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Is this project dead?
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UndeadDevil Offline
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Post: #1
Sad Is this project dead?
I've been following ispCP since hearing about it on the VHCS2 forums and for the past few months its been complete silence.

I've been waiting to upgrade from vhcs2 to ispCP and now urgently need to.
VHCS2 has started reducing my servers to the point of being unresponsive (Runs the following process in the evening:/usr/bin/perl /srv/www/vhcs2/engine/traffic/vhcs2-vrl-traff - Uses 90-99% CPU, eats all the RAM - Can someone in the know tell me what this is?)

Is there any hope? I run Suse and tried to install RC2 on a spare machine the other day with no luck because a script is totally broken in the RC2 package.

Should I start looking for a new control panel, it feels like ispCP will never be a option now. Please reassure me.

Also whoever owns is a a****e, why did he remove the forums.

Anyway please keep up the good work on ispCP, once I have a usable version I will be more than happy to donate some beer money. Big Grin
09-05-2007 10:21 AM
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MicCo Offline

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Post: #2
RE: Is this project dead?
Nope, the project ain't dead, You can be sure!!

Just click at the link in the top "View New Posts", and you'll see.

For testing, I'll suggest that you use the mini-installer and that you install the nightly build instead of the RC2, as much errors/bugs are solved in the nightly build as still in the RC2, that just was an release then.
09-05-2007 04:09 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Is this project dead?
Hi UndeadDevil

maybe it's a good time to switch to Debian.
We'll get ispCP running on openSuSe (I already did) but the development is on debian - we have to focus on one and then we get the other working.

It seems that we're coming now to a first stable in the next weeks.../months???

But it's really not dead.

09-05-2007 06:06 PM
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rsmithgs Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Is this project dead?
UndeadDevil Wrote:VHCS2 has started reducing my servers to the point of being unresponsive (Runs the following process in the evening:/usr/bin/perl /srv/www/vhcs2/engine/traffic/vhcs2-vrl-traff - Uses 90-99% CPU, eats all the RAM - Can someone in the know tell me what this is?)

I had this issue and trying to remember what I did, I think I changed the cronjob running this from daily to half hourly which sorted it. Will try to check later.
09-05-2007 06:36 PM
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raphael Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Is this project dead?
Quote:VHCS2 has started reducing my servers to the point of being unresponsive (Runs the following process in the evening:/usr/bin/perl /srv/www/vhcs2/engine/traffic/vhcs2-vrl-traff - Uses 90-99% CPU, eats all the RAM - Can someone in the know tell me what this is?)
most probable reason is that your ftp logs have never been rotated, making the script process several hundreds of MB's (see our logrotate entry)
09-06-2007 08:15 AM
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UndeadDevil Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Is this project dead?
Thanks for the good news, I'm glad to hear dev work is going on in the background. I think the thing that really worried me was the RoadMap saying RC3 was 3 months late.

joximu: I do not wish to switch to Debian, my experiences with it are not good, Suse has allways been the one for me, everytime I've tried Debian I've had nothing but hassle with it, while I agree is must be a good version of Linux (Not the Ubuntu releases though, they suck and any user can go to hell - My opinion only!)

I will wait, and If I can I'll help getting Suse up and running with ISP-CP, I'll also help once 1.0 is reached with any dev work I can (I'm not a great coder, but know PHP like the back of my hand, that does not however mean I know Linux well. So stuff like a PHP PayPal Frontend I'll be able to help with.)

rsmithgs: Do I look like a idiot? Running it every half hour will reduce the servers to nothing.

raphael: I don't think anything is wrong with the FTP Logs, i'll double check tomoro, could it just be that to much info is being transfered? Maybe VHCS can't handle loads of sites and loads of bandwidth (We're talking 1000+ sites with around 150-200Gb a day load)
09-06-2007 09:51 AM
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rsmithgs Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Is this project dead?
UndeadDevil Wrote:rsmithgs: Do I look like a idiot? Running it every half hour will reduce the servers to nothing.

lol haven't a clue what you look like but I believe it was something to do with the job not having to process so much load when it ran. One way to find out for sure, after it has run wait 10 mins then run the jobs manually. If they don't bring your system to a halt and everything is fine then:

change the cronjobs to run every 30 mins

come back and admit you were an idiot lol
(This post was last modified: 09-06-2007 04:52 PM by rsmithgs.)
09-06-2007 04:48 PM
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MicCo Offline

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Post: #8
RE: Is this project dead?
Hey guys,
take it easy, keep a friendly tone.

If an cron are running often, the load will be near to nothing, if an cron runs every 7 or 14 days, it will make heavy load on server, that's simple.

Are you using suse or debian or redhat or what ever, that is your choise, who ever you are, but don't tell others to go to hell, just because they ain't using the same as you self, many thousand are useing debian, without any problems at all, the same for suse, redhat, etc., etc.
09-07-2007 09:30 PM
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rsmithgs Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Is this project dead?
Sorry if there was any offense taken by my last entry on this thread, I only meant it in a friendly way.

But hey the solution to your VHCS issue is here.
09-07-2007 09:33 PM
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UndeadDevil Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Is this project dead?
Hi, Sorry for the very late reply. I've been insanly busy with work.

I see lots of progress being made with ISP-CP on CVS, but no public releases?

The problem I posted about that rsmithgs advised on, is still going on. I tried re-activating the cron job, but within 5 minutes reduces the machines to halt! They don't even answer Ping Requests.

I ran it manually via SSH and got a Out Of Memory Message, which is the point where it hangs the machine.

Surly it would use the Swap if needed? I managed to get into Webmin before the machine totally crashed and the Swap was only 9Mb!!

I understand this isn't the place to talk about the now ancient and unreliable VHCS but if anyone has a solution, I'd love to hear it.

Also I'd like to hear how progress on ISP-CP is going (Reading Changelogs on CVS isn't very helpful) and if anyone could give a wild guess to how long it will be. We can't wait to upgrade from VHCS2, but obviously need to wait until a Stable Release. Hopefully ISP-CP won't have the bug VHCS2 has with creating new Bind DNS Records in Suse!

We got this bug, and I found a helpful Forum post on the VHCS2 Forums, Bookmarked it, went to work the next morning to find the Forums had been Deleted!!!

Keep up the good work guys, and again, sorry for late reply.[/align]
(This post was last modified: 01-19-2008 06:15 PM by UndeadDevil.)
01-19-2008 06:14 PM
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