(02-25-2011 11:39 PM)rethus Wrote: aseques:
After Long time, i ffound my Script, which i create to completly move Plesk-Data to ispCP. You helped me a lot with your CLI-Script.
Here is a Project on Sourceforge. This may interesting for you.
I'm sure, you have optimize your script since i last use it, and created my Plesk2ispCP. If you wan't to come a member of the Project, i would be glad.
The Script has ccost me many many hours, but works realy good for me at the end. Hope it helps People who want to change from plesk to ispcp.
Nice to know, I really have no intention to go back to plesk

but I'll update the wiki page in case someone is interested into this.
Updated the tar.gz with some fixes for 1.0.7, basically the ftp passwords are generated in a different way now.
If anyone is having problems just drop a line here.