// Settings
$block_proxy_attemts = true; // true or false
$log_proxy_attemts = true; // true or false
$log_proxy_attemts_to = "blockedproxy.log"; // Filename or path with filename
// To use this on your own page, please add following line:
// if (block_proxys() == true AND $block_proxy_attemts == true) { exit("Proxys are not allowed to connect to this page, please connect directly"); }
// Please do not change any thing under this comment
function block_proxys()
global $_SERVER, $log_proxy_attemts, $log_proxy_attemts_to;
$proxy_detected = '0';
function block_proxys()
global $_SERVER, $log_proxy_attemts, $log_proxy_attemts_to;
$proxy_detected = '0';
$blockedheaders = array(
foreach($blockedheaders as $i)
if (isset($_SERVER[$i])) { $proxy_detected++; $log .= $i.", "; }
if (gethostbyname(ReverseIPOctets($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']).".".$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].".".ReverseIPOctets($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']).".ip-port.exitlist.torproject.org") == "")
{ $proxy_detected++; $log .= "TOR exit node, "; }
if (exists_in_rbl() == true)
{ $proxy_detected++; $log .= "RBL, "; }
if ($proxy_detected >= '1')
if ($log_proxy_attemts == true)
if (is_writable($log_proxy_attemts_to)) {
$fp = fopen($log_proxy_attemts_to,"a");
fwrite($fp,date("Y-m-d H:i:s").": Proxy Server detected: ".gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])." (".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].") - Info: ".$log."\n");
} else {
exit("Connection Logfile is not writeable");
return true;
return false;
function exists_in_rbl() {
$rbls = array('http.dnsbl.sorbs.net', 'misc.dnsbl.sorbs.net');
$remote = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/",
$remote, $matches)) {
foreach ($rbls as $rbl) {
$rblhost = $matches[4] . "." . $matches[3] . "." .
$matches[2] . "." . $matches[1] . "." . $rbl;
$resolved = gethostbyname($rblhost);
if ($resolved != $rblhost) {
return true;
return false;
function ReverseIPOctets($inputip)
$ipoc = explode(".",$inputip);
return $ipoc[3].".".$ipoc[2].".".$ipoc[1].".".$ipoc[0];