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ProFTPd mit mySQL Support oder nicht ?
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TrippleEx Offline
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Post: #1
ProFTPd mit mySQL Support oder nicht ?

wird eigentlich nach nach der Installation von ispCP, ProFTPd mit mySQL unterstützung bereitgestellt oder nicht?

Ich habe in der proftpd.conf die Einträge:

# ISPCP Managment;
SQLBackend                mysql        # enable for proFTPd >= 1.3
SQLAuthTypes             Crypt
SQLAuthenticate            on
SQLConnectInfo            ispcp@localhost vftp MeinPasswort
SQLUserInfo                ftp_users userid passwd uid gid homedir shell
SQLGroupInfo            ftp_group groupname gid members

und in der "modules.conf" werden ja auch:
ModuleControlsACLs insmod,rmmod allow user root
ModuleControlsACLs lsmod allow user *

LoadModule mod_ctrls_admin.c
LoadModule mod_tls.c
LoadModule mod_sql.c
LoadModule mod_ldap.c
LoadModule mod_sql_mysql.c
LoadModule mod_sql_postgres.c
LoadModule mod_quotatab.c
LoadModule mod_quotatab_file.c
LoadModule mod_quotatab_ldap.c
LoadModule mod_quotatab_sql.c
LoadModule mod_radius.c
LoadModule mod_wrap.c
LoadModule mod_rewrite.c

Module geladen.

Ich habe eine Shoutcast Hosting Script, das man in Verbindung mit ProFTPd mit mySQL Support betreiben kann.

Die Readme sieht folgendermaßen aus:
Quote:CentovaCast Configuration for ProFTPd
This directory contains instructions and sample configurations for setting up
ProFTPd for use with CentovaCast.

If you provide server-side source support (eg: via ices or sc_trans) to your
clients, this will allow your clients to login via FTP with their CentovaCast
usernames and passwords to upload and manage their media library.

This will not disrupt your existing FTP configuration (for example, if you also
host web sites on your server, your users will continue to be able to login via
FTP to upload their web pages as usual).

The sample centovacast.conf file included in this directory will configure
ProFTPd to listen on a particular IP address and/or port for FTP connections.
When a connection is received, it will authenticate against your CentovaCast
user database instead of your normal UNIX accounts.

The following prerequisites must be met to use CentovaCast with ProFTPd:

- A recent version of ProFTPd must be installed. The instructions in this guide
were tested with ProFTPd version 1.3.0.
- The mod_sql module and MySQL support must be installed in ProFTPd.

Please be sure that your system meets these requirements before proceeding.

To install centovacast.conf, copy it to the same directory as your proftpd.conf
file. Then make the following changes to centovacast.conf:

1) On the line that says:


Replace with the IP address on which CentovaCast's FTP
server should listen. Be sure to choose an address that is NOT already in
use by ProFTPd, otherwise ProFTPd will fail to start. (Alternately, you can
re-use an IP address and specify a different port number as described below.)

2) On the line that says:

SQLConnectInfo databasename@hostname username password

Replace databasename with your CentovaCast MySQL database name; replace
hostname with your MySQL hostname (usually "localhost"), and replace username
and password with your CentovaCast MySQL username and password.

3) Optional: If you want CentovaCast's ProFTPd server to listen on a nonstandard
port (for example, if you don't have a spare IP available), on the line that

Port 21

Replace 21 with the port on which the FTP server should listen.

Next, save your changes, and then modify your proftpd.conf file and add the
following command at the top of the file:

Include /path/to/centovacast.conf

Replace /path/to/centovacast.conf with the actual path to centovacast.conf. For
example, if you copied centovacast.conf to /etc/proftpd/, you would use:

Include /etc/proftpd/centovacast.conf

Finally, restart ProFTPd to make the changes take effect. Once this is done,
you should be able to login via FTP using the username and password for any
active CentovaCast account.


Problems restarting starting ProFTPd after integration update
Double-check that you have not mistyped any of the commands above, then double-
check that mod_sql and MySQL support have been built in to ProFTPd. The most
common cause for this problem is lack of MySQL support in ProFTPd, as MySQL
support is not normally enabled by default.

"Permission denied" when uploading
Your Centova Cast user account may have been created with a user ID below 1000.
Under most Linux distributions, user IDs below 1000 are reserved for system
accounts, and as a result, ProFTPd will not allow you to use them when logging

If you find that you are able to login via FTP to your Centova Cast accounts,
but that you receive "permission denied" errors whenever you attempt to upload
files, you will need to run the following command to determine your Centova
Cast user ID:

id centovacast

Replace "centovacast" with the username for the account under which Centova Cast
will be running. You should see something like:

uid=500(centovacast) gid=500(centovacast) groups=500(centovacast)

Check the "uid=" value to determine the user ID of your Centova Cast account; in
the example above, "uid=500" indicates that the user ID is 500. If this value
is below 1000, then this is the reason for your "permission denied" errors.

If so, add the following line to your /etc/proftpd/centovacast.conf file directly
below the "SQLEngine on" line:

SQLMinUserUID 500

Replace "500" with the user ID you obtained above. Finally, restart ProFTPd to
make the changes take effect.

Copyright 2006-2007, Centova Technologies Inc.

Ich habe die Zeile in die "proftpd.conf" eingetragen:
Include /etc/proftpd/centovacast.conf

Der Inhalt der centocast.conf sieht folgendermaßen aus:
# CentovaCast Configuration for ProFTPd
# Copyright 2006-2007, Centova Technologies Inc.
# This will configure ProFTPd to listen on a particular IP address and/or port
# for FTP connections.  When a connection is received, it will authenticate
# against your CentovaCast user database instead of your normal UNIX accounts.
# To install this file, copy it to the same directory as your proftpd.conf file.
# Then make the modifications noted below.  Finally, modify your proftpd.conf
# file and add the following command at the top of the file:
#    Include /path/to/centovacast.conf
# Then restart ProFTPd to make the changes take effect.

# Replace below with the IP address on which CentovaCast's FTP
# server should listen.  Be sure to choose an address that is NOT already in
# use by ProFTPd, otherwise ProFTPd will fail to start. (Alternately, you can
# re-use an IP address and specify a different port number below.)
<VirtualHost 2xx.xx3.1xx.1xx>

# Specify your MySQL connection details for your CentovaCast database below.
# This must match the settings in system/config.php.
SQLConnectInfo centova@localhost admin MeinPasswort

# If you want to use a port other than 21, change it below.
Port 21

# Do not modify anything below this line.

ServerName "CentovaCast FTP Service"
RequireValidShell off
DefaultRoot ~

SQLEngine on
SQLAuthenticate users userset
SQLAuthTypes crypt
SQLBackend mysql
#SQLLogFile /var/log/proftpd/sql.log

SQLUserInfo accounts,settings accounts.username accounts.password settings.ccuid settings.ccgid CONCAT(settings.vhostpath,accounts.username,'/var/spool/media') '/bin/false'
SQLUserWhereClause "status='enabled'"

Wenn ich ProFTPd neustarte bekomme ich die Meldung:
Quote:uxxcxom:~# /etc/init.d/proftpd restart
Stopping ftp server: proftpd.
Starting ftp server: proftpd - Fatal: unknown configuration directive 'SQLConnectInfo' on line 31 of '/etc/proftpd/centovacast.conf'

Kann ich den Inhalt der "centovacast.conf" irgendwie in der "proftpd.conf" integrieren ?

Oder gibt es eine andere Lösung wie es zum laufen bekommen kann ?

Danke schon mal im vorraus.
(This post was last modified: 02-17-2008 03:55 AM by TrippleEx.)
02-17-2008 03:54 AM
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rbtux Offline

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Post: #2
RE: ProFTPd mit mySQL Support oder nicht ?
du musst halt ispcp und das andere ding je als virtualhost konfigurieren... weiter würde ich mod_sql_postgres.c auskommentieren...
02-17-2008 04:05 AM
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rbtux Offline

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Post: #3
RE: ProFTPd mit mySQL Support oder nicht ?
Quote:Ich habe die Zeile in die "proftpd.conf" eingetragen:
Include /etc/proftpd/centovacast.conf

Vermultich bevor die modules.conf includiert wird...
02-17-2008 04:06 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #4
RE: ProFTPd mit mySQL Support oder nicht ?
die config von ispcp klappt? dann würde ich die andere analog aufbauen... also auch SQLBackend etc angeben...
02-17-2008 04:50 AM
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TrippleEx Offline
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Post: #5
RE: ProFTPd mit mySQL Support oder nicht ?
rbtux Wrote:Vermultich bevor die modules.conf includiert wird...

Stimmt, ich habs mal geändert, nun bekomme ich:

Starting ftp server: proftpd - warning: "CentovaCast FTP Service" address/port ( already in use by "ProFTPD"

Wie das mit dem VirtualHost bzw. mit SQLBackend funtzt habe ich keine ahnung :-(

Bräuchte hier etwas genauere Beschreibung...[/code]
02-17-2008 05:05 AM
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rbtux Offline

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Post: #6
RE: ProFTPd mit mySQL Support oder nicht ?

du musst eine separate ip oder einen separaten hostnamen spezifizieren...
02-17-2008 05:08 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #7
RE: ProFTPd mit mySQL Support oder nicht ?
Ist ja eigentlich ein Thema für ein proftpd Forum - oder sonstiges server-root forum...

Ok, nehme an, du hast mehrere IPs.
So wie's aussieht, nimmt die [global] Installation alle IPs für sich... (wäre noch festzustellen, zB. mit "lsof -i -P -T". also musst du dafür sorgen, dass da nur eine IP benutzt wird...
entweder auch die ispc-config in einen virtual-Block packen oder vielleicht einen Bind-Befehl nutzen, wenns das gibt...

02-17-2008 05:11 AM
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rbtux Offline

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Post: #8
RE: ProFTPd mit mySQL Support oder nicht ?
uii dann müsste man sich ja sogar mit der software befassen ;-)
02-17-2008 05:13 AM
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