I would thank people developing ispcp; the setup was quite simple because of the care in design and documentation.
I got the server working and solve two issues with gui related to php 5.3 (timezone and split function)
I still have 3 services which give problems:
named cannot start with this error:
Starting named:
Error in named configuration:
/etc/named-ispcp.conf:4: zone 'admin.eslxsv01.euroservicenet.it': already exists previous definition: /etc/named-ispcp.conf:4
I found this post on the ispcp site:
which quite sure is about the problem I have but I do not speak german.
service spamassassin fails with the following message:
[root@ESLXSV01 bind]# service spamassassin start
Starting spamd: child process [2906] exited or timed out without signaling production of a PID file: exit 255 at /usr/bin/spamd line 2588.
the amavisd service seems to start but
service amavisd status gives:
amavisd dead but subsys locked amavis-milter is stopped
The system is CentOS 5.4.
Fabio D'Alfonso