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FreeBSD ?
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StevenE Offline
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Post: #31
RE: FreeBSD ?
for id I get

uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel),5(operator),1111(root)

and I meant the gid of the group root which I created not the one of wheel
02-27-2008 11:33 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #32
RE: FreeBSD ?
ok, I understand... I think we can solve this with the gid instead of a group name...

Thanx, J

Ticket is here
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2008 12:34 AM by joximu.)
02-28-2008 12:28 AM
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StevenE Offline
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Post: #33
RE: FreeBSD ?

so far so good I'm testing around and most things seems working for me but needless to say some errors appears ^^ but nothing real bad...

on each *.php site where ISPCP_LICENSE is expected on the top of my Omega I see

Notice: Undefined index: ISPCP_LICENSE in (path_to_phpfile)

the database has to be filled by myself in some cases but thats only because the sql datas wasn't added by installation.

Greetz Steve
02-28-2008 07:00 PM
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gOOvER Offline

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Post: #34
RE: FreeBSD ?
This error is fixed in one of the lastest Trunks. Smile
02-28-2008 07:06 PM
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StevenE Offline
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Post: #35
RE: FreeBSD ?
I'm trying to install the nightly from today but stuck at some point
here is what I have to do running so far

# cd /usr/local/ && mkdir omega
# tar -xf ispcp-omega-trunk-20080228.tar.gz
# cd omega && vi BSDMakefile
<--------- schnipp -------------->
# rm -rf ${INST_PREF}
<--------- schnapp -------------->

# make -f BSDMakefile
# cp -Rp /tmp/ispcp-1.0.0 /ispcp

# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cspan> install Term::ReadPassword

# cd /usr/local/www/apache22/ispcp/engine/setup
# cp /usr/local/omega/engine/setup/ .
# ln -s /usr/local/etc/ispcp/ /etc/ispcp
# ./ispcp-setup
Please enter fully qualified hostname. [omega]:
Please enter system network address. []:
Please enter the domain name where ispCP OMEGA will run on []:
Please enter SQL server host. [localhost]:
Please enter system SQL database. [ispcp]:
Please enter system SQL user. [root]:
Please enter system SQL password. [none]:
Please enter ispCP ftp SQL user. [vftp]: omega
Please enter ispCP ftp SQL user password. [auto generate]: admin
Please repeat ispCP ftp SQL user password: admin
Please enter ispCP phpMyAdmin Control user. [pma]: omega
Please enter ispCP phpMyAdmin Control user password. [auto generate]: admin
Please repeat ispCP phpMyAdmin Control user password: admin
Please enter administrator login name. [admin]: root
Please enter administrator password:
Please repeat administrator password:
Please enter admininistrator email address:
Use which PHP Version? (4 or 5). [5]:
IP of Secondary DNS. (optional) []:
Use MySQL Prefix.
Possible values: [i]nfront, [b]ehind, [n]one. [none]:
Activate AWStats. [no]:
Starting Installation...
pw: illegal option -- c
pw: unknown switch
ERROR: External command '/usr/sbin/pw user del -c vmail-user -g 125 -s /bin/false vmail' returned '64' status !

so here we are Smile
02-28-2008 09:34 PM
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blocker Offline
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Post: #36
RE: FreeBSD ?
yeap, the modification in svn just finish at ispcp freebsd configuration, not yet touch the engine and other Smile for working ispcp you can look at my patch but its for rc2c,
need to be ajusted for use with rc3. just extract it and look in patch-[corresponding filename] for that portion which add the user ( patch for RC3 still in testing )

what does this patch do is
- change all root:root owner to root:wheel
- restructure some command like adduser to use pw command
- patch ispcp daemon
- startup script, etc

steve !! lets bring ispcp rock on freebsd Big Grin if you finish some modification, please do submit back to ispcp ok

For DEV:
I think now is the right time to touch the engine and other, there an issue when tweaking at that area. becouse different approach need for installation and working ispcp.

for installation, we can use if statement, for example
if debian then adduser $1 $2 $3
if freebsd then pw -add user $2 $1 $3
and then patch the engine so ispcp will working faster without have to burden with if statement. Is there any opinion about this integration method ? suggestion are welcome Smile i will submit the patch after finish rc3 modification
(This post was last modified: 02-29-2008 12:32 PM by blocker.)
02-29-2008 12:24 PM
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StevenE Offline
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Post: #37
RE: FreeBSD ?
Hi blocker I agree lets bring it rock ^^

Thanks for the link with your patches but they seem not to fit mostly. I just tried to patch the Installation File but there are to many changes.
But I think / hope that the only problem with the installation now is the syntax in ispcp-setup between 426 and 451

if (scalar(@gdata) == 0) { # we do not have this group
                my $cmd = "$main::cfg{'CMD_GROUPADD'} -g $mgid $prefix$mgid";
                $rs = sys_command($cmd);
                return $rs if ($rs != 0);
        if (scalar(@udata) == 0) { # we do not have this user
                my $cmd = "$main::cfg{'CMD_USERADD'} -d  $main::cfg{'PHP_STARTER_DIR'}/master -m -c vu-master -g $prefix$mgid -s /bin/
false -u $muid $prefix$muid";

I will try to modify so that it will work, but when you allready know the solution I'll be happy to hear ^^
(This post was last modified: 02-29-2008 05:48 PM by StevenE.)
02-29-2008 05:47 PM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #38
RE: FreeBSD ?
I'm glad to read that you're working on a version running under FreeBSD. If ready let us know, send us a copy of your modifications (diffs will be the best) and we will see how to implement without destroying the usability on other systems.

Good work!

Edit: I've just seen blockers PM. How to change engine? That's hart to say, because I don't know what has to be changed. Let me know where the problem are or change it how you need it and we have to think about (see above).
(This post was last modified: 02-29-2008 07:02 PM by RatS.)
02-29-2008 06:59 PM
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StevenE Offline
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Post: #39
RE: FreeBSD ?
sorry had not much time today for ispcp, but I think simpliest way is to change "back"
the CMD_USERADD in ispconfig to /usr/sbin/useradd.

Hope I can be more specific tomorrow
03-01-2008 01:24 AM
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blocker Offline
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Post: #40
RE: FreeBSD ?
hmm, you mean adduser ? i think not, BSD use adduser not useradd and it cannt use CLI in single line. the option using adduser is only interactive or batch file.
03-01-2008 11:18 AM
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