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Which operating system?
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gOOvER Offline

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Post: #11
RE: Which operating system?
The Wiki is online ^^
06-25-2008 05:47 PM
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BEPX Offline
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Post: #12
RE: Which operating system?

Its working Wink

I have 1 st problem.
Quote:When I try to execute this command:
apt-get install $(cat ./docs/Debian/debian-packages-etch
Im getting
debianwww:~# apt-get install $(cat ./docs/Debian/debian-packages-etch)
cat: ./docs/Debian/debian-packages-etch: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
Czytanie list pakietów... Gotowe
Budowanie drzewa zależności... Gotowe
0 aktualizowanych, 0 nowo instalowanych, 0 usuwanych i 0 nieaktualizowanych.

Can you tell me what's wrong ?

Solved, i have two this same repository, and this cause error.
(This post was last modified: 06-25-2008 06:10 PM by BEPX.)
06-25-2008 06:06 PM
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rycardo74 Offline
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Post: #13
RE: Which operating system?
Im use debian etch from here
on hp dl360 with 4G ram and sata disk with xeon DC.
Im so happy with the performance.
Im install to on hp dl360 with 4G ram and sata disk with xeon DC
with wmware 3 Vps (for test) and the performance are very very nice.

Debian Gnu/Linux is the N°1 the other are only linux
06-25-2008 06:20 PM
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BEPX Offline
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Post: #14
RE: Which operating system?

I installed this panel.

Quote:But when I try connect do FTP i'm getting connection error.

Then i check the status and that's it: FTP is down.

localhost   (Port 9876)      ispCP Daemon      UP
      localhost   (Port 10024)     AMaVis     DOWN
      localhost   (Port 53)     DNS     UP
      localhost   (Port 21)     FTP     DOWN
      localhost   (Port 80)     HTTP     UP
      localhost   (Port 143)     IMAP     UP
      localhost   (Port 12525)     POLICYD-WEIGHT     UP
      localhost   (Port 110)     POP3     UP
      localhost   (Port 995)     POP3-SSL     DOWN
      localhost   (Port 60000)     POSTGREY     UP
      localhost   (Port 25)     SMTP     UP
      localhost   (Port 783)     SPAMASSASSIN     DOWN
      localhost   (Port 22)     SSH     UP
      localhost   (Port 23)     TELNET     DOWN

Can you tell me how to fix, or what i need to write for console to get information what's wrong ?

Solved - i have to type proftpd and its says" problem is in domain name Wink "
vi /etc/hosts
and put my domain as

now working.
(This post was last modified: 06-25-2008 08:33 PM by BEPX.)
06-25-2008 07:07 PM
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