i have question about MAIA.
What should i do with this config?
It's 7. in the howto:
7.) The Spamassasin config
Please create a config with the generator [http://www.yrex.com/spam/spamconfig.php]\\ and save it under "/etc/spamassassin/local.cf" ====== 8.) Add user clamav to the amavis group ====== <cli> # usermod -G amavis clamav </cli> ====== 9.) MySQL must start before AMaVis ====== <cli> # update-rc.d -f mysql remove # update-rc.d mysql start 18 2 3 4 5 . stop 22 0 1 6 . </cli> ====== 10.) Restart the services ====== <cli> # /etc/init.d/amavis restart # /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon restart # /etc/init.d/postfix restart </cli> ====== 11.) Install Maia ====== We create a new directory and donwload the needed files.\\ You must change the second file (maia-lang-de.tar.gz) if German "de" is not your default language. Change it to your need. English is per default running. <cli> # mkdir /usr/src/maia # cd /usr/src/maia # wget
http://www.maiamailguard.com/files/maia-1.0.2a.tar.gz # wget
http://www.maiamailguard.com/files/maia-lang-de.tar.gz # wget
http://ratsnet.org/vhcs/maia_vhcs_theme_v2.12.tar.bz2 </cli> ===== Decompress the files. ===== \\ (You must also change the name of the second file here if you use an other instead of German) <cli> # tar -xzf maia-1.0.2a.tar.gz # tar -xzf maia-lang-de.tar.gz # tar xjvf maia_vhcs_theme_v2.12.tar.bz2 </cli> ===== Create the Maia-DB ===== <cli> # cd /usr/src/maia # mysql -u root -p mysql> CREATE DATABASE maia; mysql> quit </cli> Give the user 'amavis' a Password <cli> # passwd amavis </cli> ===== Give the user 'amavis' no shell ===== <cli> # chsh -s /bin/false amavis </cli> ===== Create the DB structure and set the permissions ===== (change '_YOUR_AMaVIS_PASS_ to your Pass) <cli> # cd /usr/src/maia/maia-1.0.2 # mysql -u root -p maia < maia-mysql.sql # mysql -u root -p maia mysql> GRANT CREATE, DROP, ALTER, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON mysql> maia.* TO amavis@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '_YOUR_AMaVIS_PASS_'; mysql> quit </cli> ===== Create directories for Maia ===== <cli> # mkdir /var/lib/amavis/maia # mkdir /var/lib/amavis/maia/scripts # mkdir /var/lib/amavis/maia/templates </cli> ===== The Maia config ===== <cli> # cd /usr/src/maia/maia-1.0.2 # mv maia.conf.dist maia.conf # vi maia.conf </cli> Change $password to your AMaViS Password and $base_url to
http://admin.yourserver.tld/tools/antispam And also correct the following file locations <cli> $script_dir = "/var/lib/amavis/maia/scripts"; $template_dir = "/var/lib/amavis/maia/templates"; $pid_file = "/var/run/amavis/.process-quarantine.pid"; </cli> ===== Copy the files ===== <cli> # cp /usr/src/maia/maia-1.0.2/maia.conf /etc/maia.conf # cp -R /usr/src/maia/maia-1.0.2/scripts/* /var/lib/amavis/maia/scripts # cp -R /usr/src/maia/maia-1.0.2/templates/* /var/lib/amavis/maia/templates </cli> ===== Set the right permissions ===== <cli> # chown -R amavis /var/lib/amavis/maia # chgrp -R amavis /var/lib/amavis/maia # chmod 640 /var/lib/amavis/maia/templates/*.tpl # chmod 750 /var/lib/amavis/maia/scripts/*.pl # chown amavis /etc/maia.conf # chgrp amavis /etc/maia.conf # chmod 640 /etc/maia.conf </cli> ===== Correct the directories in the scripts ===== <cli> # vi /var/lib/amavis/maia/scripts/process-quarantine.pl </cli> and change '/var/amavisd/maia/scripts' to '/var/lib/amavis/maia/scripts' <cli> # vi /var/lib/amavis/maia/scripts/send-quarantine-digests.pl </cli> change '/var/amavisd/maia/templates/' to '/var/lib/amavis/maia/templates/' ===== Then we can test the config ===== <cli> # cd /var/lib/amavis/maia/scripts # ./configtest.pl </cli> "NOT INSTALLED" is OK for some modules. ===== Import the Spamassassin rules ===== <cli> # cd /var/lib/amavis/maia/scripts # ./load-sa-rules.pl </cli> ===== Install the Webinterface ===== <cli> # mkdir /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam # cp -R /usr/src/maia/maia-1.0.2/php/* /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam </cli> ===== Copy the German locales ===== \\ Must be changed to your language if you do not use German. <cli> # mkdir /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam/locale/de # cp -R /usr/src/maia/de/* /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam/locale/de </cli> ===== Edit the config.php ===== <cli> # cd /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam # mv config.php.dist config.php # vi config.php </cli> ===== Change the default settings ===== (change '_YOUR_AMaVIS_PASS_ to your Pass) <cli> $default_display_language = "de"; $maia_sql_dsn = "mysql://amavis:_YOUR_AMaVis_PASSd@tcp(localhost:3306)/maia"; $address_rewriting_type = 4; $auth_method = "pop3"; </cli> ====== 12.) Install the SMARTY TEMPLATE ENGINE ====== <cli> # cd /usr/src/maia/ # wget
http://smarty.php.net/do_download.php?do....18.tar.gz # tar -xzf Smarty-2.6.18.tar.gz # cd Smarty-2.6.18/libs # mkdir /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam/libs/Smarty # cp -R ./* /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam/libs/Smarty </cli> Or ''alternatively'' on Debian ... <cli> apt-get install smarty </cli> and edit the following file <cli> # vi /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam/config.php </cli> uncomment the following line <cli> $smarty_path = "/var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam/libs/Smarty"; </cli> ====== 13.) Install the modern_blue Theme ====== <cli> # mkdir /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam/themes/modern_blue # cp -R /usr/src/maia/modern_blue/* /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam/themes/modern_blue </cli> ===== Set the Permissions ===== <cli> # chown -R vu2000:www-data /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam # chmod -R 555 /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam # chmod -R 755 /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam/themes </cli> ====== 14.) Apache meets Maia ====== <cli> # cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/ # vi 00_master.conf </cli> After this: <cli> Alias /ftp /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/filemanger/ </cli> add this line: <cli> Alias /antispam /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/antispam/ </cli> ===== Restart Apache ===== <cli> # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart </cli> ====== 15.) Test the GUI ====== \\ Open this URL on your Server:
http://admin.yourserver.tld/tools/antisp...igtest.php Here should everything looks 'OK'. If not install the needed modules with <cli> pear install modulname </cli> There is an error in PEAR::Image_Graph 0.7.2 that would be fixed in 0.7.3.\\ Up to then use this Patch ->[http://www.maiamailguard.org/maia/ticket/326]\\ Or you can download a patched Version: <cli> cd /usr/share/php/Image/Graph/Plot/ mv Pie.php Pie.php.orig wget
http://www200.pair.com/mecham/Pie.php.txt mv Pie.php.txt Pie.php </cli> Does not need a OK: <cli> PostgreSQL Support PEAR::Net_IMAP IMAP library LDAP library MCrypt library </cli> ====== 16.) Maia-AMaVis ====== \\ Maia need its own AMaVis, it´s a part of the package. <cli> # mv /usr/sbin/amavisd-new /usr/sbin/amavisd-bak # cp /usr/src/maia/maia-1.0.2/amavisd-maia /usr/sbin/amavisd-new # chown root /usr/sbin/amavisd-new # chmod 755 /usr/sbin/amavisd-new </cli> ====== 17.) Edit the Spamassassin config ====== <cli> # vi /etc/spamassassin/local.cf </cli> Add these lines on the end of the file and set your PW <cli> # Bayes database configuration use_bayes 1 bayes_store_module Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::SQL bayes_sql_dsn DBI:mysql:maia bayes_sql_username amavis bayes_sql_password _YOUR_AMaViS_PASS_ # < change '_YOUR_AMaViS_PASS_ to your Pass bayes_sql_override_username amavis bayes_auto_learn 1 bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam 0.1 bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 10.0 bayes_use_hapaxes 1 bayes_use_chi2_combining 1 bayes_ignore_header ReSent-Date bayes_ignore_header ReSent-From bayes_ignore_header ReSent-Message-ID bayes_ignore_header ReSent-Subject bayes_ignore_header ReSent-To bayes_ignore_header Resent-Date bayes_ignore_header Resent-From bayes_ignore_header Resent-Message-ID bayes_ignore_header Resent-Subject bayes_ignore_header Resent-To bayes_ignore_header X-Received-From-IP bayes_ignore_header X-Virus-Scanned bayes_ignore_header X-Spam-Status bayes_ignore_header X-Spam-Level bayes_ignore_header X-Sender bayes_ignore_header X-Mailer # Auto-Whitelist configuration auto_whitelist_factory Mail::SpamAssassin::SQLBasedAddrList user_awl_dsn DBI:mysql:maia user_awl_sql_username amavis user_awl_sql_password _YOUR_AMaViS_ # ←- change '_YOUR_AMaVis_PASS_ to your Pass </cli>
Thank you for your help...