Hello, i tried once to make a diffrent interface for each reseller (wiht unified backend at the end) by making multiple copies of /var/www/ispcp/gui (/var/www/ispcp-1/gui .... etc) and then change stuff in each one (add a logo for example) and make it served as vhosts for diffrent people ... anyway, it worked just fine a while ago, using ispcp 1.0 RC3 from sometime between october and december 2007, now i tried to do the same thing with a daily snapshot of 1.0 RC4 (ispcp-omega-trunk-20080315.tar.bz2) and i had trouble with it, finally i got it to work for one vhost by changing stuff in fcgi and adding pathes to it and hardcoding other stuff here and there (ill be posting a how-to if i get it working), but this is not good when i want to have multiple of them

i dont know how i can do it actually, it seems its somehow bound to the specific configuration by the line in /etc/passwd (vu2000:x:2000:2000:vu-master:/var/www/fcgi/master:/bin/false) so its the home directory for this user ... who is also the owner of the gui directory ... anyway ! any suggestions how to make such a hack in a clean/cleaner way ?
edit: maybe the idea is/should be : running php5-fcgi-starter for each reseller with a user/group for each reseller ... no ?