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FastCgi - Debian Sarge
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Post: #1
FastCgi - Debian Sarge
Hello ;

Ok, I have fixed the problem fastcgi primary connect.

1. The php.ini file is wrong if the name is php4.ini or php5.ini ;
2. The mod_php on debian sarge is not available if libapache2-mod-fastcgi is loaded.
3. With the suexec mod activate, You can't execute gui files with the www-data user because his uid and his gid is 33.

4. For execute php4 : The path --> /usr/bin/php4-cgi in the php4-fcgi-starter file is wrong (why ???). In effect, php4 do not function. To regulate the problem, I have to replace this path by --> /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php4

5. the phptmp directory is not created automatically in GUI.

I soon you poster the final solution will regulate the problem.
02-05-2007 12:16 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #2
RE: FastCgi - Debian Sarge
Perfekt - you now know much about Fast-CGI. Wink
The Community will thank you! Great Job.
02-05-2007 12:42 AM
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