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Language & Translation
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MicCo Offline

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Post: #1
Language & Translation

May I suggest an very importen thread to have in a project like this, the Language & Translation thread, for which there at all time shall be an list of the current text strings, so when ever new text strings are added to the program, this text strings will be added to this list.

This shall ofcause at all time be in the international computer language, english, for by this way to make it simple and easy for the translaters of the language files to make sure that their tranlations are upto date.
10-24-2006 07:03 AM
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ephigenie Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Language & Translation
MicCo Wrote:Hello,

May I suggest an very importen thread to have in a project like this, the Language & Translation thread, for which there at all time shall be an list of the current text strings, so when ever new text strings are added to the program, this text strings will be added to this list.

This shall ofcause at all time be in the international computer language, english, for by this way to make it simple and easy for the translaters of the language files to make sure that their tranlations are upto date.

So for that it was some time ago we've planned that for vhcs (former times yes) to simply install a script on our server with a database of all our current translated strings and languages in it.
As such one can easy overlook new words (in new releases, functions maybe) and users who registered for that service can whenever they've some spare time just look which strings are untranslated and add them via the script into the translation - table.
This way we're easy on installing new languages and keep track on actual translation status and - it's simple to use.
As a benefit in long-term - thinking it would be possible to have more than one translation in one language so that maybe native speakers can rate the translation or correct it - so we always use the best translation we have.
10-24-2006 06:24 PM
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MicCo Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Language & Translation

Nice, I like that option.
10-24-2006 07:36 PM
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Quix0r Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Language & Translation
Also in my view: good idea. May I suggest something here?

The english language is the primary to open up the HEC-MSMP for nearly all people. On a server (mine is down currently and running backup!) we manage a text file with all text strings. This text file shall be not public accessable (reason follows!) and only we know the passwords to it.

There must also be a PHP script which handles the incoming POST requests - or "update-pings" - from our dev-tool (let me call it lang-uploader.php here, ok?).

When we add new languagge strings to the language files we must execute "lang-uploader.php" to check if there are new strings. This is done by lang-uploader.php asks for login/password (for the .htaccess access control with BASIC auth) and downloads the latest list. Then it compares the list with the local language strings and marks all new strings. Then we just need to press "upload" and done!

The ping-handler on the server is including the new strings in it's list (with pre-checking for maybe overridings) and adds them. A status code will be returned on success or failure.

The server-side list could look like this:

string1="english value"
string_a="english value a"

I have already made some experiences with such "POST pings" so I'm maybe the perfect candidate for coding this.

We need the login/password protection because else the spammers will add strings like following to our list:


And then we have lots of strings to remove. :-(

Any further suggestions?

11-01-2006 03:03 AM
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MicCo Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Language & Translation
Hello Quix0r,

What about an kind of licens number to be verifyed from within the controlpanel application, and an collecting of IP and information from Admin userpage. ??

We once made an program to run on all Windows systems that was online registrated and to verify the licens the software was contacting our server, if the licens allready was in use on another IP, we was send an e-mail from the system with the information about the two IP's, one for the one runing the licens and for the one trying to run the licens.

I think that this will work for the PON, due to that fact that an server always have an IP, I know that an localserver have network IP-range and that this is often 192.168.x.x. etc., but with the info collection and maby the IPS IP it will work.

Anyway, for the licens registration, we will be able to approx. know how many are using the PON, just something extra.
11-01-2006 07:42 AM
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yomizmo Offline

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Post: #6
RE: Language & Translation
I agree with some people about to do it via web for example like Songbird do it:

This is IMHO the best solution.
12-19-2006 04:30 AM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Language & Translation
it's not good enough for more than one language.
12-19-2006 09:01 AM
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yomizmo Offline

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Post: #8
RE: Language & Translation
RatS Wrote:it's not good enough for more than one language.

Big Grin
12-19-2006 09:48 AM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Language & Translation
How to mange 12 to 20 colums with translations? Scroll horizontal? And who will change the changes in the Database?
12-19-2006 05:45 PM
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yomizmo Offline

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Post: #10
RE: Language & Translation
RatS Wrote:How to mange 12 to 20 colums with translations? Scroll horizontal? And who will change the changes in the Database?

There is no problem about that. The language's translations are not in the same page:

And about the database I don't really know how songbird do it but we can answer them Big Grin
12-20-2006 12:19 AM
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