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Installation Problem with fcgi
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Rj01 Offline
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Posts: 14
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Post: #5
RE: Installation Problem with fcgi
the output from ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled is:

actions.conf          authz_user.load  dir.load          python.load
actions.load          autoindex.conf   env.load          setenvif.conf
alias.conf            autoindex.load   fcgid.conf        setenvif.load
alias.load            cgid.conf        fcgid.load        status.conf
auth_basic.load       cgid.load        mime.conf         status.load
authn_file.load       cgi.load         mime.load         suexec.load
authz_default.load    deflate.conf     negotiation.conf
authz_groupfile.load  deflate.load     negotiation.load
authz_host.load       dir.conf         perl.load

and from ls /etc/apache2/mods-available is
actions.conf          dav_lock.load       mime_magic.conf
actions.load          dbd.load            mime_magic.load
alias.conf            deflate.conf        negotiation.conf
alias.load            deflate.load        negotiation.load
asis.load             dir.conf            perl.load
auth_basic.load       dir.load            php5.conf
auth_digest.load      disk_cache.conf     php5.load
authn_alias.load      disk_cache.load     proxy_ajp.load
authn_anon.load       dump_io.load        proxy_balancer.load
authn_dbd.load        env.load            proxy.conf
authn_dbm.load        expires.load        proxy_connect.load
authn_default.load    ext_filter.load     proxy_ftp.load
authn_file.load       fastcgi_ispcp.conf  proxy_http.load
authnz_ldap.load      fcgid.conf          proxy.load
authz_dbm.load        fcgid_ispcp.conf    python.load
authz_default.load    fcgid_ispcp.load    rewrite.load
authz_groupfile.load  fcgid.load          setenvif.conf
authz_host.load       file_cache.load     setenvif.load
authz_owner.load      filter.load         speling.load
authz_user.load       headers.load        ssl.conf
autoindex.conf        ident.load          ssl.load
autoindex.load        imagemap.load       status.conf
cache.load            include.load        status.load
cern_meta.load        info.conf           substitute.load
cgid.conf             info.load           suexec.load
cgid.load             ldap.load           unique_id.load
cgi.load              log_forensic.load   userdir.conf
charset_lite.load     mem_cache.conf      userdir.load
dav_fs.conf           mem_cache.load      usertrack.load
dav_fs.load           mime.conf           version.load
dav.load              mime.load           vhost_alias.load
11-05-2010 06:31 PM
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Installation Problem with fcgi - Rj01 - 11-04-2010, 09:16 PM
RE: Installation Problem with fcgi - Rj01 - 11-04-2010, 10:05 PM
RE: Installation Problem with fcgi - Rj01 - 11-05-2010 06:31 PM
RE: Installation Problem with fcgi - Rj01 - 11-05-2010, 08:30 PM

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