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SSH access for user
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rbtux Offline

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Post: #31
RE: SSH access for user
woa sry i somehow didn't realize that i'm in the internation corner... thy for bringing it to my attention joxi!

OK my question in english:
Has there ever been a howto created on that topic?
I would be very pleased if someone can tell me how to implement the wrapper skript in ssh... Has this something todo with libpam-chroot?
Any expierences with ssh chroot are welcome...
12-14-2007 08:32 AM
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four2theizz0 Offline
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Post: #32
RE: SSH access for user
soo, lemme see if i understand
to be honest i do not get the virtual user part in the passwd file i have for each odmain...i like others want users to be able to acces their accounts with ssh and scp....

so would the only way to be able to do this RIGHT NOW be by creating them a shell account and just locking them in their dir?
10-04-2008 03:07 AM
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four2theizz0 Offline
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Post: #33
RE: SSH access for user

And if I am correct, then the customer has to make a separate account for ssh access....that is fine....any chance of making an ispcp page that will ask for some user info and then also create the account chrooted to their virtual home dir?
10-07-2008 02:12 AM
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