Junior Member

Posts: 18
Joined: Jan 2011
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RE: FTP Statistics not working
Hello again.
Now I've got pureftpd set to save a log file in stats format optimized for www traffic analyzers. The transfer data appears in the log file, and the ispcp-vrl-traff application looks like it collects data from the ftp log and no errors are being shown, the debug output of ispcp-vrl-traff is:
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: vrl_traff_start_up(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: get_conf(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: setup_main_vars(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: decrypt_db_password(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: decrypt_db_password(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: setup_main_vars(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: get_conf(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: zero_traffic_entries(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: zero_traffic_entries(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: vrl_traff_start_up(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: vrl_traff_engine(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: collect_http_traffic(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Starting for logfile /var/log/apache2/
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Taking the domain log positions from '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Saving new domain log positions in '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Starting for logfile /var/log/apache2/
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Taking the domain log positions from '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Saving new domain log positions in '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Starting for logfile /var/log/apache2/
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Taking the domain log positions from '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Saving new domain log positions in '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Starting for logfile /var/log/apache2/
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Taking the domain log positions from '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Saving new domain log positions in '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Starting for logfile /var/log/apache2/
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Taking the domain log positions from '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Saving new domain log positions in '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: collect_http_traffic(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Starting for logfile /var/log/pure-ftpd/transfers.log
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Taking the domain log positions from '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Saving new domain log positions in '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Starting for logfile /var/log/mail.log
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Taking the domain log positions from '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Saving new domain log positions in '/var/log/ispcp/logdb'...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: gen_log_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/bin/grep 'postfix' /var/log/ispcp/mail.log | /usr/sbin/ standard 1>/var/log/ispcp/smtp_delivery.log'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/bin/cat /var/log/ispcp/smtp_delivery.log|/usr/bin/awk '{if ( $10 != "?" && $6 !~ /virtual/ && !($5 ~ /localhost| &&$6 ~ /localhost| print substr($3, index($3, "@")+1, length($3)), substr($4, index($4, "@")+1, length($4)),$10;}' 1>/var/log/ispcp/smtp.log'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/bin/cat /var/log/ispcp/mail.log|/bin/grep 'imap'|/bin/grep 'user='|/bin/grep 'body='|/bin/grep -v 'ip=\[::ffff:\]'|/usr/bin/awk '{print $7,$9,substr($10,1,length($10)-1);}' 1>/var/log/ispcp/imap.log'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/bin/cat /var/log/ispcp/mail.log|/bin/grep 'IMAP'|/bin/grep 'Logged out bytes'|/usr/bin/awk '/IMAP/ {split($10,result,"="); split(result[2],oper,"/");print "user="substr($6,6,length($6)-7) ", headers=0, body=" oper[1]+oper[2]}'>>/var/log/ispcp/imap.log'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/bin/cat /var/log/ispcp/mail.log|/bin/grep 'imapd-ssl'|/bin/grep 'user='|/bin/grep -v 'ip=\[::ffff:\]'|/usr/bin/awk '{print $7,$9,substr($10,1,length($10)-1);}' 1>/var/log/ispcp/imap.log'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/bin/cat /var/log/ispcp/mail.log|/bin/grep -E '(courierpop3login|pop3d).+user=.+top='|/bin/grep -v 'ip=\[::ffff:\]'|/usr/bin/awk '/courierpop3login/ {print $7,$9,substr($10,1,length($10)-1);} /pop3d/ {print $7,$10,substr($11,1,length($11)-1);}' 1>>/var/log/ispcp/pop3.log'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/bin/cat /var/log/ispcp/mail.log|/bin/grep 'POP3'| /bin/grep 'Disconnected: Logged out' |/usr/bin/awk '/POP3/ {split($10,array,"/"); print "user="substr($6,6,length($6)-7) ", top="substr(array[2],0,length(array[2])) ", retr="substr($11,index($11,"/")+1,length($11)-1) ;}' 1>>/var/log/ispcp/pop3.log'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/bin/cat /var/log/ispcp/mail.log|/bin/grep 'pop3d-ssl'|/bin/grep 'user='|/bin/grep 'retr='|/bin/grep -v 'ip=\[::ffff:\]'|/usr/bin/awk '{print $7,$9,substr($10,1,length($10)-1);}' 1>/var/log/ispcp/pop3.log'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: vrl_traff_engine(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: vrl_traff_shut_down(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: vrl_traff_shut_down(), msg: Ending...
i don't know why does this keep happening to me:
![[Image: ftpproblem.png]](
I guess the problem now lies in getting these statistics displayed, but I can't figure out what to do to make the ftp stats appear. Anyone, please advice.
(This post was last modified: 09-08-2011 08:44 PM by Martini.)