
Posts: 8
Joined: Sep 2007
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Automatically add Mailaliases for Aliasdomains
Hello Folks,
I have a slight problem regards Emailaliases and Domainaliases.
Let's say I have domain1.tld added as a main domain.
Now I set up my mailbox mailbox1@domain1.tld. Fine so far.
But what if I also have domain1.othertld as a domain alias, and would like to use mailbox1@domain1.othertld as a mail forwarder to mailbox1@domain1.tld?
I mean, it's not a big thing to set up the mailbox and the forwarder, but this is only for 1 mailbox on 2 domains... I have a user that hast 20 domains with 20 mailboxes, which quickly sums up to 400 entries that need to be done...
Do I miss the obvious "Add Mailforwarder for all Aliasdomains" button, or am I right with thinking that this is not (yet) implemented?
If not yet, do you have an idea, when (approx.) it will be implemented (more like 1.1 or more like 2.0? ;-))
Thanks for any answer, oh, and, before I get the anticipated answer - Yes, I actually think about writing it myself and contribute to the sources :-P
I just don't want to mess with anybody elses work ;-))
04-14-2008 11:01 PM |