So I was sitting and trying to upgrade to the latest ispCP trunk, well it seems like I have run into a unlucky streak, so let's hope you clever people can help me again!
Lots of text deleted!
sci2tech that also means you
Okay I got a bit anoyed;
I installed a new server and reinstalled ispCP nightly trunk, then I moved all pages/mail and made a mysql dump from the old server and imported it to the new, ran the ispcp-rqst-mngr. Started the ispCP daemon again. But now all pages just show the Login gui - Is that easier to solve than the other problem?
I did .tar all the libraries to keep the original owners of the web/mail folder.
Just logged into the mySQL demeter.domain.tld/pma/ and all the users from the old system has been perfectly implemented. I have a feeling it's something to do the the ispcp mysql password that might be screwed up, am I completely wrong?
Thise error is in phpmyadmin:
Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.
Well not everything is as good as it should be, have reset the pw and fixed the ispcp.conf - But now I can see all my users have changed virtual usernames, so the ones called:
vu2001 -> vu2009
vu2003 -> vu2010
vu2004 -> vu2011
vu2005 -> vu2012
vu2006 -> vu2013
vu2008 -> vu2014
Which gives a lot of nice errors in: /var/log/apache2/suexec.log
# tail /var/log/apache2/suexec.log
[2008-12-30 12:18:29]: uid: (2009/vu2009) gid: (2009/vu2009) cmd: php5-fcgi-starter
[2008-12-30 12:18:29]: target uid/gid (2009/2009) mismatch with directory (2009/2009) or program (2001/2001)
[2008-12-30 12:18:30]: uid: (2009/vu2009) gid: (2009/vu2009) cmd: php5-fcgi-starter
[2008-12-30 12:18:30]: target uid/gid (2009/2009) mismatch with directory (2009/2009) or program (2001/2001)
[2008-12-30 12:18:31]: uid: (2009/vu2009) gid: (2009/vu2009) cmd: php5-fcgi-starter
[2008-12-30 12:18:31]: target uid/gid (2009/2009) mismatch with directory (2009/2009) or program (2001/2001)
[2008-12-30 12:19:10]: uid: (2011/vu2011) gid: (2011/vu2011) cmd: php5-fcgi-starter
[2008-12-30 12:19:10]: target uid/gid (2011/2011) mismatch with directory (2011/2011) or program (2004/2004)
[2008-12-30 12:19:11]: uid: (2011/vu2011) gid: (2011/vu2011) cmd: php5-fcgi-starter
[2008-12-30 12:19:11]: target uid/gid (2011/2011) mismatch with directory (2011/2011) or program (2004/2004)
So as you can see, they Virtual userID's have changed, like I showed above.
Is there any chance to get around this problem, if more info is needed let me know!
Debian Lenny (Fully updated) - Latest Trunk rls 30/12/2008
I have tried to regenerate configs - No Luck.
Have checked permissions in:
root@demeter /var/www/ispcp/gui = vu2000:www-data
root@demeter /var/www/fcgi/master = vu2000:vu2000
Have tried:
php5-cgi -f /var/www/virtual/domain.tld/htdocs/index.php = executes smoothly
And the server is running again, of course it was all about permissions:
root@demeter /var/www/fcgi/domain.tlf
# ll
total 8
drwxr-x--- 2 vu2011 vu2011 4096 2008-11-04 02:10 php5
-rwxr-x--- 1
2004 2004 207 2008-11-04 02:10 php5-fcgi-starter
Now to the next part, which seems to be the postfix mail system!
FTP fixed, corrected the UID/GID in the ispcp db, that works now.
Mail, postfix seems to be giving a lot of trouble.
Dec 30 21:45:48 demeter postfix/master[31192]: terminating on signal 15
Dec 30 21:45:49 demeter postfix/master[5539]: daemon started -- version 2.5.5, configuration /etc/postfix
Dec 30 21:50:04 demeter postfix/policyd-weight[2425]: cache killed
Dec 30 21:51:01 demeter postfix/policyd-weight[2440]: policyd-weight 0.1.14 beta-17 started and daemonized. conf:Default settings; GID:110 110 EGID:110 110 UID:108 EUID:108; taint mode: 0
Dec 30 21:51:01 demeter postfix/policyd-weight[2440]: warning: cache_query: $csock couln't be created: connect: No such file or directory, calling spawn_cache()
Dec 30 21:51:01 demeter postfix/policyd-weight[2441]: cache spawned