Posts: 330
Joined: May 2008
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RE: [Patch] Pop3 statistics with dovecot not created
Since the forums ate my patch. I post it in plain ...
Quote:--- /root/ispcp-vrl-traff 2008-11-24 12:12:25.000000000 +0100
+++ /var/www/ispcp/engine/traffic/ispcp-vrl-traff 2008-11-24 14:38:22.000000000 +0100
@@ -498,10 +498,15 @@
# POP3
# courierpop3login is for Debian. pop3d for Fedora.
- $rs = sys_command("$cat $rlog|$grep -E '(courierpop3login|pop3d).+user=.+top='|$grep -v 'ip=\\[::ffff:\\]'|"
- ."$awk '/courierpop3login/ {print \$7,\$9,substr(\$10,1,length(\$10)-1);} "
- ."/pop3d/ {print \$7,\$10,substr(\$11,1,length(\$11)-1);}'"
- ." 1>$pop3_log");
+ #$rs = sys_command("$cat $rlog|$grep -E '(courierpop3login|pop3d).+user=.+top='|$grep -v 'ip=\\[::ffff:\\]'|"
+ # ."$awk '/courierpop3login/ {print \$7,\$9,substr(\$10,1,length(\$10)-1);} "
+ # ."/pop3d/ {print \$7,\$10,substr(\$11,1,length(\$11)-1);}'"
+ # ." 1>$pop3_log");
+ # POP3 accounting fixed for Dovecot
+ $rs = sys_command("$cat $rlog|$grep 'POP3'| $grep 'Disconnected: Logged out' |"
+ ."$awk '/POP3/ {split(\$10,array,\"\/\"); print \"user=\"substr(\$6,6,length(\$6)-7) "
+ ."\", top=\"substr(array[2],0,length(array[2])) \", retr=\"substr(\$13,6,length(\$13)) ;}'"
+ ." 1>$pop3_log");
return $rs if ($rs != 0);
$res = open(F, '<', $pop3_log);
11-29-2008 02:06 AM |