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Change database server
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rbtux Offline

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Post: #1
Change database server
Is it enough to change the database_host entry of ispcp.conf to change the database server or is there something else to change? (ispcp related)

Do I have to change pma config manually?

What else?
12-09-2007 01:08 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #2
RE: Change database server
Config of webmail and netftp maybe also manually.

12-09-2007 01:56 AM
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rbtux Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Change database server
ok... I'll check that out...

I really would like to have ispcp database in an other server (cluster) than the customer database...

I think it should be possible to achieve that. I think the only parts of ispcp that must have access to the server with the customers databases is the manage sql part of the gui and the pma login...

So changing the database server in the ispcp.conf to one server and manually edit the parts of the manage sql code to connect to an other sql server should do the trick... (I know thats not done in 5 minutes...)

Anything that I forgot?
12-09-2007 02:06 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Change database server
Ah, yes...

proftpd also reads the user info directly from th ispcp db -> change in proftpd.conf
if you use dovecot then the same...
12-09-2007 02:09 AM
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rbtux Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Change database server
ou proftpd I totally forgot...

dovecot I rembered (of course... how couldn't I?)
12-09-2007 02:14 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #6
RE: Change database server
I thought about your project...

Maybe you'll run into more problems: the user-DB.
I think they will be on the same mysql as ispcp is - so you'll have to create an own host/username/password block for the managing of customer DBs in ispcp...

12-09-2007 08:15 AM
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rbtux Offline

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Post: #7
RE: Change database server
yeah i know that...

My Problem is that I have to separate the databases. I've got a lot services that depend on mysql (postfix/dovecot/proftpd/powerdns). Dovcot/powerdns and proftpd fetches information direct from the database so the database must be ha... I can't make the customers db ha because I don't have the budget for that and the customers wont pay for it.

Well I see what I can find out with my poor php skills...
12-09-2007 06:25 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #8
RE: Change database server
I also thought about mysql has to be rock solid - therefore the "mixed mode" with writing db data into files (as it happens for courier) I liked very much.
In SysCP they also use the DB for all infos - without fallback...

So, what has to be done?
Either let run a second MySQL on the server (or external) - only for ispCP or at least make sure the DB Server runs without problems and the customers cannot hack the ispcp-password... (that's what I like in suhosin

There are a lot things tot do... :-)
12-09-2007 10:30 PM
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