(12-26-2010 06:56 PM)FISA4 Wrote: deine ftp_choose_dir.php datei ist nicht ok.
kann es sein, dass du den trunk benutzt oder irgendein nightly build?
Also ispCP kann ich von meinem Hosteraccount aus (also das CP um mein VServer zu konfigurieren) automatisch installieren (falls du das meinst). Das habe ich getan.
Hier die Datei ftp_choose_dir.php
* ispCP ω (OMEGA) a Virtual Hosting Control System
* @copyright 2001-2006 by moleSoftware GmbH
* @copyright 2006-2008 by ispCP | http://isp-control.net
* @version SVN: $Id$
* @link http://isp-control.net
* @author ispCP Team
* @license
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the MPL General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 1.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* You should have received a copy of the MPL Mozilla Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Open Source Initiative (OSI)
* http://opensource.org | osi@opensource.org
require '../include/class.vfs.php';
require '../include/ispcp-lib.php';
$tpl = new pTemplate();
$tpl->define_dynamic('page_message', 'page');
$tpl->define_dynamic('logged_from', 'page');
$tpl->define_dynamic('dir_item', 'page');
$tpl->define_dynamic('action_link', 'page');
$tpl->define_dynamic('list_item', 'page');
$tpl->define_dynamic('page', Config::get('CLIENT_TEMPLATE_PATH') . '/ftp_choose_dir.tpl');
$theme_color = Config::get('USER_INITIAL_THEME');
function gen_directories(&$tpl) {
$sql = Database::getInstance();
// Initialize variables
$path = isset($_GET['cur_dir']) ? $_GET['cur_dir'] : '';
$domain = $_SESSION['user_logged'];
// Create the virtual file system and open it so it can be used
$vfs = &new vfs($domain, $sql);
// Get the directory listing
$list = $vfs->ls($path);
if (!$list) {
set_page_message(tr('Can not open directory !<br>Please contact your administrator !'));
// Show parent directory link
$parent = explode('/', $path);
$parent = implode('/', $parent);
$tpl->assign('ACTION_LINK', '');
$tpl->assign(array('ACTION' => '',
'ICON' => "parent",
'DIR_NAME' => tr('Parent Directory'),
'LINK' => 'ftp_choose_dir.php?cur_dir=' . $parent,
$tpl->parse('DIR_ITEM', '.dir_item');
// Show directories only
foreach ($list as $entry) {
// Skip non-directory entries
if ($entry['type'] != VFS_TYPE_DIR)
// Skip '.' and '..'
if ($entry['file'] == '.' || $entry['file'] == '..')
// Check for .htaccess existance to display another icon
$dr = $path . '/' . $entry['file'];
$tfile = $dr . '/.htaccess';
if ($vfs->exists($tfile)) {
$image = "locked";
} else {
$image = "folder";
// Create the directory link
$tpl->assign(array('ACTION' => tr('Protect it'),
'PROTECT_IT' => "protected_areas_add.php?file=$dr",
'ICON' => $image,
'DIR_NAME' => $entry['file'],
'CHOOSE_IT' => $dr,
'LINK' => "ftp_choose_dir.php?cur_dir=$dr",
$tpl->parse('ACTION_LINK', 'action_link');
$tpl->parse('DIR_ITEM' , '.dir_item');
// functions end
array('TR_CLIENT_WEBTOOLS_PAGE_TITLE' => tr('ispCP - Client/Webtools'),
'THEME_COLOR_PATH' => "../themes/$theme_color",
'THEME_CHARSET' => tr('encoding'),
'ISP_LOGO' => get_logo($_SESSION['user_id'])
array('TR_DIRECTORY_TREE' => tr('Directory tree'),
'TR_DIRS' => tr('Directories'),
'TR__ACTION' => tr('Action'),
'CHOOSE' => tr('Choose')
$tpl->parse('PAGE', 'page');
if (Config::get('DUMP_GUI_DEBUG'))