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Tickets today...
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joximu Offline

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Post: #1
Tickets today...
Hi devs and dev helpers :-)

We had a thread with an overview of the tickets some time ago - I think this was a good thing, so I start a new one.

We have 5 tickets open for RC3:
Quote:55 Update Script from VHCS to ispCP ω 1.0.0
792 ubuntu: errors in make
802 Opensuse 10.3 Makefile / Docs
804 ERROR: External command '/usr/bin/mysql --host=localhost
--user=root --pass= < /tmp/db.sql 1>/tmp/db.sql.stdout
2>/tmp/db.sql.stderr' returned '1' status !
793 error on installing new language

55: ok, the people with a running vhcs2 platform should test this (make copy and test.. :-) - or is there a sample environment for the others too?

792: there are still several small bugs with ubuntu (I just installed on 7.10 server) - only because they symliked /bin/sh to /bin/dash (since maybe 6.10?). I wrote about the problems in the thread. 6.06 server LTS is ok (besides proftpd.conf is at the wrong place - but this is sth different)

802: whole makefile-package for opensuse 10.3...

804: didn't copy the files to /, tried to ispcp-setup in /tmp/... tsts

793: a CentOS PHP thing (the longtime supporters here know this problem: phpupload always to /tmp instead of php settings...)

So, if we could close or move the tickets (eg. the distro relevant thing should not block the further development) we maybe could dig forward to see RC3!

happy coding

10-22-2007 09:59 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #2
RE: Tickets today...
Quote:We had a thread with an overview of the tickets some time ago - I think this was a good thing, so I start a new one.
Yes, i opened the last one and so i am with you! Wink

About Ticket 793:
Yes i know about it! We can Close it:
Quote:10/21/07 12:03:27 changed by Sw1fty
Yes close it I will try it on other systems if this is also happening

Ticket 55: I will test it, i installed the old VHCS2 here in a VM-Box.

Greez BeNe
10-22-2007 10:11 PM
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BioALIEN Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Tickets today...
Thanks guys for the wonderful job testing and helping out. I am buried with work at the moment, but count me in for some Ubuntu testing as soon as I get a chance Smile
10-23-2007 02:54 AM
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monotek Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Tickets today...
Maybe someone is willing to look over my Opensuse 10.3 Makefiles?

At the moment its stops at the apache part of "perl ispcp-setup".

Docs and packagelist are ok.

PHP4 support is not given becaue i couldnt find any PHP4 RPMs for 10.3.
10-23-2007 09:06 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Tickets today...
... ok... I'll download opensuse...
10-23-2007 10:32 AM
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monotek Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Tickets today...
Just wait until the weekend. I missed some packeges in the packages-list.

Seems i submited the wrong one and deleted the finished one. Have to do it agaqin.... Rolleyes
10-25-2007 05:21 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #7
RE: Tickets today...
Quote:Just wait until the weekend. I missed some packeges in the packages-list.

What packages do you mean ?

RatS closed the SuSE problems today. So we have 4 Tickets for RC3 open.
What i do not understand is Ticket #804
I can install ispCP without any problems. Other not ? Why ?
I installed it on several Debian Etch Server without any problem...

Greez BeNe
10-25-2007 05:37 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #8
RE: Tickets today...
Hi BeNe

I also wrote in the ticket about the hanging...
did you make a fresh install?
so the db-keys.p* were not set (...{...}...)

it's the first running of ispcp-common-code:
if ($main::db_pass_key eq '{KEY}' || $main::db_pass_iv eq '{IV}') {

        $rs = sys_command("perl $main::cfg{'ROOT_DIR'}/keys/ $main::cfg{'GUI_ROOT_DIR'}/include/ispcp-db-keys.php $main::cfg{'ROOT_DIR'}/engine/ $main::c

        return $rs if ($rs != 0);

        do '';

and if you have a just fresh installed system (PC) there is not enough entropy an it takes really long - when IV and KEY is set, then everything goes like a flaw...
(except for the automatic passwords)

I don't know, if vServers are different in this case - maybe they have more entropy (from the host???)

10-25-2007 08:59 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #9
RE: Tickets today...
Quote:did you make a fresh install?
Yes on a fresh installed System and i had no problems.
It was not a vServer. But i did some work before on the Server and typed in many lines...i did ispCP not installed directly after Debian.

Quote:I don't know, if vServers are different in this case - maybe they have more entropy (from the host???)
Looks so, the Demo is also running in VM-Box and the setup works well here without your changes in the ispcp-common-code. But i will test it if i have a free Server here.

Greez BeNe
10-25-2007 03:49 PM
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Philipp Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Tickets today...
I had to shorten my last post in ticket #804 after Trac was thinking it is spam Rolleyes

Anyway, I installed IspCP successfully on the machine. The trick was to wait 20-30 minutes after the launch of ispcp-setup and again after the Activate AWStats question.

So the real issue is that the random password/key generator is taking way to long to generate keys on some configurations. The server load stays at 0.00 during this time, while the key generator just seems to hang for those 20-30 minutes.

Here are the hardware specs of the machine:

Motherboard SuperMicro X7DBR-E Intel Xeon DualCore DualProc SATA [2Proc]

Processor 1 Intel Xeon-Clovertown 5335-QuadCore-LV [2GHz]
Processor 2 Intel Xeon-Clovertown 5335-QuadCore-LV [2GHz]

RAM slot 1 Generic 2GB 667ECC FB-DIMM DDR2 [2GB]
RAM slot 2 Generic 2GB 667ECC FB-DIMM DDR2 [2GB]

Drive Controller Adaptec 3405 SATA/SAS RAID-1 Controller

Hard Drive 1 Western Digital WD Caviar RE 16 WD2500YS [250GB]
Hard Drive 2 Western Digital WD Caviar RE 16 WD2500YS [250GB]

Battery Adaptec Battery Backup Module ABM-800
Remote Mgmt Card SuperMicro AOC-SIMSO-plus IPMI-KVM
Operating system is Debian 4.0 (32-bit) with kernel 2.6.18-5-686-bigmem
10-25-2007 08:22 PM
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