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ftp user with gid www-data
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comdi Offline

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ftp user with gid www-data

Is there anyone with the same problem?

My ftp user had uid vuxxxx and gid vuxxxx
- The directories and files created by ispCP had uid vuxxx and gid www-data

This makes problems if you use an CMS (typo3) it cant show the files
i had upload with ftp, because they have a wrong group!

I had searched for proftp hacks, but I dont find some working one.

Is there a way to change something in ispCP to create ftp users with the group www-data?
I'm surprised that I cant find any thread about that problem in VHCS or ispCP!
04-13-2007 08:59 AM
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joximu Offline

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RE: ftp user with gid www-data

I hadn't time to check typo3 (and other bigger apps), but settinng the user into group www-data is not the best - then they can do all, what isn't wanted (as in mod_php instead of fastcgi).
So we've to find a way to get typo3 running... I'll check this asap...

04-13-2007 09:05 AM
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ephigenie Offline
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Post: #3
RE: ftp user with gid www-data
This is no problem in ispCP Omega - because your CMS is executed under the same uid + group as you upload files (both vuXXXX )

We use fastcgi + suexec to achieve that.
That should make that very easy Wink
04-13-2007 09:20 AM
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