists (select `domain_id` from `domain` where `domain`.`domain_id` = `htaccess_users`.`dmn_id`)
-- check orphan mails users entries (not existing domain)
select * from `mail_users` where not exists (select `domain_id` from `domain` where `domain`.`domain_id` = `mail_users`.`domain_id`)
-- check orphan mails users entries (not existing subdomain)
select * from `mail_users` where not exists (select `subdomain_id` from `subdomain` where `subdomain`.`subdomain_id` = `mail_users`.`sub_id`) and `sub_id` != 0
-- check orphan quotalimits entries (not existing domain)
select * from `quotalimits` where not exists (select `domain_name` from `domain` where `domain`.`domain_name` = `quotalimits`.`name`)
-- check orphan quotatallies entries (not existing domain)
select * from `quotatallies` where not exists (select `domain_name` from `domain` where `domain`.`domain_name` = `quotatallies`.`name`)
-- check orphan databses records entries (not existing domain)
select * from `sql_database` where not exists (select `domain_id` from `domain` where `sql_database`.`domain_id`=`domain`.`domain_id`)
-- check orphan sql users records entries (not existing database)
select * from `sql_user` where not exists (select `sqld_id` from `sql_database` where `sql_user`.`sqld_id`=`sql_user`.`sqld_id`)
-- check orphan subdomains records entries (not existing domain)
select * from `subdomain` where not exists (select `domain_id` from `domain` where `domain`.`domain_id` = `subdomain`.`domain_id`)
-- check orphan gui props records entries (not existing uset)
select * from `user_gui_props` where not exists (select `admin_id` from `admin` where `user_gui_props`.`user_id` = `admin`.`admin_id`)
After that try update again.