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postfix&postgrey performance problem
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FeG Offline

Posts: 222
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Post: #1
postfix&postgrey performance problem
Hi all...

I've problems with my postfix server... whitin a few minutes it creates a lot of smtpd-processes and connections to the smtp-port are timing out.

I thought, at first, it's a problem with postfix, but tests approved, that postgrey is causing the problem. It seems as if postgrey is too slow to handle the much requests postfix sends.

I tried switching the connection between postfix and postgrey to a unix socket, but get the same problems here Sad

So my settings where, for the inet-connection:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
                               check_policy_service inet:

and for the unix socket-connection:
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
                               check_policy_service unix:postgrey/postgrey.socket

where /var/spool/postfix/postgrey/postgrey.socket is:
srwxrwxrwx 1 postgrey postgrey 0 2007-09-20 12:46 postgrey.socket

I don't know why postgrey has such a performance problem and found no information about this yet.

Does anyone of you has an idea how to solve this? Thanks in advance.

09-20-2007 09:50 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #2
RE: postfix&postgrey performance problem
We use here also Postfix & Postgrey with a Network Port and have no performance Problemes. There are over thousand mail a day for round about 180 users on a normal Server. 2GHz - 768RAM

Is your machine Ok ?

Greez BeNe
09-20-2007 10:10 PM
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FeG Offline

Posts: 222
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Post: #3
RE: postfix&postgrey performance problem
BeNe Wrote:Is your machine Ok ?

I think so Cool

I'm running with about 20 domains and a bit more than 200 mail accounts on an HostEurope Linux VPS XXL.

If I disable postgrey completely, postfix has no problems and is running with just 2 smtpd processes...

So the server seems to be ok...

09-20-2007 10:15 PM
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FeG Offline

Posts: 222
Joined: Aug 2007
Post: #4
RE: postfix&postgrey performance problem
Hi again,

has anyone experienced problems like this with his installation? I'm still running without postgrey, which makes the server running without problems... but of course, I get every Spam-Mail.

So.. does anybody has another idea about that?

10-13-2007 04:15 PM
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