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Fehler bei der aktuellen SVN ?
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Slowman Offline

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Post: #1
Fehler bei der aktuellen SVN ?
Die aktuelle SVN macht bei mir Probleme bei der Installation, vielleicht kann mir Jemand einen Rat geben, wie ich es gebacken bekomme.


Quote:debian:/var/www/ispcp/engine/setup# ./ispcp-setup
Bareword found where operator expected at ./ispcp-setup line 2504, near "my $gui_root_dir = "$main::cfg{'ROOT_DIR'}/gui"
(Do you need to predeclare my?)
String found where operator expected at ./ispcp-setup line 2506, near "$cmd = ""
(Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 2504)
(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
Scalar found where operator expected at ./ispcp-setup line 2506, near "$cmd = "$main::cfg"
(Missing operator before $main::cfg?)
String found where operator expected at ./ispcp-setup line 2516, near "sys_command_rs(""
(Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 2506)
(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
Scalar found where operator expected at ./ispcp-setup line 2516, near "sys_command_rs("$main::cfg"
Bareword found where operator expected at ./ispcp-setup line 2516, near "/tmp/ispcp"
(Missing operator before pcp?)
Scalar found where operator expected at ./ispcp-setup line 2532, near "my $cfg_dir = "$main::cfg"
(Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 2516)
(Do you need to predeclare my?)
Global symbol "$gui_root_dir" requires explicit package name at ./ispcp-setup line 2492.
syntax error at ./ispcp-setup line 2504, near "my $gui_root_dir = "$main::cfg{'ROOT_DIR'}/gui"
syntax error at ./ispcp-setup line 2506, near "}:"
Global symbol "$gui_root_dir" requires explicit package name at ./ispcp-setup line 2506.
syntax error at ./ispcp-setup line 2516, near "sys_command_rs(""
syntax error at ./ispcp-setup line 2516, near "&>"
Global symbol "$rs" requires explicit package name at ./ispcp-setup line 2516.
Global symbol "$rdata" requires explicit package name at ./ispcp-setup line 2516.
Global symbol "$cfg_dir" requires explicit package name at ./ispcp-setup line 2516.
Execution of ./ispcp-setup aborted due to compilation errors.
12-03-2007 11:50 PM
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Daniel Offline

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Post: #2
RE: Fehler bei der aktuellen SVN ?

2 Zeichen ändern und schon geht es. Das Problem hatte ich heute Vormittag ebenso.
12-03-2007 11:54 PM
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Slowman Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Fehler bei der aktuellen SVN ?
Kannste mir das mal übersetzen Sad
12-03-2007 11:58 PM
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Daniel Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Fehler bei der aktuellen SVN ?
Ähm, du wirst doch wohl den vorletzten Beitrag übersetzten können?
Aber ich will mal nicht so sein.

Zeile 2492 von ipscp-setup durch folgende ersetzten:
$rdata =~ s/sharedscripts/sharedscripts\n\tprerotate\n\t\t$main::cfg{'AWSTATS_ROOT_DIR'}\/awstats_updateal/gi;
Es ist eigentlich nur das letzte $-Zeichen duch /gi ersetzt worden.
12-04-2007 12:06 AM
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Slowman Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Fehler bei der aktuellen SVN ?
12-04-2007 12:14 AM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Fehler bei der aktuellen SVN ?
$rdata =~ s/sharedscripts/sharedscripts\n\tprerotate\n\t\t$main::cfg{'AWSTATS_ROOT_DIR'}\/awstats_updateall\.pl/gi;

is correct!
12-04-2007 09:17 AM
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