Lets start from the beginning.
I had the users:
sub2.domain2.com (with redirect alias from domain1.com)
(I don't use multiple subdomains on accounts because I like the openbasedir rule that every seperate user has)
I deleted the user sub2.domain2.com since I couldn't remove the alias (the error keeps saying there are still emailaccounts (indeed there was 1 forward from this alias), but even after I deleted it, still the same error).
Then I created a new user domain1.com.
After this, domain1.com was working great but I found out that the earlier subdomain users of this domain1.com (sub1.domain1.com and sub2.domain1.com) were not working any more, It shows the content of the user domain1.com.
I have other domains where this setup is working correct.
But there I first created a domain.com user and then the subdomain users.
(So maybe it went wrong because I added the maindomain after the subdomains were already created)
Anyway I tried some regeneration of the config files.
I tried to disable the subdomains, regenerate config and then activate the subdomains again (since then the maindomain was still there).
Also I tried to disable all users and enable the maindomains first and then the subdomains.
No luck. :S
Even a few sites went down, because they were already reactivated in the UI but the htdocs and all other maps/files were still in a subfolder with a prefix: .disabled
I had to copy them one folder back manualy from ssh.
(Probably I expect some chmod problems here, since I remember there was some trouble with it)
Now domain1.com still works but sub1.domain1.com and sub2.domain1.com not.
I upgraded today to the latest nightly.
Regenerated config, updated database etc, still no luck.
I tried even adding a new user:
but this user cannot be added
Here is some error info:
check_uid_gid_available() | ERROR: Maximum user id for this system is reached!
get_file() | ERROR: File '/etc/ispcp/proftpd/parts/proftpd.conf.tpl' does not exist !
(see attachment)
I fixed the userid problem:
/etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf was incomplete somehow after the upgrade from nightly to nightly:
This was present:
This not:
So the expression:
if($sys_uid > $max_uid){
push_el(\@main::el, 'check_uid_gid_available()', "ERROR: Maximum user id for this system is reached!");
return (2, $sys_uid, $sys_gid);
Would always be true, since $max_uid is not defined.
Somehow when I check test.domain1.com it gives me a error 404.
(At least not the content from domain1.com

like sub(1,2).domain1.com still do)
When I check the files of this user, there isn't even a htdocs folder.
(Only backups, errors, and phptmp)