hello, i'm new in this and i never use debian, i use freebsd but i but a vps who don't support that OS and i'm a little lost for install ispCP..
i will follow this guide:
i have a VPS new, with out any configuration, it's clean now only have apache2 because came with the OS (debian 5) but don't come email, db, ftp, and other... oooh! and have 2 ip that vps. and i want to know:
A) i need install email, webmail, db, ftp before try to install ispCP? if don't do the ispCP: can you say me the basic command or a easy guide for install?
B) i can configure for have:
ispCP do that for me? or that i must do out of ispCP for have it? and.. if i must do out of ispCP.. what guide you recommend me for do that?
C) in the future i can buy other vps and administrate the 2 vps with one ispCP control panel? (optional question)
sorry for my question... i never user before (debian or ispCP). I try with the demo and look very very easy and stable (ispCP) and i like so much.
Thanks so much for your time for read this post. and thanks much more if you can help me.
best regards