Kotty is right. You can do what he said to make a webmail subdomain (like webmail.domain.com). And all new domain will have that subdomain.
I have a subdomain for each tool (webmail, pma, webftp) in all domains. So when I create a new domain I have webmail.newdomain.com, pma.newdomain.com and webftp.newdomain.com
I did that following this howto
http://www.isp-control.net/documentation...domain.tld (the same you told us before), but with a little modification.
I didn't create a configuration file for each tool (02_webmail.conf, 03_pma.conf, 04_webftp.conf) I just take the code for each tool and put it in the 00_master.conf.
You need to make a little modification in the code for each tool. For example for the pma you have:
<VirtualHost BASE_SERVER_IP:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/pma
ServerName pma.DOMAIN.TLD
You need to modify that like this:
<VirtualHost {BASE_SERVER_IP}:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/pma
ServerAlias pma.*
Hope you can understand me, sorry about my english.
I attach my 00_master.conf file, so you can take a look and make it work.
See you.