Quote:Actually first I needed to install apache2-mpm-prefork, as apparently it was not included in ispcp default set up. I applied your suggested settings and now my sandbox vps works fine on about 360 MB memory in contrast to previous 500+MB. Also the restart problem and the 500 error are gone.
You can take a look at the
running ispcp on a low resources server "howto" (and contribute to it

Quote:I am totally noob in apache stuff, used to use nginx (I am loving it Smile . Have you any suggestion to know about apache configuration and optimisation? This giant should somehow be squeezed!
Basically proper tunning of the worker and removing any unneeded modules. There's not much more to do in this war...
Quote:I am also a bit put off about the amount of memory that ispcp-apache-lo demon consumes. (currently 3 processes each 1.8%MEM) is there some way to ispcp footprint?
First of all, you should only have two ispcp-apache-logger instances. Their task is to separate the access and error logs from apache into domain-based files. If you are not going to host a big number of websites (<50), then it is possible to remove them, but it's a bit difficult. Hence, I'll throw the basic ideas over the table and let you work it by yourself if you want
- You can tell apache to create custom logfiles for each of your virtualhosts
- Nevertheless, if you do it and have a lot of virtualhosts, apache reaches the maximum number of open files and terrible things happen.
- Hence, the ispcp team created custom daemons that receive the log lines for all virtualhosts and write the appropiate per-virtualhost files.
- But this wasn't done until the first release candidates
Therefore, it should be possible to:
1. Disable global logging to the ispcp-apache-logger instances (they use piped logs, so just by commenting the definitions in the apache config and restarting these processes will never get launched again.)
2. Modify the virtualhost templates to tell apache to create the per-virtualhost logs themselve. Look for the proper directives in an oooooold ispcp release templates'.