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Some stuff for the FAQ
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #1
Question Some stuff for the FAQ
Hello Community,

i search stuff for the FAQ to help the ispCP users.
New users here see ispCP with other eyes than the Dev-Team, tester or hardcore Linux User.

With what FAQ can we help new ispCP Users?

Here some examples:

1.) How can i disable Postgrey ?
2.) How can i change to PHP5 ?
3.) Can i run PHP4 and PHP5 the same time ?

If anybody have a new Question, a Question with Solution or only a answer for a Question -
Post it here and i write it in the FAQ Section down.

Greez BeNe
05-01-2007 04:50 AM
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digibyte Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
Thanks BeNe for helping updating the FAQ. I don't have enough time for it. Thumbs up! Smile
05-01-2007 05:26 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
Hi BeNe
for the postgrey now it says in the FAQ: delete the line
check_policy_service inet:
I'd rather say: comment the line (# at the beginning of the line) - so it's possible to enable it again very easy. Sure: postfix must be reloaded.
If someone want's do disable postgrey forever, then (s)he can disable the daemon postgrey also (isn't needed so better disable I'd say). Well how to do this should be clear for someone running a root server.

05-01-2007 06:46 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
You are right!
But at the moment, i can´t edit in the FAQ only write a new one.
ephigenie knows about this and look for it.
I write it yesterday night and never need Postgrey so i delete it
and write it in the FAQ down. When i can edit the FAQ i will change to the comment of course!
(This post was last modified: 05-02-2007 05:11 AM by BeNe.)
05-02-2007 01:16 AM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
you meant: look for, not look after ^^
05-02-2007 04:56 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #6
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
RatS Wrote:you meant: look for, not look after ^^

Yes! Big Grin
There is too much Germany grammer in the game here....*damn*
05-02-2007 05:13 AM
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ephigenie Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
I got a question for the faq :

"How can i disable that ispCP sends me mails of each and everything"
05-02-2007 05:23 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #8
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
This is a good Question!
I will write it to the FAQ.
05-02-2007 05:34 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #9
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
Can somebody give me a tip about these Questions:

How can i disable that ispCP sends me mails of each and everything ?
How can i change to PHP5 ?

I need the answers for the FAQ and i´m not really sure.
05-02-2007 09:57 PM
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ephigenie Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
changing to php5 is just changing the last line in the php-starter script (exec php4-cgi / exec php5-cgi)

for the master (aka panel) its below /var/www/fcgi/master/

The mail thing is just : remove the mail-address out of the /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf file.

^^very short version Smile But i think you now know how Wink
05-02-2007 10:17 PM
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