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Mail Migration from "standard" Postfix MySQL setup
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lbm Offline
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Post: #1
Mail Migration from "standard" Postfix MySQL setup

I've played with your project for some time now and I must say it's great. I never wanted to use VHCS itself but now there is something actively developed where I can send ideas and patches if I need new features...

Anyways, since playing is not everything I'd like to move my productive system to ispCP.
Most important is mail. The setup relies on the postfixadmin project (with some manual patches like creating customers and apache directories):
and has been done pretty much like here:

So the passwords are stored as MD5s only from where I have to create the ispCP user and domainadmin accounts.

Moving the rest is pretty simple. Apache vhosts and vmail are stored in a:
$PREFIX/customer/[mail, htdocs, logs, awstats] hierarchy, similar to yours. I don't think it is a problem to either change your setup or copy the files accordingly into the default.

Good news: I can create a new xen-domU for the new host and move everything into the new setup. I don't need to bother about downtime and trials Smile.

Well more than enough written. Please tell me if you see a chance and have some ideas which php's and / or tables in ispCP to look at to do this task. (Like creation of users with md5-hashed passwords if thats possible)

Thanks and cheers,
04-10-2008 08:01 PM
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lbm Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Mail Migration from "standard" Postfix MySQL setup
Hmm. No ideas?

Well, maybe somebody knows if it - theoretically - might be possible to set up isp-cp accounts with md5 hashes instead of plain text passwords.

Or are you converting the plain text entries gathered from the web control panel into another format, like SHA or Crypt?

04-23-2008 06:09 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Mail Migration from "standard" Postfix MySQL setup
The passwords (for mail) are put into the courier "userdb" - but for this process the engine script also does a md5 conversion.
Then, the passwords are also stored in the sasldb file using "saslpasswd2" which requires a cleartext password :-(

In /etc/sasldb2 you can see the passwords with a hex editor :-(((

If you use a mysql based sasl service which can handle md5 passwords (maybe dovecot???) then you might do a conversion of your accounts.

04-23-2008 09:30 PM
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lbm Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Mail Migration from "standard" Postfix MySQL setup
Thanks for the hint...
joximu Wrote:If you use a mysql based sasl service which can handle md5 passwords (maybe dovecot???) then you might do a conversion of your accounts.
Well, thats what I'm doing on the old system: cyrus sasl with sql-lib. But IMHO this setup affects your design too much (I'd like to do some easy updates later, thats why I'd like to switch), so I think it's easier force a password reset for the migration.

Anyways, thank you very much. And maybe you'd like to think about storing the mail stuff in a database, too (since you are already using mysql and you got the info stored somewhere...). Again, here is a pretty good HowTo (though md5 is a bit outdated, but I don't know a better hash-function, yet...)

Keep up the good work Smile
04-24-2008 07:09 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Mail Migration from "standard" Postfix MySQL setup

yes, we already did some discussion about that.

The point is: a flat file also works when the db is down... :-)
Personally I'd prefer to stay with some flatfiles at least for the moment - even if it's more complicated - would be great if there were a possibilitiy to use md5 in the flat file....

04-24-2008 07:14 PM
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