(01-15-2011 12:25 AM)syslin Wrote: I tried to to change this parameter on /var/www/fcgi/<mydomain.com>/php5/php.ini , restart the Apache server (service httpd restart) but it's look like it does not effect.
Don't just restart the service. Stop it and start it. You can also run "pkill php-cgi" as root, which should force fcgid to re-start the PHP processes.
(01-15-2011 12:25 AM)syslin Wrote: So, I tried to to change this parameter on /var/www/fcgi/master/php5/php.ini , restart the Apache server (service httpd restart) but it's look like it does not effect.
That is correct, that file is not used for individual websites.
(01-15-2011 12:25 AM)syslin Wrote: So, I tried to create an .htaccess file on the phpBB3 root with the following code (which work on the development server that does not running ispCP):
I tried to to change this parameter on /var/www/fcgi/<mydomain.com>/php5/php.ini , restart the Apache server (service httpd restart) but it's look like it does not effect.
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag register_globals Off
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
php_value request_order GPC
But this didn't helped too, the website refuse to use it.
Won't work, you're not running PHP as an Apache module.
(01-15-2011 12:25 AM)syslin Wrote: Then I add the above lines:
php_flag register_globals Off
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
php_value request_order GPC
to the /etc/httpd/vhosts/ispcp.conf (restart the Apache server) but this didn't help too.
That won't work as you're not running PHP as a module.
(01-15-2011 12:25 AM)syslin Wrote: Where is the right php.ini ??? What's going on?
Any idea? Please help.
ispCP uses PHP as a CGI process via Fcgid. This helps with security while not affecting speed considerably. In my experience, doing a simple restart of Apache often won't stop the PHP processes. You want to make sure all the PHP processes are stopped so that they are re-launched and read the updated php.ini. I have found a simple pkill command while Apache is running will solve the issue of reading the new php.ini file. The downside is that PHP has to start back up, but such would be the case with restarting the whole web service.