Добрый день!
установленные пакеты:
Ситуация такова:
Пытаюсь установить isp omega в jail, при запуске
perl ./ispcp-setup
выдает следующее:
Starting ispCP installation
* Stopping all services: ........... [ Done ]
System checks
* Mysql server connection: [ Done ]
Services setup
* ispCP users and groups: [ Done ]
* ispCP directories: [ Done ]
* ispCP main configuration file: [ Done ]
* ispCP database: [ Done ]
* ispCP default language table: [ Done ]
* ispCP default SQL data: [ Done ]
* ispCP system hosts file: [ Done ]
* ispCP system resolver: [ Done ]
* ispCP crontab file: [ Done ]
* ispCP Bind9 main configuration file: [ Done ]
* ispCP Apache fastCGI modules configuration: [ Done ]
* ispCP Apache main vhost file: [ Done ]
* ispCP Apache AWStats vhost file: [ Done ]
* ispCP Postfix configuration files: [ Done ]
* ispCP Courier-Authentication: [ Done ]
* ispCP ProFTPd configuration file: [ Done ]
* ispCP init scripts: [ Done ]
GUI setup
* ispCP GUI Bind9 configuration: [ Done ]
* ispCP GUI fastCGI/PHP configuration: [ Done ]
* ispCP GUI vhost file: [ Done ]
* ispCP PMA configuration file: [ Done ]
Post-installation tasks for freeBSD
eval: Version: not found
[FATAL] An error occurred during setup process!
Correct it and re-run this program.
Log files are stored in /var/log/ispcp/setup
You can also find help at
В логе:
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command() | [ERROR] External command '/bin/sh postinst configure' exited with value 127 !
exit_msg() | Starting...
exit_msg() | Ending...
del_file() | Starting...
del_file() | Ending...
Покалупался, не отрабатывает скрипт maintainer-helper.sh, в строках
${CONF_FILE} | sed 's/\s*=\s*\(.*\)/="\1"/') ; do
eval $a
Кто-то может подсказать как с этим можно справится?
P.S Прикрепляю пхпинфо, конфиг, сам проблемный скрипт и пакеты в аттаче, так как сервачек доступен не всегда