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Subdomain with an existing mountpoint
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Claus Offline
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Post: #1
Subdomain with an existing mountpoint

i need to create an subdomain which has the same mount point like the domain itself.
Actually, this is not possible at the frontend. -> I created a ticket for this a few minutes before.

Because this is a very important feature for me, can anyone tell me, if I can change the mountpoint manually after the creation? And if so, how it works ( which files need to be updated, which point of the ISPCP-Database) ?

Thanx a lot.

Regards, Claus

OS: Debain Etch
10-04-2008 05:27 AM
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gurge Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Subdomain with an existing mountpoint
Just add a
*                IN    A
( is the IP)
to your nameserver config. Than it should be the normal behavior.
10-07-2008 06:19 PM
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