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We need your help!!! Where is the Community ?
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #1
Exclamation We need your help!!! Where is the Community ?

everybody who is reading this Text is interested in VHCS Omega.
Like me,too.

At the moment VHCS Omega is growing slowly - the bug fixes also.
This is a problem. 4 people would do the release within 2 weeks, 8 within one week. At this time RatS is doing do most of all and falls in a hole of frustration. He is writing exam this time and do a lot for this Project.

The Team need Backup!!! The Team need your Help!!!

Has someone enough coding skill to help?
I know that there are some very excellent Coders out there.

So please - help us - help the Team - help RatS & Co.

I am only a System-Administrator without good coding skills.
But i have Servers and can test the stability and security.
Coding is not really my world. Sad

VHCS is OpenSource an this means Open for all and Open to spend some free Time.

I will thank all Members from the Dev-Team for there good work.
Please continue the work and help together.

Greez BeNe
03-15-2007 06:01 AM
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Some_Bored_Dude Offline

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Post: #2
RE: We need your help!!! Where is the Community ?
Heya BeNe,

Agree with you all the way. Like your self...
BeNe Wrote:I am only a System-Administrator without good coding skills.
But i have Servers and can test the stability and security.
Coding is not really my world. Sad

I do however try coding. Its always worth trying something otherwise I wouldnt learn a thing. I've been having a few tackles with Omega, but like RaTS, I'm caught up with time and commitments.

Progress with Omega has come along quite nicely. People donating sometime, even 30mins a day would help. The original VHCS project died due to (from what I've seen) lack of project managment. Dont let omega due from lack of interest. The team here have there code ready avalible through trac and are offering it to everyone who want to try omega 'as they build it' which is very open to me Smile.
03-15-2007 09:58 AM
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BioALIEN Offline
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Post: #3
RE: We need your help!!! Where is the Community ?
Time to go recruit potential helpers. The only way to do this is to raise the profile for the project.

Time to digg, slashdot, reddit etc about this project to the world Wink
03-15-2007 12:19 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #4
RE: We need your help!!! Where is the Community ?
Lets make it _really_ Public.
The Omega TEAM build here a solid base with Trac and Joomla and it looks damn hot. Their work in this direction is done.

The Community was so big on Did all know that there would be
a new VHCS Omega ? I dont think so. Ok there are some Threads but no Announcment about this here.

We should use more function to make it public.
Ask in other Forums, collect infos about helping People, talk about Omega.

It must be clear to all that this is a new start!
03-15-2007 05:13 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #5
RE: We need your help!!! Where is the Community ?
Can nuwin start a announcement in his Forum for his French-Friends ?

There are a lot of VHCS interesting people. And the French Community is also active. For sure they would like Omega and the new features.
03-15-2007 05:52 PM
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BioALIEN Offline
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Post: #6
RE: We need your help!!! Where is the Community ?
People, help spread the word:

This should be posted as a news entry on the homepage for visitors to spread the love. The best way to get people involved is to post a news article on the homepage and include two bits of information:
1) Announce the release of VHCS Omega RC1 - with download location.
2) State whats taken place and whats fixed - just simplify whats in the change log for people read quickly whats VHCS Omega is about and what's changed from the original VHCS2.
3) Include the above link so people can Digg it. Users will test the package and contribute patches.
4) Provide a date for when the next RC2 will be released.

This will keep people coming back for more, and allows developers to test it and contribute feedback.
03-15-2007 10:46 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #7
RE: We need your help!!! Where is the Community ?
I am on the run to announce Omega in some Forums which discuss about VHCS.
We will see. Keep on rolling.
03-16-2007 12:14 AM
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dominiquearpin Offline

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Post: #8
RE: We need your help!!! Where is the Community ?
You can register VHCS omega on or sourceforge.
03-16-2007 11:16 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #9
RE: We need your help!!! Where is the Community ?
dominiquearpin Wrote:You can register VHCS omega on or sourceforge.

This is a good idea!
But i think _this_ should a Dev-Member do. There are lot of Infos about Leader, Members, SVN, and so on. If no one Do it - i will do my best...
03-17-2007 01:52 AM
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smoked1 Offline

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Post: #10
RE: We need your help!!! Where is the Community ?
I'm afraid that my coding skills are not that great so I would not be of that much help. Has anyone made a post over at about this project? If not let me know and I will make one. Smile
03-17-2007 03:40 AM
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