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[ERLEDIGT]v1.0.7 ispCP-Debugger-Fehler?
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Rene Offline
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Post: #21
RE: v1.0.7 ispCP-Debugger-Fehler?
Wie ist denn danach der Status in der Datenbank, hat der sich verändert?
12-22-2010 06:04 AM
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Rafioso Offline
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Post: #22
RE: v1.0.7 ispCP-Debugger-Fehler?
Nein hat sich nicht geändert.
12-22-2010 06:19 AM
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Rene Offline
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Post: #23
RE: v1.0.7 ispCP-Debugger-Fehler?
Welchen Status hatte denn die Mailaddresse bevor du es auf "Change" geändert hast und welchen nach demausführen des Request Managers.
Hast du noch die (komplette) Ausgabe des Request Managers?
12-22-2010 07:10 AM
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Rafioso Offline
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Post: #24
RE: v1.0.7 ispCP-Debugger-Fehler?
Es hat immer den Status
Quote:mbox_get_dmn_full_name() | ERROR: Unable to find the corresponding domain name...
in der ispcp-Debugger-Seite.

Das ist die Ausgabe des Request Managers:

Quote:[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_start_up(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: lock_system(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: lock_system(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_start_up(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type dmn.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type sub.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type als.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type alssub.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type mbox.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type htusers.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type htgroups .
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type htaccess .
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type alssub.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type sub.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type als.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type dmn.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: domain count: 0 || subdomain count: 0 || aliasses count: 0 || email count: 0 || subdomain aliasses count: 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: Not restarting servers...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_shut_down(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_shut_down(), msg: Ending...
12-22-2010 07:54 AM
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Rene Offline
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Post: #25
RE: v1.0.7 ispCP-Debugger-Fehler?
Ich meinte den Status des Accounts in der Datenbank. Dort gibt es das Feld in der Tabelle mail_users der ispcp Datenbank.
Welchen Status hatte der Account bevor du diesen auf change geändert hast, und wie ist dieser jetzt nach der Änderung und ausführen des Requestmanagers.
Laut Requestmanager war kein Account im Status "change".

Wie sieht die Zuordnung des fehlerhaften Accounts aus? Gíbt es noch die passende Domain?
12-22-2010 08:04 AM
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Rafioso Offline
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Post: #26
RE: v1.0.7 ispCP-Debugger-Fehler?
Der Status, der in der ispCP-Debugger-Seite angezeigt wird, ist der gleiche wie in der Datenbank. Ich glaube, ispCP holt von dort die Meldung und zeigt sie auf der ispCP-Debugger-Seite an Smile

Vor setzen auf Change:
ispCP-Debugger-Seite Wrote:mbox_get_dmn_full_name() | ERROR: Unable to find the corresponding domain name...

Nach setzen auf Change & Ausführen des Request-Managers:
Konsole Wrote:[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_start_up(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: lock_system(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: lock_system(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_start_up(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type dmn.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type sub.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type als.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type alssub.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type mbox.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 52,, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-mbox-mngr 52 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type htusers.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type htgroups.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type htaccess.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type alssub.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type sub.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type als.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type dmn.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: domain count: 0 || subdomain count: 0 || aliasses count: 0 || email count: 1 || subdomain aliasses count: 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-serv-mngr 0 0 0 1 0 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-serv-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-serv-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_shut_down(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_shut_down(), msg: Ending...
ispCP-Debugger-Seite Wrote:mbox_get_dmn_full_name() | ERROR: Unable to find the corresponding domain name...

(12-22-2010 08:04 AM)Rene Wrote:  Wie sieht die Zuordnung des fehlerhaften Accounts aus?
Verstehe ich nicht.

(12-22-2010 08:04 AM)Rene Wrote:  Gíbt es noch die passende Domain?
Nein. Die Email (Testemail) sieht ungefähr so aus: (das ist auch die E-Mail, die den Fehler erzeugt). gibt es, aber nicht.
(This post was last modified: 12-22-2010 08:34 AM by Rafioso.)
12-22-2010 08:33 AM
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Rene Offline
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Post: #27
RE: v1.0.7 ispCP-Debugger-Fehler?
(12-22-2010 08:33 AM)Rafioso Wrote:  Der Status, der in der ispCP-Debugger-Seite angezeigt wird, ist der gleiche wie in der Datenbank. Ich glaube, ispCP holt von dort die Meldung und zeigt sie auf der ispCP-Debugger-Seite an Smile

Vor setzen auf Change:
ispCP-Debugger-Seite Wrote:mbox_get_dmn_full_name() | ERROR: Unable to find the corresponding domain name...

Nach setzen auf Change & Ausführen des Request-Managers:
Konsole Wrote:[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_start_up(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: lock_system(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: lock_system(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_start_up(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type dmn.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type sub.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type als.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type alssub.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type mbox.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 52,, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-mbox-mngr 52 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type htusers.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type htgroups.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type htaccess.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type alssub.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type sub.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type als.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type dmn.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: domain count: 0 || subdomain count: 0 || aliasses count: 0 || email count: 1 || subdomain aliasses count: 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-serv-mngr 0 0 0 1 0 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-serv-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-serv-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_shut_down(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_shut_down(), msg: Ending...
ispCP-Debugger-Seite Wrote:mbox_get_dmn_full_name() | ERROR: Unable to find the corresponding domain name...

Na das sieht doch schon ganz anders aus Wink

(12-22-2010 08:33 AM)Rafioso Wrote:  
(12-22-2010 08:04 AM)Rene Wrote:  Wie sieht die Zuordnung des fehlerhaften Accounts aus?
Verstehe ich nicht.

Naja du hast die Spalten "domain_id" und "sub_id", so wird der Mailaccount dem User zugeordnet.

(12-22-2010 08:33 AM)Rafioso Wrote:  
(12-22-2010 08:04 AM)Rene Wrote:  Gíbt es noch die passende Domain?
Nein. Die Email (Testemail) sieht ungefähr so aus: (das ist auch die E-Mail, die den Fehler erzeugt). gibt es, aber nicht.

Ich befürchte dir wird nichts anderes über bleiben, als dies per Hand zu löschen. Vielleicht hätte ich das ja schon vorher mal fragen sollen... Wink
12-22-2010 08:45 AM
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Rafioso Offline
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Post: #28
RE: v1.0.7 ispCP-Debugger-Fehler?
Ich schau morgen mal danach.

Wäre an sich kein Problem, wenn ich es von Hand löschen müsste. Nur müsste mir jemand sagen, wo das alles hinterlegt wird.

Danke und gute Nacht.
12-22-2010 08:52 AM
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Rene Offline
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Post: #29
RE: v1.0.7 ispCP-Debugger-Fehler?
Schau mal bitte nach ob das Postfach noch in Courier bzw. Postfix konfiguriert ist:

Vllt. am besten, wenn nocht möglich, bevor du es per Hand aus der DB löscht.
Du kannst auch versuchen, dass es ispcp macht in dem du den Status auf "delete" änderst und anschließend nochmals den Request Manager laufen lässt.
Hilft das nichts, dann wirklich per Hand löschen.
(This post was last modified: 12-22-2010 09:15 AM by Rene.)
12-22-2010 08:59 AM
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Rafioso Offline
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Posts: 151
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Post: #30
RE: v1.0.7 ispCP-Debugger-Fehler?
Keine Verweise vorhanden. Ich habe den Eintrag nun aus der DB entfernt.

Danke für deine Hilfe!

PS: Wurde auch durch setzten auf "delete" nicht gelöscht.
12-23-2010 04:41 AM
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