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The Ultimate Trick to Improve Your Bach Cello Suites
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Macygosto Offline

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The Ultimate Trick to Improve Your Bach Cello Suites
You are going to really thank me for turning you on to this little known trick that can quickly improve your Bach Cello Suites. This was a practice technique given by DC Dounis to help both his violin and cello students play Bach better.

This technique couldn’t be easier…

Take whatever movement you are working on and PLAY IT ON TOP OF THE BRIDGE. I mean right on top of it. You shouldn’t hear any pitch and it will be difficult to keep the bow from drifting off the bridge but be vigilant and don’t give in to playing “ponticello” which is close to the bridge but not exactly on top of the wood.

This bowing technique forces you to following the curve of the bridge and keeps the bow in constant motion when it is changing strings. This is why it has such a profound effect on your Bach cello playing, because one of the most common errors for cellists playing Bach is the inability or undisciplined training of the bow technique during string crossings.

Dounis always said many great players have difficulty playing Bach because they don’t realize how much technique is really required to play it well. Then he pointed out how Bach was constantly filled with difficult string crossings.

So the next time your are playing a Bach Cello Suite play through a movement once or twice a day on top of the bridge and see how positively it affects your performance.
11-15-2012 01:48 AM
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