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Manual translation is ready
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Lucan Offline
Beta Team

Posts: 982
Joined: Jul 2008
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Post: #1
Manual translation is ready
Hey guys, the english translation for CHBIES manual, which will be an official part of ispcp, is done.

It would be great if some of you can read it and recheck it.

If nobody is going to reply this topic within two days and tell me/us some mistakes, I assume that everything is faultless.
So i will sent it to CHBIE and tell him that it's the final translation.

So here we go:

# #
# ispCP Omega Enduser Manual #
# #
# #
# File: en.php #
# #
# Author: InkbuNet®, XX, #
# #
# #
# Copyright © 2009 Text & Screenschots by InkbuNet® #
# #
# Copyright © 2009 Images, Buttons, Icons & Layout by ispCP OMEGA #
# #
# Copyright © 2009 english translation by #
# XX, #
# XX, #
# XX, #
# #

// Display actual year
$year = date("Y");

// Version
$version = "ispCP 1.0.0 RC7 OMEGA";
$build = "build: 20081212";
$copy = "&copy; 2006 - $year by ispCP OMEGA";

// image paths
$images_path = "language/en/images";
$left_menu_images_path = "images/top/";
$menu_icons_path = "images/icons/";

// mouseover title for images
$image_title = "Click on me to see the big version!";

// Pagetitle
$pagetitle = "ispCP Omega end customer manual";

// Introduction / Addition - Definition

$note = "It may be, that not all functions, which are discribed here are available for you, because your server administrator did not grant you enough rights, or your webserver does not support these functions.";

// Left Navi
$text1 = "Customers manual";
$text2 = "Introduction";
$text3 = "What is ispCp Omega?";
$text4 = "Login display";
$text5 = "Time lag";
$text6 = "ispCP Web-interface";

$text7 = "Addition";
$text8 = "Upload with a FTP-Tool";
$text9 = "Write / Send an E-Mail";
$text10 = "Outlook Express";
$text11 = "Netscape";
$text12 = "Folder structure";
$text13 = "Index- / Home";

$text14 = "Definition";
$text15 = "Index of contents";
$text16 = "Miscellaneous";
$text17 = "Highlights";
$text18 = "Home";

// Top Navi
$top_menu_text1 = "General Informations";
$top_menu_text2 = "Domain Administration";
$top_menu_text3 = "E-Mail-Account";
$top_menu_text4 = "FTP-Access";
$top_menu_text5 = "Databases";
$top_menu_text6 = "Webtools";
$top_menu_text7 = "Domain Statistics";
$top_menu_text8 = "Support-System";

// index.php Pagecontent
$index_text1 = "NOT YET WORKED ON!!!";
$index_text2 = "";
$index_text3 = "";
$index_text3 = "";
$index_text4 = "";
$index_text5 = "";
$index_text6 = "";
$index_text7 = "";
$index_text8 = "";
$index_text9 = "";
$index_text10 = "";
$index_text11 = "";
$index_text12 = "";
$index_text13 = "";
$index_text14 = "";
$index_text15 = "";
$index_text16 = "";
$index_text17 = "";
$index_text18 = "";
$index_text19 = "";
$index_text20 = "";

// what_is_ispCP.php Pagecontent
$what_is_ispCP_text_1 = "ispCP Omega is a comfortable, web-based software, for administrating Unix-based Webservers.";
$what_is_ispCP_text_2 = "ispCP Omega is a good choice for your webserver, because it offers a huge list of functions, and a stable and efficient protective mechanism against unauthorized access.";
$what_is_ispCP_text_3 = "ispCP offers an interface for administrators, resellers and end customers and is built to comply all needs of a webhoster.";

// login_page.php Pagecontent
$login_page_text_1 = "If you have got your login information and the internet address for the ispCP-web-interface, you have to enter the URL into a browser, enter your username and password and press the <b>"Login"</b> button to confirm your input.";

$login_page_image_1 = "$images_path/login.png";

// temporal_delay.php Pagecontent
$temporal_delay_text_1 = "All changes that you do over the ispCP-web-interface, are directly available, but sometimes it can happen, that there is a lag of time for less than a second (Smart Server Restart + Internet Connection).";
$temporal_delay_text_2 = "If the server administrator is working on the server for maintenance purposes, the changes will be done when the maintenance is over, but they won't be missed.";

// ispCP_webinterface.php Pagecontent
$ispCP_webinterface_text_1 = "The ispCP-web-interface (Main Menu) is separated into two parts: the Main Menu-Part and the Informations-Part with options.";
$ispCP_webinterface_text_2 = "You can access several Menu-Scopes, if you click on a link at the Main Menu.";
$ispCP_webinterface_text_3 = "There are several submenus for every Main Menu, which are shown, after you chose a Main Menu.";

$ispCP_webinterface_image_1 = "$images_path/overview.png";
$ispCP_webinterface_image_2 = "$images_path/overview_kl.png";

// upload_with_a_ftp_programm.php Pagecontent
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_1 = "FTP is used for transferring your files to the server. The most common and comfortable way is using a FTP-program often also called FTP-client.
With this program you can connect to your server and transfer your files to it.
FTP-clients are available for all operating systems.";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_2 = "There are a lot of different FTP-clients but most of them are handled similar.
Your FTP-client will ask for the following login details, to be able to get a connection to the server.";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_3 = "Username/Login/User: Enter your IspCP username (for example";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_4 = "If you have added an additional FTP-user and you want to use that one, you have to enter that username (for example
Password: here you have to enter the password, with which you login into the IspCP-web-interface.
If you have added an additional FTP-user and you want to use that one, you have to enter the password, you chose for that user.
Host/URL/Server: Here you have to enter your domain or address, your webhoster gave you (without "http://" so just enter "").";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_5 = "There are two different ways of transferring files by using FTP:";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_6 = "1. Transferring files in ASCII-mode";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_7 = "2. Transferring files in Binary-mode";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_8 = "Which transferring mode you have to use depends on the file you want to transfer.
A lot of FTP-programs offer you a automatic detection for ASCII/BINARY - files.
These functions work for most of the files (HTML-documents and pictures) but if you want to transer PHP3-, perl-scrips, zip- or program- files or other files, which are not used that often, you better choose the transferring mode yourself. All ASCII-files have to be transferred at the ASCII-mode, all BINARY-files have to be transferred at the BINARY-mode.
Normally all text files are ASCII formatted:";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_9 = "htm/html documents (*.html, *.htm, *.shtml)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_10 = "Script-files (*.php3, *.php, *.asp)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_11 = "Text-files (*.txt)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_12 = "Perlscripts (*.pl/ *.cgi)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_13 = "The following files are belonging to the BINARY:";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_14 = "Pictures/Graphics (*.gif,*.jpg)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_15 = "Microsoft Word files, Richtext (*.doc, *.rtf)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_16 = "Archiv-files (*.zip, *.rar, *.arj)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_17 = "Programms (*.exe, *.com)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_18 = "Java-Applets (*.class, *.java)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_19 = "Compiled CGI-Programs (*.cgi)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_20 = "Tip:";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_21 = "Upload ASCII-files first (html-documents) and then all Binary-files (pictures etc.) : So you have to switch the upload-mode just once.";

// write_send_an_email.php Pagecontent
$write_send_an_email_text_1 = "With an Email-client you are able to fetch your emails in an easy way.
To fetch your Emails from a POP3-email-account, you need the following access data:";
$write_send_an_email_text_2 = "In- and Outgoing Server (ask your webhost)";
$write_send_an_email_text_3 = "Username/Login: Enter your ispCP username (for example";
$write_send_an_email_text_4 = "User (POP3- or IMAP-Email account, for example";
$write_send_an_email_text_5 = "Password (password for your POP3- or IMAP-Email account)";

// outlook_express.php Pagecontent
$outlook_express_text_1 = "If you would like to fetch your emails from your POP3 or IMAP email account, by using Outlook Express, you have to create a new email account.";
$outlook_express_text_2 = "For that you have to start Outlook Express and choose \"Accounts\" on the \"Extras-Menu\".";
$outlook_express_text_3 = "Now press the \"Add\" button and chose \"Email...\".";
$outlook_express_text_4 = "Enter your name and email-address.
At the In- and Out- going Server input field, you have to enter the server name, your webhost gave you.";
$outlook_express_text_5 = "At the \"Account name\" input field, you have to enter the username of your POP3- or IMAP- Email account.";

// netscape.php Pagecontent
$netscape_text_1 = "Start your Netscape Messenger and chose the menu item \"Settings\" from the \"Edit\" menu. Chose the \"Mail Servers\" page from the \"Mail & Newsgroups\" category.";
$netscape_text_2 = "At first you have to enter the SMTP-Server name for sending emails. You will get this address by your webhost.
Now you have to enter the name of the POP3 or IMAP Server, which will receive your messages by pressing the \"Add\" button.";
$netscape_text_3 = "At the popped up window, you now have to enter the servername, which your webhost gave you.
You also have to enter the name of your POP3- or IMAP- Email account, which you have created over the IspCP-Web-interface.";
// folder_structure.php Pagecontent
$folder_structure_text_1 = "While creating a domain (for a user), the following schedules are created automatically:";
$folder_structure_text_2 = "htdocs - Here will all the HTML-, PHP- files etc. be saved.";
$folder_structure_text_3 = "cgi-bin - Here will all the CGI-Scripts be saved (if your administrator allows you to use such)."
$folder_structure_text_4 = "errors - Here will all the error pages be saved at.";
$folder_structure_text_5 = "logs - Here will all the Apache logfiles be saved for this domain.";
$folder_structure_text_6 = "backups - Here will be saved a backup of your files (in a ZIP-file) every day.";
$folder_structure_text_7 = "phptmp – Your TMP folder.";

// index_home.php Pagecontent
$index_home_text_1 = "The HTML-page, which is getting accessed when just your domain (for example is entered, must be named as one of the stated below:";
$index_home_text_2 = "index.php";
$index_home_text_3 = "index.php3";
$index_home_text_4 = "index.phtml";
$index_home_text_5 = "index.htm";
$index_home_text_6 = "index.html";
$index_home_text_7 = "index.shtml";
$index_home_text_8 = "<b>index.html</b> is the privileged one!";

// index_of_contents.php Pagecontent
$index_of_contents_text_1 = "Account name:";
$index_of_contents_text_2 = "Declaration about the logged in account";
$index_of_contents_text_3 = "Main domain:";
$index_of_contents_text_4 = "Your main domain (name)";
$index_of_contents_text_5 = "PHP-support:";
$index_of_contents_text_6 = "CGI-support:";
$index_of_contents_text_7 = "SQL-support: ";
$index_of_contents_text_8 = "Declaration if this feature is activated for you";
$index_of_contents_text_9 = "Software installation: ";
$index_of_contents_text_10 = "Subdomains:";
$index_of_contents_text_11 = "Number of added Subdomains for your Main-Domain / maximum number of Subdomains, that you are able to add.";
$index_of_contents_text_12 = "Domain aliases:";
$index_of_contents_text_13 = "Number of added Domain aliases for your Main domain/ maximum number of Domain aliases, that you are able to add.";
$index_of_contents_text_14 = "E-Mail accounts:";
$index_of_contents_text_15 = "Number of added E-Mail-Accounts / maximum number of E-Mail-Accounts.";
$index_of_contents_text_16 = "FTP-Accounts: ";
$index_of_contents_text_17 = "Number of added FTP accounts / maximum number of FTP accounts.";
$index_of_contents_text_18 = "SQL-Databases:";
$index_of_contents_text_19 = "Number of added SQL databases / maximum number of SQL Databases.";
$index_of_contents_text_20 = "SQL-Users:";
$index_of_contents_text_t21 = "Number of added SQL users / maximum number of SQL-Users.";
$index_of_contents_text_22 = "Transfer volume (Traffic):";
$index_of_contents_text_23 = "The whole traffic made by your website.
The traffic, which is getting removed of your whole traffic volume, is the traffic that you create when you up- and download files trough FTP, and the traffic that your website creates, when it's getting accessed. Next to this notice, your whole traffic volume is displayed.";
$index_of_contents_text_24 = "Storage usage:";
$index_of_contents_text_25 = "Used storage / maximum storage";
// various.php Pagecontent
$various_text_1 = "Domain name = Username (so there won't be any confusion)";
$various_text_2 = "Adding a domain = Adding a user (or backwards)";
$various_text_3 = "Email account username = Email account (for example";
$various_text_4 = "The FTP account (username) is supplemented by the domain name (for example";
$various_text_5 = "The main directory (of a domain rather than the end customers account) = /var/www/virtual/";

// manual_page_13.php Pagecontent
$highlights_text_1 = "Highlights by CGI-Scripts / Perl programs";
$highlights_text_2 = "After you have uploaded your CGI-Scripts, in the right format (ASCII / Binary), they have must be made executable.";
$highlights_text_3 = "For that, you have to CHMOD these Scripts to 755 by using a FTP-client. ";
$highlights_text_4 = "For some CGI-programs, you may have to use a other CHMOD than 755 for some folders / files.";
$highlights_text_5 = "Please read the installation manual of your CGI-program, to get the knowledge of which files / folders have to get which CHMOD.";

// General informations
// Left Navi
$info_text1 = "Overview";
$info_text2 = "Change password";
$info_text3 = "Change own documents";
$info_text4 = "Language";
$info_text5 = "Hosting package change";

// ./general_information/index.php Pagecontent
$index_text_1 = "At the main page (main menu) some data of your website will be listed.";
$index_text_3 = "The first stated value represents the actual number of value (for example the used storage), the stated value behind that, shows the maximum value, which you can’t exceed.
So for example, the report \"Mail accounts: 5/10\" means, that you have already used 5 of 10 available mail accounts.";
$index_text_4 = "At \"definition\" you will get more information about this area.";
$index_text_5 = "Usage of the ispCP-Web interface";
$index_text_6 = "At the main menu, you are able to add / change certain actions. At the following description the different possibilities will be explained.";

$index_image_1 = "$images_path/overview.png";
$index_image_2 = "$images_path/overview_kl.png";

// ./general_information/change_password.php Pagecontent
$change_password_text_1 = "When logged into the ispCP Web-interface, you can change your password.";
$change_password_text_2 = " In order to change your password, simply enter your updates, your new password and confirm the changes by clicking on <b>"Update password" </ b>. "
$change_password_text_3 = "Your password should only contain letters and numbers, no words from a dictionary or a name. For safety reasons it should be at least 6 characters long.";
$change_password_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/change_password/1.png";
$change_password_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/change_password/1_kl.png";

// ./general_information/change_personal_data.php Pagecontent
$change_personal_data_text_1 = "In this area you are able to edit your personal data.";
$change_personal_data_text_2 = "To save your edited data, you just have to click <b>\"Update data\"</b>. You can change your First name, Last name, Gender, Company, Street name, additional Street name, ZIP/Postal code, City, Country, (possible additions), Email, Phone and Fax number.";
$change_personal_data_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/personal_data/1.png";
$change_personal_data_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/personal_data/1_kl.png";

// ./general_information/language.php Pagecontent
$language_text_1 = "When you read this manual, your native language may be English :-)";
$language_text_2 = "If you prefer to read this manual in a other language, you have some options to chose within.";
$language_text_3 = "Status message";
$language_text_4 = "Your ispCP Omega ISP (ispCP Omega Internet Service Provider) has the possibility to install additional languages.";

$language_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/language/1.png";
$language_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/language/1_kl.png";
$language_image_3 = "$images_path/general_information/language/2.png";
$language_image_4 = "$images_path/general_information/language/2_kl.png";
$language_image_5 = "$images_path/general_information/language/3.png";
$language_image_6 = "$images_path/general_information/language/3_kl.png";

// ./general_information/update_hostingplan.php Pagecontent
$update_hostingplan_text_1 = "If your ispCP Omega ISP offers different hosting packages, you have here the possibility to switch to a different package.";
$update_hostingplan_text_2 = "To do this,you have to click at <b>\"Change Package\"</b>.";
$update_hostingplan_text_3 = "Press the <b>\"Order\"</b>-link and your ISP will activate your newly ordered package imediatly.";
$update_hostingplan_text_4 = "If you would like to cancel youroOrder, press the <b>\"Cancel Order\"</b> button.";

$update_hostingplan_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/1.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/1_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_3 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/2.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_4 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/2_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_5 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/3.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_6 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/3_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_7 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/4.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_8 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/4_kl.png";

// Manage domains
// Left Navi
$domain_text1 = "Overview";
$domain_text2 = "Add subdomain";
$domain_text3 = "Add alias";

// ./manage_domains/index.php Pagecontent
$manage_domains_index_text_1 = "By selecting the menu item \"Manage Domains\" as user you can add another subdomain (e.g. or another domain alias (another domain pointing at the same webspace) to your primary domain. Provided your ispCP Omega ISP allows it. On the right you see already created subdomains and domain aliases.";
$manage_domains_index_image_1 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/1.png";
$manage_domains_index_image_2 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/1_kl.png";

// ./manage_domains/add_subdomain.php Pagecontent
$add_subdomain_text_1 = "To add a subdomain, click <b>„Add subdomain“</b>. In the upcoming Dialogue you can add a subdomain to your primary domain. ";
$add_subdomain_text_2 = "Into this dialogue enter the subdomain name. Into the field „Directory tree mount point“ choose the (relative to the main directory of your primary domain) “absolute” Path where this subdomain will point. By clicking <b>„Add“</b> the subdomain will be created.";
$add_subdomain_text_3 = "That's the way the subdomain entry will look when everything worked out";
$add_subdomain_text_4 = "On creation of the subdomain a directory for the domain will automatically be built. If CGI permissions of the primary domain are shared, there will be a cgi-bin directory inside the subdomain directory. Static HTML files will be positioned inside the HTDOCS folder (same applies to domains)
Subdomains will be mounted inside the main directory (completely separated from the primary domain) They have their own htdocs and cgi-bin directories. It's possible to create own FTP and/or mail accounts for Subdomains angelegt werden.";
$add_subdomain_text_5 = "<b>Delete subdomain</b>";
$add_subdomain_text_6 = "By clicking <b>„Delete“</b> in the list of subdomains, the corresponding subdomain will be removed.";
$add_subdomain_text_7 = "Note you'll need to confirm the deletion. Subdomains can't be deleted in case there are still open ftp or mail accounts for this subdomain.";

$add_subdomain_image_1 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/2.png";
$add_subdomain_image_2 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/2_kl.png";
$add_subdomain_image_3 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/3.png";
$add_subdomain_image_4 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/3_kl.png";
$add_subdomain_image_5 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/4.png";
$add_subdomain_image_6 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/4_kl.png";

//./manage_domains/add_alias.php Pagecontent
$add_alias_text_1 = "Domain aliases oder Co-Domains can be managed by ispCP Omega.<br /><br />Pick <b>„Add Alias“</b> from the menu.";
$add_alias_text_2 = "Domain-aliases can either be mounted inside the main directory - separated from the primary domains (see also information on subdomains) - or redirected to another domain (URL). Domain aliases need to be activated by your ispCP Omega ISP.";
$add_alias_text_3 = "This is the way the alias entry looks, once your isp approved the request.";
$add_alias_text_4 = "<b>Delete alias</b>";
$add_alias_text_5 = "By clicking <b>„Delete“</b> in the list of aliases, the corresponding Domain alias will be removed.";
$add_alias_text_6 = "Note you'll need to confirm the deletion. Domain aliases can't be deletet in case there are still open ftp or mail accounts for this alias.";

$add_alias_image_1 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/5.png";
$add_alias_image_2 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/5_kl.png";
$add_alias_image_3 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/6.png";
$add_alias_image_4 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/6_kl.png";
$add_alias_image_5 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/7.png";
$add_alias_image_6 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/7_kl.png";

// Email Accounts
// Left Navi
$email_text1 = "Overview";
$email_text2 = "Add mail user";
$email_text3 = "Catch all";
$email_text4 = "Webmail";

// ./email_accounts/index.php Pagecontent
$email_accounts_index_text_1 = "In the „E-Mail Accounts“ area you can create new email accounts and manage existing ones.";
$email_accounts_index_text_2 = "The summary shows the existing mail accounts. This page furhermore shows the type and status of your accounts. The "Type" column informs you, the account is either a Domain E-Mail Account, an E-Mail Account from a subdomain or an E-Mail forward. The "Status" column shows if the account is working or if there is an error.";

$email_accounts_index_image_1 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/1.png";
$email_accounts_index_image_2 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/1_kl.png";

// ./email_accounts/add_amailaccount.php Pagecontent
$add_mailaccount_text_1 = "Add mail user";
$add_mailaccount_text_2 = "To create another E-Mail address (account), enter the username first (the part of your E-Mail address that is in front of the @).";
$add_mailaccount_text_3 = "If you already created a subdomain, you can now choose, whether this mail account belongs to the main account or to the subdomain. If you want your mail to be stored on the server, choose <b>„Normal Mail“</b>. If you would like incoming mail to be forwarded to another mail account, enter the designated mail address(es) here and choose <b>„Forward mail“</b>. You can also define multiple forward addresses (e.g. [RETURN] [RETURN] [RETURN] etc.).";
$add_mailaccount_text_5 = "The forward addresses can be divided by linefeeds. Please note, if you choose <b>„Forward mail“</b> – your incoming mail won't be saved on the server";
$add_mailaccount_text_6 = "Notice, after you clicked Add.";
$add_mailaccount_text_7 = "This is the way the mail entry looks like if everything worked.";
$add_mailaccount_text_8 = "<b>Edit mail address, edit Mail-Forward and change password</b>";
$add_mailaccount_text_9 = "To change an E-mail address or forward or to change the passsword, in the summary click edit next to the designated mail address. The following menu is similar to that for <b>„Add mail user”</b>.";
$add_mailaccount_text_10 = "To edit the forward addresses, click inside the field „Forward to“ and chage the recipients to match your wishes. The additional recipients each get a copy of the mail, which was sent to the address, you set the multiple recipients for.";
$add_mailaccount_text_11 = "If you want to <b>change your password</b>, enter the new password two times and confirm the change with a click on <b>„Save“</b>.";
$add_mailaccount_text_12 = "<b>Delete mail address</b>";
$add_mailaccount_text_13 = "<b>Delete mail address</b><br /><br />To delete a mail address, in the summary just click <b>„Delete“</b> in the column titled <b>„Action”</b> (!) Please note that you will be asked to confirm the deletion.";
$add_mailaccount_text_14 = "Click OK";
$add_mailaccount_text_15 = "Mail address has been deleted";

$add_mailaccount_image_1 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/1.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_2 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/1_kl.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_3 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/2.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_4 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/2_kl.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_5 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/3.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_6 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/3_kl.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_7 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/6.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_8 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/6_kl.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_9 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/4.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_10 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/5.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_11 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/5_kl.png";

// ./email_accounts/catch_all.php Pagecontent
$catch_all_text_1 = "The catch all function makes that all mail, regardless of what stands in front of the @domain.tld - will be forwarded to the <b>designated mailbox</b>.";
$catch_all_text_2 = "Click <b>„Create catch all“</b>. ";
$catch_all_text_3 = "The following input mask will open. Please enter the address to forward the mail to";
$catch_all_text_4 = "Status message";
$catch_all_text_5 = "That's what the catch-all entry should look like if everything was ok";
$catch_all_text_6 = "<b>Delete CatchAll</b>";
$catch_all_text_7 = "Clicking <b>„Delete CatchAll“</b> in the Catch-All overview, will remove the catch-all.";
$catch_all_text_8 = "Note that you'll be asked to confirm the removal. ";
$catch_all_text_9 = "Status message";
$catch_all_text_10 = "Catch-All successfully created!";

$catch_all_image_1 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/1.png";
$catch_all_image_2 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/1_kl.png";
$catch_all_image_3 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/2.png";
$catch_all_image_4 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/2_kl.png";
$catch_all_image_5 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/3.png";
$catch_all_image_6 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/3_kl.png";
$catch_all_image_7 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/4.png";
$catch_all_image_8 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/4_kl.png";
$catch_all_image_9 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/5.png";
$catch_all_image_10 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/6.png";
$catch_all_image_11 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/6_kl.png";

// ./email_accounts/webmail.php Pagecontent
$webmail_text_1 = "With Webmail you can request your E-Mail from every internet-capable computer in the world. No need to install any software, you can use all features of your mail account right after login.";
$webmail_text_2 = "Hier stimmt was nicht !!!! Der Text hat hier nichts verloren!!! Domain-aliases can either be mounted inside the main directory - separated from the primary domains (see also information on subdomains) - or redirected to another domain (URL). Domain aliases need to be activated by your ispCP Omega ISP. ";
$webmail_text_3 = "You need help? Inside webmail click on";
$webmail_text_4 = "Icon";
$webmail_text_5 = "Your ISP might use a different webmail service not covered by this manual";

$webmail_image_1 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/webmail/login.png";
$webmail_image_2 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/webmail/1.png";
$webmail_image_3 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/webmail/1_kl.png";
$webmail_image_4 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/webmail/2.gif";

// FTP Accounts
// Left Navi
$ftp_text1 = "Summary";
$ftp_text2 = "Add FTP user";
$ftp_text3 = "Filemanager";

// ./ftp_accounts/index.php Pagecontent
$ftp_account_index_text_1 = "On the <b>„FTP-Accounts“</b> page you can manage your FTP users.";

$ftp_account_index_image_1 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/1.png";
$ftp_account_index_image_2 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/1_kl.png";

// ./ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user.php Pagecontent
$add_ftp_user_text_1 = "Click <b>„Add FTP-user”</b>.";
$add_ftp_user_text_2 = "In <b>„Username“</b< enter the new user. You can also just like with mail accounts choose whether the user should belong to the Domain itself or to a subdomain. In <b>„Password“</b> enter your designated password and confirm it.";
$add_ftp_user_text_3 = "If you want to restrict the ftp user to a specific directory, click <b>„Choose directory”</b> and pick the designated directory. ";
$add_ftp_user_text_4 = "Next click <b>„ Add”</b>.";
$add_ftp_user_text_5 = "If everything is correct the entry looks like this";
$add_ftp_user_text_6 = "Edit/delete FTP user";
$add_ftp_user_text_7 = "All existing ftp users will be listed, that can be edited or deleted by clicking <b>„Edit”/„Delete”</b>.";

$add_ftp_user_image_1 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/1.png";
$add_ftp_user_image_2 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/1_kl.png";
$add_ftp_user_image_3 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/2.png";
$add_ftp_user_image_4 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/2_kl.png";
$add_ftp_user_image_5 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/5.png";
$add_ftp_user_image_6 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/3.png";
$add_ftp_user_image_7 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/3_kl.png";

// ./ftp_accounts/filemanager.php Pagecontent
$filemanager_text_1 = "The File Manager is a web-based tool for up- and downloading your web documents. With WebFTP you can also edit files directly on the server. By clicking <b>„Filemanager”</b> you get to the Login-Screen.";
$filemanager_text_2 = "For entering the File Manager enter your FTP username and password.";
$filemanager_text_3 = "The english language userguide to the filemanager is available at the following site:";
$filemanager_text_4 = " ";
$filemanager_text_5 = "Userguide in english";

$filemanager_image_1 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/filemanager/1.png";
$filemanager_image_2 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/filemanager/1_kl.png";
$filemanager_image_3 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/filemanager/2.png";
$filemanager_image_4 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/filemanager/2_kl.png";

// Manage SQL
// Left Navi
$db_text1 = "Overview";
$db_text2 = "Add SQL Database";
$db_text3 = "PhpMyAdmin";

// ./manage_sql/index.php Pagecontent
$manage_sql_index_text_1 = "In this Menu you can create one or more Databases and Users and manage them with some Mouseclicks.";

$manage_sql_index_image_1 = "../$images_path/databases/1.png";
$manage_sql_index_image_2 = "../$images_path/databases/1_kl.png";

// ./manage_sql/add_sql_database.php Pagecontent
$add_sql_database_text_1 = "Inside the <b>„Manage SQL“</b> Menu choose <b>„Add SQL database“</b> and enter the database name. By clicking <b>„Add“</b> the database will be created. By picking the Option „Use Numeric ID”, you can prevent two databases with the same name being created and therefore prevents possible conflicts.";
$add_sql_database_text_2 = "(it's possible your ISP predefined this option for you)";
$add_sql_database_text_3 = "Statusmessage";
$add_sql_database_text_4 = "After creatoion you get back to the Overview page, where you can add new users to the newly created database.";
$add_sql_database_text_5 = "Add/Delete SQL User";
$add_sql_database_text_6 = "On the right hand side click <b>„Add SQL user”</b>, to add a new user to the database domain_13.";
$add_sql_database_text_7 = "Enter the Usernamen and pick a password. Here too, it's possible to use the just introduced option „Use Numeric ID” (it's possible your ISP predefined this option for you).";
$add_sql_database_text_8 = "Once agan you return to the Overview page, where you can execute direct queries, change the password of the SQL user delete the user or even the whole database.";

$add_sql_database_image_1 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/1.png";
$add_sql_database_image_2 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/1_kl.png";
$add_sql_database_image_3 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/2.png";
$add_sql_database_image_4 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/2_kl.png";
$add_sql_database_image_5 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/3.png";
$add_sql_database_image_6 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/3_kl.png";
$add_sql_database_image_7 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/4.png";
$add_sql_database_image_8 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/4_kl.png";

// ./manage_sql/phpmyadmin.php Pagecontent
$phpmyadmin_text_1 = "Via phpMyAdmin you can manage, create, delete, export etc. your Databases and corresponding Tables in an appealing webinterface";
$phpmyadmin_text_2 = "Naturally all these operations can be executed without using phpMyAdmin, by sending the commands manually to the Database.";
$phpmyadmin_text_3 = "By clicking <b>„phpMyAdmin”</b>, a new browser-window for authentication with the database will open. ";
$phpmyadmin_text_4 = "After entering the Username and password picked in 6.2 and pressing the OK button, you will be redirected to the Webinterface of phpMyAdmin. ";
$phpmyadmin_text_5 = "The phpMyAdmin userguide is available in english language at the following location:";
$phpmyadmin_text_6 = "";
$phpmyadmin_text_7 = "English language userguide";

$phpmyadmin_image_1 = "../$images_path/databases/phpMyAdmin/1.png";
$phpmyadmin_image_2 = "../$images_path/databases/phpMyAdmin/2.png";
$phpmyadmin_image_3 = "../$images_path/databases/phpMyAdmin/2_kl.png";

// Webtools
// ./webtools/navi.php
$wt_text1 = "Overview";
$wt_text2 = "Protected Areas";
$wt_text3 = "Group-/Usermanagement";
$wt_text4 = "Error pages";
$wt_text5 = "Backup";
$wt_text6 = "Webmail";
$wt_text7 = "Filemanager";

// ./webtools/index.php Pagecontent
$webtools_index_text_1 = "In ispCP there are several Web Tools available, which can be a useful support for managing and using your website.";

$webtools_index_image_1 = "../$images_path/webtools/1.png";
$webtools_index_image_2 = "../$images_path/webtools/1_kl.png";

// ./webtools/protected_areas.php Pagecontent
$protected_areas_text_1 = "Here you can password-protect certain directories of your website.";
$protected_areas_text_2 = "On the overview page „Protected Areas” click the button <b>„Add new protected area”</b>. You get to the following screen:";
$protected_areas_text_3 = "Choose the designated Directory on your Webspace by clicking „Choose Dir”. To password-protect your whole website, inside the popup window just opened, pick the directory „htdocs”.";
$protected_areas_text_4 = "To protect a single subdirectory, navigate to the designated directory by first clicking the „htdocs”-Directory itself (don't Choose it!). Repeat this step until you see the designated subdirectory and pick it via the „Choose”-Link. ";
$protected_areas_text_5 = "The popup will close automatically and the path to your chosen directory will be put into the Path field.";
$protected_areas_text_6 = "Now enter a username. This one will appear in the request window when entering the protected directory with your browser.";
$protected_areas_text_7 = "Within User now choose the beforehand created user, who shall be granted access to the protected directory and afterwards click the <b>“Protect it”</b>-Button. If you want to grant access to multiple users, select those by holding down the Ctrl Key.";
$protected_areas_text_8 = "Status OK!";

$protected_areas_image_1 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/1.png";
$protected_areas_image_2 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/1_kl.png";
$protected_areas_image_3 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/2.png";
$protected_areas_image_4 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/2_kl.png";
$protected_areas_image_5 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/ftp.png";
$protected_areas_image_6 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/3.png";
$protected_areas_image_7 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/3_kl.png";
$protected_areas_image_8 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/4.png";
$protected_areas_image_9 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/4_kl.png";

// ./webtools/webtools_page_2.php Pagecontent
$group_user_management_text_1 = "Before being able to protect a directory, you need to add a user with password. Therefore click the button „Manage users and groups”. Afterwards you'll get to the following screen:";
$group_user_management_text_2 = "Creating a group is not necessarily needed.";
$group_user_management_text_3 = "You can just create a user for a protected area (directory) via the <b>„Add user”</b> button.";
$group_user_management_text_4 = "Subsequently you have to assign this newly created user to a directory.";

$group_user_management_image_1 = "../$images_path/webtools/group_user_management/1.png";
$group_user_management_image_2 = "../$images_path/webtools/group_user_management/1_kl.png";
$group_user_management_image_3 = "../$images_path/webtools/group_user_management/2.png";
$group_user_management_image_4 = "../$images_path/webtools/group_user_management/2_kl.png";
$group_user_management_image_5 = "../$images_path/webtools/group_user_management/3.png";
$group_user_management_image_6 = "../$images_path/webtools/group_user_management/3_kl.png";

// ./webtools/error_pages.php Pagecontent
$error_pages_text_1 = "When opening a non existing Website in the browser, an error message will appear. In this case it's the Error 404 – File not found. In the Error Pages area you can replace these standard error pages with your own. By defining custom error pages for a directory those will apply also to all subfolders, unless there are other custom error pages assigned to the subdirectories.";
$error_pages_text_2 = "Error pages are stored in the /errors directory. These can be viewed and independently edited.";
$error_pages_text_3 = "Error 401 – Access denied:";
$error_pages_text_4 = "When entering the wrong password for a password protected site, this error will appear.";
$error_pages_text_5 = "Error 403 – Forbidden:";
$error_pages_text_6 = "This error message appears when a user wants to access a directory/site he doesn't have access to or when the user entered the wrong Credentials.";
$error_pages_text_7 = "Error 404 – File not found:";
$error_pages_text_8 = "This error occurs when opening a site, that doesn't exist.";
$error_pages_text_9 = "Error 500 – Internal Server Error:";
$error_pages_text_10 = "This error is mostly shown, if you open a defective cgi script.";
$error_pages_text_11 = "Edit error pages";
$error_pages_text_12 = "You can adjust the error messages yourself. In the dialogue „Error pages“ pick the error message by clicking „Edit“ next to it. In the following menu you can adjjust your errormessage. To save the changes click <b>„Save“.</b>";
$error_pages_text_13 = "View Error Pages";
$error_pages_text_14 = "You can display the Error Page by clicking <b>„View“</b>. This function is extremely useful, once you created your own error pages e.g. for errorchecking, etc.";

$error_pages_image_1 = "../$images_path/webtools/error_pages/1.png";
$error_pages_image_2 = "../$images_path/webtools/error_pages/1_kl.png";
$error_pages_image_3 = "../$images_path/webtools/error_pages/2.png";
$error_pages_image_4 = "../$images_path/webtools/error_pages/2_kl.png";
$error_pages_image_5 = "../$images_path/webtools/error_pages/3.png";

// ./webtools/daily_backup.php Pagecontent
$daily_backup_text_1 = "Daily backups including Databases";
$daily_backup_text_2 = "ispCP backups your server on a regular base. To be able to restore your Files from Data loss click <b>„Restore“</b>. All files from the last backup will be restored.";
$daily_backup_text_3 = "Backup / Restore function";
$daily_backup_text_4 = "A .tar file is created daily inside the backup/ directory, whereas the file from the previous day will be deleted (no Webspacecost). The user is able to download these files via FTP. In case files are no longer available (e.g. due to a Server-crash, etc.) the user can upload the tar file and run the restore operation by clicking <b>\"Restore\"</b>. In that case the files (Webspace) will be restored to the state of the last backup.";
$daily_backup_text_5 = "Backup File-Format";
$daily_backup_text_6 = "test_9sql.bz2";
$daily_backup_text_7 = "domain.com_backup_16-01-2009_01-11-05.tar.bz2";
$daily_backup_text_8 = "incl. Date and Time of the Backups (16.01.09 at 01:11:05)";

$daily_backup_image_1 = "../$images_path/webtools/daily_backup/1.png";
$daily_backup_image_2 = "../$images_path/webtools/daily_backup/1_kl.png";

// ./webtools/webtools_page_5.php Pagecontent

// Text wird von ./email_accounts/webmail.php genommen

// ./webtools/webtools_page_7.php Pagecontent

// Text wird von ./ftp_account/filemanager.php genommen

// Domain statistics ERLEDIGT!
// Left Navi
$ds_text1 = "Overview";

// ./domain_sttistics/index.php Pagecontent
$domain_statistics_text_1 = "The domain statistics make possible, to analyze the access-statistics and further data of your domain. You can determine the period by entering year and month. By clicking „OK“, the statistic will be shown.";
$domain_statistics_text_2 = "If you access the statistics via the main menu, you will be displayed your usage data.";
$domain_statistics_text_3 = "The data shown in this case is:";
$domain_statistics_text_4 = "Date";
$domain_statistics_text_5 = "Domain Web-Transfer";
$domain_statistics_text_6 = "FTP-Transfer";
$domain_statistics_text_7 = "SMTP-Transfer";
$domain_statistics_text_8 = "POP3- and IMAP-Transfer";
$domain_statistics_text_9 = "Total (the maximum quota is shown below the bar)";

$domain_statistics_image_1 = "../$images_path/domain_statistics/1.png";
$domain_statistics_image_2 = "../$images_path/domain_statistics/1_kl.png";

// Support system
// Left Navi
$ss_text1 = "Open Tickets";
$ss_text2 = "Closed Tickets";
$ss_text3 = "New Ticket";

// ./support_system/index.php Pagecontent
$support_system_index_text_1 = "The overview in the support system automatically shows all open support requests";
$support_system_index_text_2 = "By clicking the subject you can answer or close the support request. With the Delete function you can remove one or all support requests.";

$support_system_index_image_1 = "../$images_path/support_system/1.png";
$support_system_index_image_2 = "../$images_path/support_system/1_kl.png";
$support_system_index_image_3 = "../$images_path/support_system/open_tickets/1.png";
$support_system_index_image_4 = "../$images_path/support_system/open_tickets/1_kl.png";

// ./support_system/closed_tickets.php Pagecontent
$closed_tickets_text_1 = "Here you see a list of all closed tickets.";

$closed_tickets_image_1 = "../$images_path/support_system/closed_tickets/1.png";
$closed_tickets_image_2 = "../$images_path/support_system/closed_tickets/1_kl.png";
$closed_tickets_image_3 = "../$images_path/support_system/closed_tickets/2.png";
$closed_tickets_image_4 = "../$images_path/support_system/closed_tickets/2_kl.png";

// ./support_system/new_ticket.php Pagecontent
$new_ticket_text_1 = "This option opens a new form to record a support request. Your request will automatically be sent to your ISP.";

$new_ticket_image_1 = "../$images_path/support_system/new_ticket/1.png";
$new_ticket_image_2 = "../$images_path/support_system/new_ticket/1_kl.png";


And maybe a mod is so nice and will close the other topic I opened a few days/weeks ago, because it's quite confusing
02-12-2009 06:50 AM
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bpratt Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 71
Joined: Oct 2007
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Post: #2
RE: Manual translation is ready
Okay, here's my adjustments. Smile

(02-12-2009 06:50 AM)Lucan Wrote:  
// Version
$version = "ispCP 1.0.0 RC7 OMEGA";
$build = "build: 20081212";
$copy = "&copy; 2006 - $year by ispCP OMEGA";

I'll assume that's already updated. Smile

Quote:// Introduction / Addition - Definition

$note = "It is possible that not all functions described here are available for you, because your server administrator did not grant you enough rights, or your webserver does not support these functions.";

$text8 = "Upload with a FTP Tool";

$text13 = "Index / Home";

// Top Navi
$top_menu_text1 = "General Information";

$top_menu_text3 = "E-Mail Account";
$top_menu_text4 = "FTP Access";

$top_menu_text8 = "Support System";

// what_is_ispCP.php Pagecontent
$what_is_ispCP_text_1 = "ispCP Omega is a comfortable, web-based software, for administering Unix-based Webservers.";

$what_is_ispCP_text_3 = "ispCP offers an interface for administrators, resellers and end customers and is built to comply all needs of a webhosting enviroment.";

// temporal_delay.php Pagecontent
$temporal_delay_text_1 = "All changes that you do over the ispCP web-interface, are available immediately, but sometimes there delay of less than a second (Smart Server Restart + Internet Connection).";

// ispCP_webinterface.php Pagecontent
$ispCP_webinterface_text_1 = "The ispCP web-interface (Main Menu) is separated into two parts: the Main Menu part and the Information part with options.";
$ispCP_webinterface_text_2 = "You can access several Menu Scopes, if you click on a link at the Main Menu.";
$ispCP_webinterface_text_3 = "There are several submenus for every Main Menu, which are displayed after you choose a Main Menu option.";

// upload_with_a_ftp_programm.php Pagecontent
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_1 = "FTP is used for transferring your files to the server. The most common and comfortable way is using a FTP program often also called FTP client.
With this program you can connect to your server and transfer your files to it.
FTP clients are available for all operating systems.";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_2 = "There are a lot of different FTP clients but most of them are handled similar.
Your FTP client will ask for the following login details, to be able to get a connection to the server.";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_3 = "Username/Login/User: Enter your IspCP FTP username (for example";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_4 = "If you have added an additional FTP user and you want to use that one, you have to enter that username (for example
Password: here you enter the password, with which you login into the IspCP web-interface.
If you have added an additional FTP user and you want to use that one, you have to enter the password, you chose for that user.
Host/URL/Server: Here you enter your domain or address, your webhoster gave you (without "http://" so just enter "").";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_5 = "There are two different ways of transferring files by using FTP:";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_6 = "1. Transferring files in ASCII-mode";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_7 = "2. Transferring files in Binary-mode";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_8 = "Which transferring mode you have to use depends on the file you want to transfer.
A lot of FTP programs offer you a automatic detection for ASCII/BINARY - files.
These functions work for most of the files (HTML-documents and pictures) but if you want to transer PHP3-, perl-scrips, zip- or program- files or other files, which are not used that often, you better choose the transferring mode yourself. All ASCII-files have to be transferred at the ASCII-mode, all BINARY-files have to be transferred at the BINARY-mode.
Normally all text files are ASCII formatted:";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_9 = "htm/html documents (*.html, *.htm, *.shtml)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_10 = "Script files (*.php3, *.php, *.asp)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_11 = "Text files (*.txt)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_12 = "Perl scripts (*.pl/ *.cgi)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_13 = "The following files belong to the BINARY type:";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_14 = "Pictures/Graphics (*.gif,*.jpg)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_15 = "Microsoft Word files, Richtext (*.doc, *.rtf)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_16 = "Archive files (*.zip, *.rar, *.arj)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_17 = "Programs (*.exe, *.com)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_18 = "Java Applets (*.class, *.java)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_19 = "Compiled CGI-Programs (*.cgi)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_20 = "Tip:";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_21 = "Upload ASCII files first (html-documents) and then all Binary files (pictures etc.) : So you have to switch the upload-mode just once.";

// write_send_an_email.php Pagecontent
$write_send_an_email_text_1 = "With an Email client you are able to retrieve your emails easily.
To fetch your Emails from a POP3 email account, you need the following data:";
$write_send_an_email_text_2 = "Incoming and Outgoing Server (ask your webhost)";
$write_send_an_email_text_3 = "Username/Login: Enter your ispCP email username (for example";
$write_send_an_email_text_4 = "User (POP3 or IMAP Email account, for example";
$write_send_an_email_text_5 = "Password (password for your POP3 or IMAP Email account)";

// outlook_express.php Pagecontent
$outlook_express_text_1 = "If you would like to retrieve your emails from your POP3 or IMAP email account, by using Outlook Express, you have to create a new email account.";
$outlook_express_text_2 = "For that you have to start Outlook Express and choose \"Accounts\" on the \"Extras Menu\".";
$outlook_express_text_3 = "Now press the \"Add\" button and chose \"Email...\".";
$outlook_express_text_4 = "Enter your name and email address.
At the Incoming and Outgoing going Server input field, you have to enter the server name, your webhost gave you.";
$outlook_express_text_5 = "At the \"Account name\" input field, you have to enter the username of your POP3 or IMAP Email account.";

// netscape.php Pagecontent
$netscape_text_1 = "Start your Netscape Messenger and chose the menu item \"Settings\" from the \"Edit\" menu. Chose the \"Mail Servers\" page from the \"Mail & Newsgroups\" category.";
$netscape_text_2 = "At first you have to enter the SMTP Server name for sending emails. You will get this address from your webhost.
Now you have to enter the name of the POP3 or IMAP Server, which will receive your messages by pressing the \"Add\" button.";
$netscape_text_3 = "At the popped up window, you now have to enter the servername, which your webhost gave you.
You also have to enter the name of your POP3 or IMAP Email account, which you have created over the IspCP Web-interface.";
// folder_structure.php Pagecontent
$folder_structure_text_1 = "While creating a domain (for a user), the following directories/folders are created automatically:";
$folder_structure_text_2 = "htdocs - Is where all the HTML, PHP files etc. are to be saved.";
$folder_structure_text_3 = "cgi-bin - Is where all the CGI-Scripts are to be saved (if your administrator allows you to use such)."
$folder_structure_text_4 = "errors - Is where all the error pages are to be saved.";
$folder_structure_text_5 = "logs - Is where your Apache logfiles will be saved for this domain.";
$folder_structure_text_6 = "backups - Is where your saved backups of your files (in a ZIP-file) every day.";
$folder_structure_text_7 = "phptmp – Your TMP folder.";

// index_home.php Pagecontent
$index_home_text_1 = "The HTML page, which is getting accessed when just your domain (for example is entered, must be named as one of the stated below:";
$index_home_text_2 = "index.php";
$index_home_text_3 = "index.php3";
$index_home_text_4 = "index.phtml";
$index_home_text_5 = "index.htm";
$index_home_text_6 = "index.html";
$index_home_text_7 = "index.shtml";
$index_home_text_8 = "<b>index.html</b> is the default one!";

// index_of_contents.php Pagecontent
$index_of_contents_text_1 = "Account name:";
$index_of_contents_text_2 = "Declaration about the logged in account";
$index_of_contents_text_3 = "Main domain:";
$index_of_contents_text_4 = "Your main domain (name)";
$index_of_contents_text_5 = "PHP support:";
$index_of_contents_text_6 = "CGI support:";
$index_of_contents_text_7 = "SQL support: ";
$index_of_contents_text_8 = "Declaration if this feature is activated for you";
$index_of_contents_text_9 = "Software installation: ";
$index_of_contents_text_10 = "Subdomains:";
$index_of_contents_text_11 = "Number of added Subdomains for your Main Domain / maximum number of Subdomains, that you are able to add.";
$index_of_contents_text_12 = "Domain aliases:";
$index_of_contents_text_13 = "Number of added Domain aliases for your Main domain/ maximum number of Domain aliases, that you are able to add.";
$index_of_contents_text_14 = "E-Mail accounts:";
$index_of_contents_text_15 = "Number of added E-Mail Accounts / maximum number of E-Mail Accounts.";
$index_of_contents_text_16 = "FTP Accounts: ";
$index_of_contents_text_17 = "Number of added FTP accounts / maximum number of FTP accounts.";
$index_of_contents_text_18 = "SQL Databases:";
$index_of_contents_text_19 = "Number of added SQL databases / maximum number of SQL Databases.";
$index_of_contents_text_20 = "SQL Users:";
$index_of_contents_text_t21 = "Number of added SQL users / maximum number of SQL Users.";
$index_of_contents_text_22 = "Transfer volume (Traffic):";
$index_of_contents_text_23 = "The total traffic of your website.
The traffic, which is getting removed of your whole traffic volume, is the traffic that you create when you upload / download files through FTP, and the traffic that your website creates, when it's getting accessed. Next to this notice, your total traffic volume is displayed.";
$index_of_contents_text_24 = "Storage usage:";
$index_of_contents_text_25 = "Used storage / maximum storage";
// various.php Pagecontent
$various_text_1 = "Domain name = Username (so there won't be any confusion)";
$various_text_2 = "Adding a domain = Adding a user (or backwards)";
$various_text_3 = "Email account username = Email account (for example";
$various_text_4 = "The FTP account (username) is supplemented by the domain name (for example";
$various_text_5 = "The main directory (of a domain rather than the end customers account) = /var/www/virtual/";

// manual_page_13.php Pagecontent
$highlights_text_1 = "Highlights by CGI Scripts / Perl programs";
$highlights_text_2 = "After you have uploaded your CGI Scripts, in the right format (ASCII / Binary), they must be made executable.";
$highlights_text_3 = "For that, you have to CHMOD these Scripts to 755 by using a FTP client. ";
$highlights_text_4 = "For some CGI programs, you may have to use a different CHMOD than 755 for some folders / files.";
$highlights_text_5 = "Please read the installation manual of your CGI program, to find out which files / folders have to get which CHMOD.";

// ./general_information/index.php Pagecontent

$index_text_5 = "Usage of the ispCP Web interface";
$index_text_6 = "At the main menu, you are able to add / change certain actions. At the following description the different possibilities will be explained.";

// ./general_information/change_password.php Pagecontent
$change_password_text_1 = "When logged into the ispCP Web-interface, you can change your password.";
$change_password_text_2 = " In order to change your password, simply enter your update, your new password and confirm the changes by clicking on <b>"Update password" </ b>. "
$change_password_text_3 = "Your password should only contain letters and numbers, no words from a dictionary or a name. For safety reasons it should be at least 6 characters long.";

// ./general_information/change_personal_data.php Pagecontent
$change_personal_data_text_1 = "In this area you are able to edit your personal data.";
$change_personal_data_text_2 = "To save your edited data, you just have to click <b>\"Update data\"</b>. You can change your First name, Last name, Gender, Company, Street name, additional Street name, Postal code, City, Country, (possible additions), Email, Phone and Fax number.";

// ./general_information/language.php Pagecontent
$language_text_1 = "When you read this manual, your native language may be English :-)";
$language_text_2 = "If you prefer to read this manual in a other language, you have some options to choose.";
$language_text_3 = "Status message";
$language_text_4 = "Your ispCP Omega ISP (ispCP Omega Internet Service Provider) has the possibility to install additional languages.";

// ./general_information/update_hostingplan.php Pagecontent
$update_hostingplan_text_1 = "If your ispCP Omega ISP offers different hosting packages, you have here the possibility to switch to a different package.";
$update_hostingplan_text_2 = "To do this,you have to click at <b>\"Change Package\"</b>.";
$update_hostingplan_text_3 = "Press the <b>\"Order\"</b>-link and your ISP will activate your newly ordered package immediately.";
$update_hostingplan_text_4 = "If you would like to cancel your Order, press the <b>\"Cancel Order\"</b> button.";

// ./manage_domains/index.php Pagecontent
$manage_domains_index_text_1 = "By selecting the menu item \"Manage Domains\" you can add another subdomain (e.g. or another domain alias (another domain pointing at the same webspace) to your primary domain. Provided your ispCP Omega ISP allows it. On the right you will see any created subdomains and domain aliases.";

// ./manage_domains/add_subdomain.php Pagecontent
$add_subdomain_text_1 = "To add a subdomain, click <b>„Add subdomain“</b>. In the upcoming dialogue you can add a subdomain to your primary domain. ";
$add_subdomain_text_2 = "Into this dialogue enter the subdomain name. Into the field „Directory tree mount point“ choose the (relative to the main directory of your primary domain) “absolute” Path where this subdomain will point. By clicking <b>„Add“</b> the subdomain will be created.";
$add_subdomain_text_3 = "That's the way the subdomain entry will look when configured";
$add_subdomain_text_4 = "On creation of the subdomain a directory for the domain will automatically be built. If CGI permissions of the primary domain are shared, there will be a cgi-bin directory inside the subdomain directory. Static HTML files will be positioned inside the htdocs folder (same applies to domains)
Subdomains will be mounted inside the main directory (completely separated from the primary domain) They have their own htdocs and cgi-bin directories. It's possible to create own FTP and/or mail accounts for Subdomains.";
$add_subdomain_text_5 = "<b>Delete subdomain</b>";
$add_subdomain_text_6 = "By clicking <b>„Delete“</b> in the list of subdomains, the corresponding subdomain will be removed.";
$add_subdomain_text_7 = "Note you'll need to confirm the deletion. Subdomains can't be deleted if you still have ftp or mail accounts for that subdomain.";

//./manage_domains/add_alias.php Pagecontent
$add_alias_text_1 = "Domain aliases or subdomains can be managed by ispCP Omega.<br /><br />Pick <b>„Add Alias“</b> from the menu.";
$add_alias_text_2 = "Domain aliases can either be mounted inside the main directory - separated from the primary domains (see also information on subdomains) - or redirected to another domain (URL). Domain aliases need to be activated by your ispCP Omega ISP.";
$add_alias_text_3 = "This is the way the alias entry looks, once your isp has approved the request.";
$add_alias_text_4 = "<b>Delete alias</b>";
$add_alias_text_5 = "By clicking <b>„Delete“</b> in the list of aliases, the corresponding Domain alias will be removed.";
$add_alias_text_6 = "Note you'll need to confirm the deletion. Domain aliases can't be deleted if you have ftp or mail accounts for this alias.";

// ./email_accounts/index.php Pagecontent
$email_accounts_index_text_1 = "In the „E-Mail Accounts“ area you can create new email accounts and manage existing ones.";
$email_accounts_index_text_2 = "The summary shows the existing mail accounts. This page furthermore shows the type and status of your accounts. The "Type" column informs you, the account is either a Domain E-Mail Account, an E-Mail Account from a subdomain or an E-Mail forward. The "Status" column shows if the account is working or if there is an error.";

// ./email_accounts/add_amailaccount.php Pagecontent
$add_mailaccount_text_1 = "Add mail user";
$add_mailaccount_text_2 = "To create another E-Mail address (account), enter the username first (the part of your E-Mail address that is in front of the @).";
$add_mailaccount_text_3 = "If you have already created a subdomain, you can now choose, whether this mail account belongs to the main account or to the subdomain. If you want your mail to be stored on the server, choose <b>„Normal Mail“</b>. If you would like incoming mail to be forwarded to another mail account, enter the designated mail address(es) here and choose <b>„Forward mail“</b>. You can also define multiple forward addresses (e.g. [RETURN] [RETURN] [RETURN] etc.).";
$add_mailaccount_text_5 = "The forward addresses can be separated by linefeeds. Please note, if you choose <b>„Forward mail“</b> – your incoming mail won't be saved on the server";
$add_mailaccount_text_6 = "Notice, after you clicked Add.";
$add_mailaccount_text_7 = "This is the way the mail entry looks like if everything worked.";
$add_mailaccount_text_8 = "<b>Edit mail address, edit Mail-Forward and change password</b>";
$add_mailaccount_text_9 = "To change an E-mail address or forward or to change the password, in the summary click edit next to the designated mail address. The following menu is similar to that for <b>„Add mail user”</b>.";
$add_mailaccount_text_10 = "To edit the forward addresses, click inside the field „Forward to“ and change the recipients to match your wishes. The additional recipients each get a copy of the mail, which was sent to the address, you set the multiple recipients for.";
$add_mailaccount_text_11 = "If you want to <b>change your password</b>, enter the new password twice and confirm the change with a click on <b>„Save“</b>.";
$add_mailaccount_text_12 = "<b>Delete mail address</b>";
$add_mailaccount_text_13 = "<b>Delete mail address</b><br /><br />To delete a mail address, in the summary just click <b>„Delete“</b> in the column titled <b>„Action”</b> (!) Please note that you will be asked to confirm the deletion.";
$add_mailaccount_text_14 = "Click OK";
$add_mailaccount_text_15 = "Mail address has been deleted";

// ./email_accounts/catch_all.php Pagecontent
$catch_all_text_1 = "The catch all function ensures that all mail, regardless of what stands in front of the @domain.tld - will be forwarded to the <b>designated mailbox</b>.";
$catch_all_text_2 = "Click <b>„Create catch all“</b>. ";
$catch_all_text_3 = "The following input mask will open. Please enter the address to forward the mail to";
$catch_all_text_4 = "Status message";
$catch_all_text_5 = "That's what the catch-all entry should look like if everything was ok";
$catch_all_text_6 = "<b>Delete CatchAll</b>";
$catch_all_text_7 = "Clicking <b>„Delete CatchAll“</b> in the Catch-All overview, will remove the catch-all.";
$catch_all_text_8 = "Note that you'll be asked to confirm the removal. ";
$catch_all_text_9 = "Status message";
$catch_all_text_10 = "Catch-All successfully created!";

// ./email_accounts/webmail.php Pagecontent
$webmail_text_1 = "With Webmail you can retrieve your E-Mail from any internet-capable computer in the world. No need to install any software, you can use all features of your mail account right after login.";

translation required here. Smile
$webmail_text_2 = "Hier stimmt was nicht !!!! Der Text hat hier nichts verloren!!! Domain aliases can either be mounted inside the main directory - separated from the primary domains (see also information on subdomains) - or redirected to another domain (URL). Domain aliases need to be activated by your ispCP Omega ISP. ";
$webmail_text_3 = "You need help? Inside webmail click on";
$webmail_text_4 = "Icon";
$webmail_text_5 = "Your ISP might use a different webmail service not covered by this manual";

// ./ftp_accounts/index.php Pagecontent
$ftp_account_index_text_1 = "On the <b>„FTP-Accounts“</b> page you can manage your FTP users.";

// ./ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user.php Pagecontent
$add_ftp_user_text_1 = "Click <b>„Add FTP-user”</b>.";
$add_ftp_user_text_2 = "In <b>„Username“</b< enter the new user. You can also just like with mail accounts choose whether the user should belong to the Domain itself or to a subdomain. In <b>„Password“</b> enter your desired password and confirm it.";
$add_ftp_user_text_3 = "If you want to restrict the ftp user to a specific directory, click <b>„Choose directory”</b> and pick the designated directory. ";
$add_ftp_user_text_4 = "Next click <b>„ Add”</b>.";
$add_ftp_user_text_5 = "If everything is correct the entry looks like this";
$add_ftp_user_text_6 = "Edit/delete FTP user";
$add_ftp_user_text_7 = "All existing ftp users will be listed, that can be edited or deleted by clicking <b>„Edit”/„Delete”</b>.";

// ./ftp_accounts/filemanager.php Pagecontent
$filemanager_text_1 = "The File Manager is a web-based tool for uploading and downloading your web documents. With WebFTP you can also edit files directly on the server. By clicking <b>„Filemanager”</b> you get to the Login-Screen.";
$filemanager_text_2 = "For entering the File Manager enter your FTP username and password.";
$filemanager_text_3 = "The english language userguide to the filemanager is available at the following site:";
$filemanager_text_4 = " ";
$filemanager_text_5 = "Userguide in english";

// ./manage_sql/add_sql_database.php Pagecontent
$add_sql_database_text_1 = "Inside the <b>„Manage SQL“</b> Menu choose <b>„Add SQL database“</b> and enter the database name. By clicking <b>„Add“</b> the database will be created. By picking the Option „Use Numeric ID”, you can prevent two databases with the same name being created and therefore prevents possible conflicts.";
$add_sql_database_text_2 = "(it's possible your ISP predefined this option for you)";
$add_sql_database_text_3 = "Statusmessage";
$add_sql_database_text_4 = "After creation you get back to the Overview page, where you can add new users to the newly created database.";
$add_sql_database_text_5 = "Add/Delete SQL User";
$add_sql_database_text_6 = "On the right hand side click <b>„Add SQL user”</b>, to add a new user to the database domain_13.";
$add_sql_database_text_7 = "Enter the Username and pick a password. Here too, it's possible to use the just introduced option „Use Numeric ID” (it's possible your ISP predefined this option for you).";
$add_sql_database_text_8 = "Once agan you return to the Overview page, where you can execute direct queries, change the password of the SQL user delete the user or even the whole database.";

// ./manage_sql/phpmyadmin.php Pagecontent
$phpmyadmin_text_1 = "Via phpMyAdmin you can manage, create, delete, export etc. your Databases and corresponding Tables in an appealing webinterface";
$phpmyadmin_text_2 = "Naturally all these operations can be executed without using phpMyAdmin, by sending the commands manually to the Database.";
$phpmyadmin_text_3 = "By clicking <b>„phpMyAdmin”</b>, a new browser-window for authentication with the database will open. ";
$phpmyadmin_text_4 = "After entering the Username and password picked in 6.2 and pressing the OK button, you will be redirected to the Webinterface of phpMyAdmin. ";
$phpmyadmin_text_5 = "The phpMyAdmin userguide is available in english language at the following location:";
$phpmyadmin_text_6 = "";
$phpmyadmin_text_7 = "English language userguide";

// Webtools
// ./webtools/navi.php
$wt_text1 = "Overview";
$wt_text2 = "Protected Areas";
$wt_text3 = "Group / User management";
$wt_text4 = "Error pages";
$wt_text5 = "Backup";
$wt_text6 = "Webmail";
$wt_text7 = "Filemanager";

// ./webtools/index.php Pagecontent
$webtools_index_text_1 = "In ispCP there are several Web Tools available, which can be a useful for managing and using your website.";

// ./webtools/protected_areas.php Pagecontent
$protected_areas_text_1 = "Here you can password protect certain directories of your website.";
$protected_areas_text_2 = "On the overview page „Protected Areas” click the button <b>„Add new protected area”</b>. You get to the following screen:";
$protected_areas_text_3 = "Choose the designated Directory on your Webspace by clicking „Choose Dir”. To password protect your whole website, inside the popup window just opened, pick the directory „htdocs”.";
$protected_areas_text_4 = "To protect a single subdirectory, navigate to the designated directory by first clicking the „htdocs” Directory itself (don't Choose it!). Repeat this step until you see the designated subdirectory and pick it via the „Choose” Link. ";
$protected_areas_text_5 = "The popup will close automatically and the path to your chosen directory will be put into the Path field.";
$protected_areas_text_6 = "Now enter a username. This one will appear in the request window when entering the protected directory with your browser.";
$protected_areas_text_7 = "Within User now choose the newly created user, who shall be granted access to the protected directory and afterwards click the <b>“Protect it”</b>-Button. If you want to grant access to multiple users, select those by holding down the Ctrl Key.";
$protected_areas_text_8 = "Status OK!";

// ./webtools/webtools_page_2.php Pagecontent
$group_user_management_text_1 = "Before being able to protect a directory, you need to add a user with password. Therefore click the button „Manage users and groups”. Afterwards you'll get to the following screen:";
$group_user_management_text_2 = "Creating a group is not necessarily needed.";
$group_user_management_text_3 = "You can just create a user for a protected area (directory) via the <b>„Add user”</b> button.";
$group_user_management_text_4 = "Subsequently you have to assign this newly created user to a directory.";

// ./webtools/error_pages.php Pagecontent
$error_pages_text_1 = "When opening a non existing Web page in the browser, an error message will appear. In this case it's the Error 404 – File not found. In the Error Pages area you can replace these standard error pages with your own. By defining custom error pages for a directory those will apply also to all subfolders, unless there are other custom error pages assigned to the subdirectories.";

$error_pages_text_12 = "You can adjust the error messages yourself. In the dialogue „Error pages“ pick the error message by clicking „Edit“ next to it. In the following menu you can edit your error message. To save the changes click <b>„Save“.</b>";
$error_pages_text_13 = "View Error Pages";
$error_pages_text_14 = "You can display the Error Page by clicking <b>„View“</b>. This function is extremely useful, once you created your own error pages e.g. for error checking, etc.";

// Domain statistics ERLEDIGT!
// Left Navi
$ds_text1 = "Overview";

// ./domain_sttistics/index.php Pagecontent
$domain_statistics_text_1 = "The domain statistics make possible, to analyze the access statistics and further data of your domain. You can determine the period by entering year and month. By clicking „OK“, the statistic will be shown.";
$domain_statistics_text_2 = "If you access the statistics via the main menu, you will be displayed your usage data.";
$domain_statistics_text_3 = "The data shown in this case is:";
$domain_statistics_text_4 = "Date";
$domain_statistics_text_5 = "Domain Web-Transfer";
$domain_statistics_text_6 = "FTP Transfer";
$domain_statistics_text_7 = "SMTP Transfer";
$domain_statistics_text_8 = "POP3 and IMAP Transfer";
$domain_statistics_text_9 = "Total (the maximum quota is shown below the bar)";

// ./support_system/closed_tickets.php Pagecontent
$closed_tickets_text_1 = "Here you see a list of all closed tickets.";


And maybe a mod is so nice and will close the other topic I opened a few days/weeks ago, because it's quite confusing

I've snipped a fair bit out of this reply which I couldn't see required any updating.

Hope this helps.
03-03-2009 01:43 PM
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Lucan Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Manual translation is ready
Thanks, i'll send CHBIE a PM and tell him to include the new corrected part.
03-03-2009 09:11 PM
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MicCo Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Manual translation is ready
(03-03-2009 09:11 PM)Lucan Wrote:  Thanks, i'll send CHBIE a PM and tell him to include the new corrected part.

Is this also translated to other languages and to what languages ?
03-26-2009 10:06 PM
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kilburn Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Manual translation is ready
I'm sorry and don't want to offend anybody but.... WTF?!

At the very least you should be using gettext or something similar, while a docbook version would be even cooler Tongue
03-26-2009 11:39 PM
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Lucan Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Manual translation is ready
Quote:Is this also translated to other languages and to what languages ?
Spanish, Italian, French, and German.

But i don't know how far the other translations are.

If you want to have the manual in your language, just help translating!
03-27-2009 03:47 AM
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CHBIE Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Manual translation is ready
Hi the Status of Translations is:

German = Finish
English = Finisch
French = Pending
Italian = Pending
Spanish = Nothing

03-28-2009 03:20 PM
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victor531 Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Manual translation is ready
(03-28-2009 03:20 PM)CHBIE Wrote:  Hi the Status of Translations is:

German = Finish
English = Finisch
French = Pending
Italian = Pending
Spanish = Nothing


I'm working very slowly in the spanish translation because I have a lot of work in my job......sorry Shy.... but still...

(This post was last modified: 03-29-2009 11:45 AM by victor531.)
03-29-2009 11:43 AM
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MicCo Offline

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Post: #9
RE: Manual translation is ready
(03-27-2009 03:47 AM)Lucan Wrote:  
Quote:Is this also translated to other languages and to what languages ?
If you want to have the manual in your language, just help translating!

Yeah, that's why I did ask Cool
03-29-2009 10:18 PM
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victor531 Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Manual translation is ready
Hi guys, here is my small bit of contribution. The spanish translation for CHBIES manual

################################################################################​ ###
# #
# ispCP Omega Enduser Manual #
# #
################################################################################​ ###
# #
# File: en.php #
# #
# Author: InkbuNet®, XX, #
# #
# #
# Copyright © 2009 Text & Screenschots by InkbuNet® #
# #
# Copyright © 2009 Images, Buttons, Icons & Layout by ispCP OMEGA #
# #
# Copyright © 2009 english translation by #
# XX, #
# XX, #
# XX, #
# #
################################################################################​ ###

// Display actual year
$year = date("Y");

// Version
$version = "ispCP 1.0.0 OMEGA";
$build = "build: 20081212";
$copy = "&copy; 2006 - $year by ispCP OMEGA";

// image paths
$images_path = "language/en/images";
$left_menu_images_path = "images/top/";
$menu_icons_path = "images/icons/";

// mouseover title for images
$image_title = "Clickeame para agrandar!";

// Pagetitle
$pagetitle = "Manual de IspCP Omega para usuario final";

// Introduction / Addition - Definition

$note = "Puede ser que no todas las funciones, que estan descritas aqui estén disponibles para UD., esto se puede deber a que el administrador de su servidor no le ha otorgado suficientes permisos o su servidor web no soporta estas funciones.";

// Left Navi
$text1 = "Manual de Usuario";
$text2 = "Introducción";
$text3 = "Que es IspCp Omega?";
$text4 = "Pantalla de acceso";
$text5 = "Tiempo de retraso";
$text6 = "Interface Web de IspCp";

$text7 = "Adición";
$text8 = "Subir con Herramienta FTP";
$text9 = "Escribir / Enviar un E-Mail";
$text10 = "Outlook Express";
$text11 = "Netscape";
$text12 = "Estructura de carpeta";
$text13 = "Index- / Home";

$text14 = "Definición";
$text15 = "Indice de contenidos";
$text16 = "Miscelaneos";
$text17 = "Destacados";
$text18 = "Home";

// Top Navi
$top_menu_text1 = "Información General";
$top_menu_text2 = "Administración de dominios";
$top_menu_text3 = "Cuentas de E-Mail";
$top_menu_text4 = "Acceso FTP";
$top_menu_text5 = "Bases de datos";
$top_menu_text6 = "Herramientas Web";
$top_menu_text7 = "Estadísticas de dominio";
$top_menu_text8 = "Sistema de Soporte";

// index.php Pagecontent
$index_text1 = "No trabajado aún!!!";
$index_text2 = "";
$index_text3 = "";
$index_text3 = "";
$index_text4 = "";
$index_text5 = "";
$index_text6 = "";
$index_text7 = "";
$index_text8 = "";
$index_text9 = "";
$index_text10 = "";
$index_text11 = "";
$index_text12 = "";
$index_text13 = "";
$index_text14 = "";
$index_text15 = "";
$index_text16 = "";
$index_text17 = "";
$index_text18 = "";
$index_text19 = "";
$index_text20 = "";

// what_is_ispCP.php Pagecontent
$what_is_ispCP_text_1 = "IspCP Omega es un cómodo software de interfase Web, para administrar servidores web basados en Unix.";
$what_is_ispCP_text_2 = "IspCP Omega es una buena elección para su servidor web, dado que ofrece una gran cantidad de funciones y un estable <br>y eficiente mecanismo de proteccción contra accesos no autorizados.";
$what_is_ispCP_text_3 = "IspCP ofrece una interfase para administradores, revendedores, y usuarios finales y esta construida para cubrir todas las necesidades <br>de un webhoster.";

// login_page.php Pagecontent
$login_page_text_1 = " Si tienes tu información de ingreso y la direccion de internet para acceder al panel de control, ingresa el nombre de usuario <br>y su contraseña y luego presiona el boton LOGIN para confirmar tu ingreso.";

$login_page_image_1 = "$images_path/login.png";

// temporal_delay.php Pagecontent
$temporal_delay_text_1 = "Todos los cambios que haces sobre la interface web de IspCP, están disponibles inmediatamente, pero a veces ocurre que hay un retraso de menos de un segundo esto puede deberse a Smart Server Restart + Conexión a Internet.";
$temporal_delay_text_2 = "Si el administrador del servidor esta trabajando en él con fines de mantención, los cambios se realizarán cuando se termine la mantención, pero ellos no se perderán.";

// ispCP_webinterface.php Pagecontent
$ispCP_webinterface_text_1 = "La interfase Web de ispCP (Menú principal) esta separada en dos partes : la parte del menú Principal y la parte de Información con sus opciones.";
$ispCP_webinterface_text_2 = "Ud. puede acceder a multiples submenus, si hace click en el link del Menú principal.";
$ispCP_webinterface_text_3 = "Existen muchos submenus para cada Menú Principal, los que se muestran despues que Ud ha seleccionado dicho Menú principal.";

$ispCP_webinterface_image_1 = "$images_path/overview.png";
$ispCP_webinterface_image_2 = "$images_path/overview_kl.png";

// upload_with_a_ftp_programm.php Pagecontent
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_1 = "El FTP es usado para transferir sus archivos al servidor.<br>La forma más común y fácil es utilizando un programa FTP, frecuentemente llamado Cliente FTP.<br>Con este programa Ud puede conectarse al servidor y transferir sus archivos.<br>Existen clientes FTP para todos los sistemas operativos.";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_2 = "Hay muchos y variados clientes FTP, pero muchos de ellos funcionan de manera similar.
Su cliente FTP le preguntara por los siguientes datos de ingreso con el fin de obtener una conexión al servidor.";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_3 = "Nombre de Usuario/Login/Usuario: Ingrese su nombre de usuario FTP para IspCp (por ejemplo";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_4 = "Si ha agregado un usuario FTP adicional y quiere utilizar ese usuario, debe ingresar ese nombre de usuario y su contraseña.<br><br>Password: Aqui debe ingresar la contraseña asignada al usuario con el que esta ingresando y que previamente le ha asignado en la creacion desde la interface web de IspCP.<br><br>Host/URL/Server: Aqui debe ingresar su dominio ( sin el http:// solo ingrese --";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_5 = "Existen dos formas de transferir archivos utilizando FTP:";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_6 = "1. Transferir archivos en modo ASCII";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_7 = "2. Transferir archivos en modo Binario";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_8 = "El modo de transferir que debe utilizar depende de los archivos que quiera tranferir.<br>
Muchos programas FTP le ofrecen una detección automática de los archivos ASCII/BINARY.<br>Estas funciones funcionan para la mayoría de los archivos(HTML-Documentos e imagenes) pero si si Ud. quiere tranferir PHP3, script en Perl, zip o archivos de programas u otros archivos, que no son usados con mucha frecuencia, mejor elija por su cuenta el modo de transferencia.<br>Todos los archivos ASCII deben ser transferidos al modo ASCII, todos los archivos BINARIO deben ser transferidos al modo BINARIO.
Normalmente todos los archivos de texto son ASCII formateados.:";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_9 = "htm/html documents (*.html, *.htm, *.shtml)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_10 = "Script-files (*.php3, *.php, *.asp)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_11 = "Archivos de Texto (*.txt)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_12 = "Script en Perl (*.pl/ *.cgi)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_13 = "Los siguientes archivos petenecen a los BINARIOS:";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_14 = "Imágenes / Graficas (*.gif,*.jpg)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_15 = "Archivos Microsoft Word , texto enriquecido (*.doc, *.rtf)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_16 = "Archivos comprimidos (*.zip, *.rar, *.arj)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_17 = "Programas (*.exe, *.com)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_18 = "Java-Applets (*.class, *.java)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_19 = "programas Compilados CGI(*.cgi)";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_20 = "Tip:";
$upload_with_a_ftp_programm_text_21 = "Subir los archivos ASCII primero (documentos html ) y después los archivos binarios (imagenes, etc. ) : De esa forma debe cambiar el modo de subir una sola vez.";

// write_send_an_email.php Pagecontent
$write_send_an_email_text_1 = " Con un cliente E-mail puede tener sus correos de una manera fácil.<br>Para tener sus correos desde una cuenta POP3, necesita los siguientes datos:";
$write_send_an_email_text_2 = "Servidor entrante y saliente ( preguntar a su webhost )";
$write_send_an_email_text_3 = "Nombre de usuario/Login: Ingrese su Nombre de usuario ispCP (por ejemplo";
$write_send_an_email_text_4 = "Usuario ( cuenta POP3 o IMAP-Email, por ejemplo )";
$write_send_an_email_text_5 = "Password ( contraseña para su cuenta E-mail POP3 o IMAP )";

// outlook_express.php Pagecontent
$outlook_express_text_1 = "Si quiere obtener sus Email de su cuenta POP3 o IMAP, usando Outlook Express, debe crear una nueva cuenta de correo.";
$outlook_express_text_2 = "Para ello debe iniciar su Outlook Express y seleccionar \"Herramientas\" después \"Cuentas\".";
$outlook_express_text_3 = "Ahora presiona la opción \"Agregar\" y elija \"Correo...\".";
$outlook_express_text_4 = "Ingrese su nombre y su dirección de correo.
En el servidor de correo saliente y de correo entrante debe ingresar el nombre del servidor que su webhost le dió.";
$outlook_express_text_5 = "En el campo \"Nombre de la cuenta\", debe ingresar el nombre de usuario de su cuenta POP3 o IMAP.";

// netscape.php Pagecontent
$netscape_text_1 = " Inicie su Netscape Messenger y elija el item menu \"Settings\" from the \"Edit\" menu. Elija la página \"Mail Servers\" de la categoría \"Mail & Newsgroups\"";

$netscape_text_2 = " Al comienzo debe ingresar el nombre del servidor SMTP para correos que estan por enviarse. Recibirá esta dirección de manos de su webhost. Ahora debes ingresar el nombre del servidor POP3 o IMAP, el cual recivirá tus mensajes una vez que presiones el botón \"Add\".";

$netscape_text_3 = " En la ventana emergente, debes ingresar el nombre del servidor que te dio tu webhost.
También debes ingresar el nombre de tu cuenta de correo POP3- o IMAP-, creada en la interface Web Ispcp.";

// folder_structure.php Pagecontent
$folder_structure_text_1 = "Mientras se crea un dominio ( para un usuario), las siguientes carpetas son creadas automáticamente :";
$folder_structure_text_2 = "htdocs - Aquí serán guardados todos los archivos HTML-, PHP- etc.";
$folder_structure_text_3 = "cgi-bin - Aquí serán guardados todos los script y archivos CGI ( si el administrador le permite usarlos).";
$folder_structure_text_4 = "errors - Aquí serán guardados todas las paginas de error.";
$folder_structure_text_5 = "logs - Aquí serán guardados todos los logs de Apache de su dominio.";
$folder_structure_text_6 = "backups - Aquí será guardado un respaldo de sus archivos ( en formato Zip ) todos los días.";
$folder_structure_text_7 = "phptmp – Su carpeta temporal ( TMP ).";

// index_home.php Pagecontent
$index_home_text_1 = "La página HTML que se carga cuando su dominio es accesado ( por ejemplo, debe ser nombrada como una de las descritas abajo:";
$index_home_text_2 = "index.php";
$index_home_text_3 = "index.php3";
$index_home_text_4 = "index.phtml";
$index_home_text_5 = "index.htm";
$index_home_text_6 = "index.html";
$index_home_text_7 = "index.shtml";
$index_home_text_8 = "<b>index.html</b> es uno de los privilegiados!";

// index_of_contents.php Pagecontent
$index_of_contents_text_1 = "Nombre de la cuenta:";
$index_of_contents_text_2 = "Indicación de la cuenta accesada";
$index_of_contents_text_3 = "Dominio Principal:";
$index_of_contents_text_4 = "Su dominio principal (nombre)";
$index_of_contents_text_5 = "Soprte PHP:";
$index_of_contents_text_6 = "Soporte CGI:";
$index_of_contents_text_7 = "Soporte SQL: ";
$index_of_contents_text_8 = "Indica si esta esta opción está activada para Ud.";
$index_of_contents_text_9 = "Instalación de software: ";
$index_of_contents_text_10 = "Subdominios:";
$index_of_contents_text_11 = "Número de Subdominios agregados a su Dominio Principal / Máximo número de subdominios que Ud. puede agregar.";
$index_of_contents_text_12 = "Alias de Dominio:";
$index_of_contents_text_13 = "Número de Alias de Dominios agregados a su Dominio principal / máximo número de alias de dominios que puede agregar.";
$index_of_contents_text_14 = "Cuentas de E-Mail:";
$index_of_contents_text_15 = "Número de cuentas de E-Mail agregadas / Máximo número de cuentas de E-Mail.";
$index_of_contents_text_16 = "Cuentas FTP: ";
$index_of_contents_text_17 = "Número de cuentas FTP agregadas / Máximo número de cuentas FTP.";
$index_of_contents_text_18 = "Base de datos SQL:";
$index_of_contents_text_19 = "Número de bases de datos SQL agregadas / Máximo número de bases de datos SQL.";
$index_of_contents_text_20 = "Usuarios SQL:";
$index_of_contents_text_t21 = "Número de usuarios SQL agregados / Máximo número de usuarios SQL.";
$index_of_contents_text_22 = "Volumen de transferencia (Trafico):";
$index_of_contents_text_23 = "Tráfico completo de su sitio web. Es el tráfico total de su dominio, este tráfico es el creado cuando se sube o bajan archivos a traves del FTP, más el tráfico que su página web crea cuando es accesada. Seguido de esto, todo el volumen de tráfico es mostrado.";
$index_of_contents_text_24 = "Uso de disco:";
$index_of_contents_text_25 = "Espacio utilizado / espacio Máximo";
// various.php Pagecontent
$various_text_1 = "Nombre de dominio = Nombre de usuario (De esta forma no hay confusión)";
$various_text_2 = "Agregando un dominio = Agregando un usuario (o al reves)";
$various_text_3 = "Nombre de usuario de una cuenta de Email = Cuenta de Email ( por ejemplo";
$various_text_4 = "El nombre de usuario de una cuenta FTP ( username) es complementado con el nombre del dominio ( por ejemplo";
$various_text_5 = "El directorio principal ( de un dominio en vez de la cuenta del usuario final ) = /var/www/virtual/";

// manual_page_13.php Pagecontent
$highlights_text_1 = "Destacado para script CGI / Programas Perl ";
$highlights_text_2 = "Despues que ha subido sus script CGI, en el formato correcto (ASCII / Binario), ellos se deben hacer ejecutables.";
$highlights_text_3 = "Para ello, debe cambiar los permisos a 755 (CHMOD) utilizando el cliente FTP. ";
$highlights_text_4 = "Para algunos programas CGI, puede utilizar otros permisos (CHMOD) que 755 para algunas carpetas o archivos.";
$highlights_text_5 = "Por favor lea el manual de instalación de su programa CGI para asegurarse que permisos (CHMOD) deben tener sus carpetas o arhcivos.";

// General informations
// Left Navi
$info_text1 = "General";
$info_text2 = "Cambiar contraseña";
$info_text3 = "Cambiar datos personales";
$info_text4 = "Lenguaje";
$info_text5 = "Cambiar paquete de Hosting ";

// ./general_information/index.php Pagecontent
$index_text_1 = "En la pagina principal (menu principal) algunos datos de su página web, serán listados.";
$index_text_3 = " El primer valor establecido, representa el número actual de valores (por ejemplo almacenaje usado), el valor establecido tras esto, muestra el valor máximo, el cual no puede ser superado. Asi por ejemplo el reporte \"Mail accounts (cuentas de e-mail): 5/10\" siginifica que ya ha usado 5 de 10 cuentas de correo utilizadas.";

$index_text_4 = " En \"definición\" obtendrá mayor información de esta area.";
$index_text_5 = " Usos de la interface Web IspCP ";
$index_text_6 = " En el menu principal, tienes permitido el agregar/cambiar ciertas acciones. En la siguiente descripción, las diferentes posibilidades serán explicadas.";

$index_image_1 = "$images_path/overview.png";
$index_image_2 = "$images_path/overview_kl.png";

// ./general_information/change_password.php Pagecontent
$change_password_text_1 = " Una vez loggeado a la interface Web del IspCP, puedes cambiar tu password.";
$change_password_text_2 = " Para cambiar tu password, simplemente ingresa tu actual contraseña, y luego tu nueva password y confirma los cambios haciendo click en <b>Update password</ b>. ";
$change_password_text_3 = "La password solo puede contener letras y números, no palabras de un diccionario o un nombre. Por razones de seguridad debe poseer al menos 6 caracteres.";

$change_password_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/change_password/1.png";
$change_password_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/change_password/1_kl.png";

// ./general_information/change_personal_data.php Pagecontent
$change_personal_data_text_1 = "En esta area podra editar su información personal.";
$change_personal_data_text_2 = "Para guardar la información editada debe hacer click en ACTUALIZAR INFORMACION, puede cambiar su nombre y apellido, sexo, empresa, calle, calle adicional, código zip/postal, ciudad, país, correo electrónico, teléfono y número de fax";
$change_personal_data_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/personal_data/1.png";
$change_personal_data_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/personal_data/1_kl.png";

// ./general_information/language.php Pagecontent
$language_text_1 = "Cuando lea este manual, su idioma original puede ser inglés :-)";
$language_text_2 = "Si prefiere leer este manual en otro idioma, tiene algunas opciones para elegir.";
$language_text_3 = "Estado del mensaje";
$language_text_4 = "Su Panel IspCP Omega (proveedor de servicio de internet IspCP omega) tiene la posibilidad de instalar idiomas adicionales";

$language_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/language/1.png";
$language_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/language/1_kl.png";
$language_image_3 = "$images_path/general_information/language/2.png";
$language_image_4 = "$images_path/general_information/language/2_kl.png";
$language_image_5 = "$images_path/general_information/language/3.png";
$language_image_6 = "$images_path/general_information/language/3_kl.png";

// ./general_information/update_hostingplan.php Pagecontent
$update_hostingplan_text_1 = "Su Panel IspCP Omega ofrece distintos paquetes de hosting, UD. tiene la posibilidad de cambiar a un paquete diferente.";
$update_hostingplan_text_2 = "Para hacer esto debe hacer click en <b>\"cambiar paquete\"<b>";
$update_hostingplan_text_3 = "Hacer click en el link <b>\"Order\"</b>, y su IspCP activará inmediatamente su nuevo paquete";
$update_hostingplan_text_4 = " Si quisiera cancelar su orden, debe hacer click en en boton <b>\"Cancelar Orden\"</b>";

$update_hostingplan_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/1.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/1_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_3 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/2.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_4 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/2_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_5 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/3.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_6 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/3_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_7 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/4.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_8 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/4_kl.png";

// Manage domains
// Left Navi
$domain_text1 = "General";
$domain_text2 = "Agregar subdominio";
$domain_text3 = "Agregar alias";

// ./manage_domains/index.php Pagecontent
$manage_domains_index_text_1 = "Al seleccionar como usuario el item del menu <b>Administrar Dominios</b> puedes agregar otros subdominios (por ejemplo u otro alias de dominio (otro dominiodireccionado al mismo espacio web) a tu dominio principal. Su panel IspCP Omega le permite esto.";

$manage_domains_index_image_1 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/1.png";
$manage_domains_index_image_2 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/1_kl.png";

// ./manage_domains/add_subdomain.php Pagecontent
$add_subdomain_text_1 = "Para agregar un subdominio debe hacer click <b>„Agregar Subdominio“</b>. En la ventana de dialogo siguiente se puede agregar un subdominio a su dominio primario.";
$add_subdomain_text_2 = "En esta ventana de dialogo introduzca el nombre del subdominio. En el campo <b>„Punto de Montaje </b>“ debe elegir el paso 'absoluto' al cuál este subdominio se dirigirá (relativo al directorio principal de su dominio primario). Al hacer click en <b>„agregar“</b> el subdominio será creado.";
$add_subdomain_text_3 = " Así debera verse la entrada al subdominio cuando todo funcione";
$add_subdomain_text_4 = " Con la creación del subdominio un directorio para el dominio se creará automáticamente.<br> Si los permisos CGI del dominio primario son compartidos, habra un directorio cgi-bin dentro del directorio del subdominio. <br>Los archivos Statics HTML serán posicionados dentro de la carpeta HTDOCS ( lo mismo se aplica para los dominios)<br>Los subdominios serán montados dentro del directorio principal (completamente separados del dominio primario), estos tienen sus propias carpetas de HTDOCS y directorios cgi-bin.<br>Es podible crear sus propias cuentas FTP y/o cuentas de E-mail para los subdominio asi creados";
$add_subdomain_text_5 = "<b>Borrar Subdominios</b>";
$add_subdomain_text_6 = " Haciendo click en <b>„Borrar“</b> en la lista de subdominios, el subdominio correspondiente sera removido.";
$add_subdomain_text_7 = " Nota, deberá confirmar el borrado. Los subdominios no pueden ser borrados en caso de que todavia hayan cuentas de ftp o de correo abiertas para este subdominio.";

$add_subdomain_image_1 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/2.png";
$add_subdomain_image_2 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/2_kl.png";
$add_subdomain_image_3 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/3.png";
$add_subdomain_image_4 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/3_kl.png";
$add_subdomain_image_5 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/4.png";
$add_subdomain_image_6 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/4_kl.png";

//./manage_domains/add_alias.php Pagecontent
$add_alias_text_1 = "Alias de Dominios o Codominios pueden ser administrados por ispCP Omega.<br /><br />Active <b>„Agregar Alias“</b> desde el menu.";
$add_alias_text_2 = "Alias de dominios pueden ser montados dentro del directorio principal, separados de los dominios primarios, (ver también la información en los subdominios), o redireccionados a otro dominio(URL). Los alias de dominio deben ser activados por su Revendedor.";
$add_alias_text_3 = "Esta es la manera en como se ve la entrada de alias una vez que su Revendedor ha aprobado su petición.";
$add_alias_text_4 = "<b>Borrar alias</b>";
$add_alias_text_5 = "Al hacer click en <b>„borrar“</b> en la lista de alias, se removera el dominio de alias correspondiente";
$add_alias_text_6 = "Notese que deberá confirmar lo borrado. Los alias de dominio no se pueden borrar en caso de que aún hayan ftp abiertos, o cuentas de correo para este alias";

$add_alias_image_1 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/5.png";
$add_alias_image_2 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/5_kl.png";
$add_alias_image_3 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/6.png";
$add_alias_image_4 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/6_kl.png";
$add_alias_image_5 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/7.png";
$add_alias_image_6 = "../$images_path/manage_domains/7_kl.png";

// Email Accounts
// Left Navi
$email_text1 = "General";
$email_text2 = "Agregar usuario de E-mail";
$email_text3 = "Catch all";
$email_text4 = "Webmail";

// ./email_accounts/index.php Pagecontent
$email_accounts_index_text_1 = "En el área de <b>„creacion de correos“ </b>puede crear una nueva cuenta de correo y trabajar con la ya existentes";
$email_accounts_index_text_2 = "El resumen muestra las cuentas de correo existentes. <br>Esta página muestra también el tipo de cuenta y su estado.<br>La columna TIPO le informa que la cuenta de correo puede ser una cuenta de correo de dominio, un correo de un subdominio, o un correo reenviado.<br>La columna de ESTADO muestra si la cuenta funciona o si hay algún error.";

$email_accounts_index_image_1 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/1.png";
$email_accounts_index_image_2 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/1_kl.png";

// ./email_accounts/add_amailaccount.php Pagecontent
$add_mailaccount_text_1 = " ";
$add_mailaccount_text_2 = "Para crear una nueva direccion de correo ( nueva cuenta ), primero debe ingresar el nombre de usuario ( la parte del correo que <br>está antes de @ ).";
$add_mailaccount_text_3 = "Si ya ha creado un subdominio, puede elegir si el correo pertenece a la cuenta principal o al subdominio.<br>Si quiere que su correo se almacene en su servidor, haga click en <b>„correo normal“</b>.<br>Si quiere que los correos entrantes se redireccionan a otra cuenta de correo, ingresar la(s) direccion(es) de correo elegida(s) y elegir <b>„reenviar correo“</b>.<br>También puede definir multiples direcciones de redireccionamiento (e.j. , , etc.).";
$add_mailaccount_text_5 = "Las direcciones de redireccionamiento pueden ser divididas por (linefeeds). Por favor, notar que si elige <b>„redireccionar correo“</b>, su correos entrantes no se guardaran en su servidor";
$add_mailaccount_text_6 = "Nótese, después de hacer click en agregar";
$add_mailaccount_text_7 = "De esta manera se ve la entrada del correo si todo funciona bien";
$add_mailaccount_text_8 = "<b>Editar direccion de correo, editar reenvio de correos y cambio de contraseña </b>";
$add_mailaccount_text_9 = "Para cambiar la direccion del correo, la direccion del redireccionamiento, o la contraseña, en el resumen debe hacer click en editar, junto a dirección de correo designada.<br>El siguiente menu es similar en<b>„Agregar usuario de correo”</b>.";
$add_mailaccount_text_10 = "Para editar la dirección de redireccionamiento, debe hacer click dentro del campo <b>„Redireccionar a“ </b>y cambiar los recipientes hasta que esten como lo desee.<br>Cada uno de los recipientes adicionales recibe una copia del correo, que fue enviado a la direccion de los multiples recipientes que fueron especificados";
$add_mailaccount_text_11 = "Si quiere <b>cambiar su contraseña</b>, ingresa la nueva clave dos veces y confirmar el cambio con un click en <b>„Guardar“</b>";
$add_mailaccount_text_12 = "<b>Borrar dirección de correo</b>";
$add_mailaccount_text_13 = "<b>Borrar dirección de correo</b><br /><br />Para borrar una dirección de correo, en el menu, hacer click en <b>„Borrar“</b> En la columna llamada <b>„Acción”</b> (!) Por favor notar que le pediran confirmación para poder borrar.";
$add_mailaccount_text_14 = "Click en OK";
$add_mailaccount_text_15 = "La dirección de correo ha sido borrada";

$add_mailaccount_image_1 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/1.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_2 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/1_kl.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_3 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/2.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_4 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/2_kl.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_5 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/3.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_6 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/3_kl.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_7 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/6.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_8 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/6_kl.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_9 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/4.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_10 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/5.png";
$add_mailaccount_image_11 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/add_mail_user/5_kl.png";

// ./email_accounts/catch_all.php Pagecontent
$catch_all_text_1 = " La función de catch-all hace que todo el correo, independientemente de lo que está en frente de El@dominio.tld - se remitán o lleguen a la <b>cuenta designada</b>.";
$catch_all_text_2 = "Click <b>„Crear catch all“</b>. ";
$catch_all_text_3 = " La siguiente máscara de entrada se abrirá. Por favor, introduzca la dirección para redireccionar el correo a";
$catch_all_text_4 = "Estado del mensaje";
$catch_all_text_5 = "Esto es lo que la entrada de catch-all debería mostrar si todo sale bien";
$catch_all_text_6 = "<b>Borrar Catch-All</b>";
$catch_all_text_7 = "Haciendo click en <b>„Borrar Catch-All“</b> en la barra , borrara el catch-all.";
$catch_all_text_8 = "Note que deberá confirmar el borrado. ";
$catch_all_text_9 = "Estado del mensaje";
$catch_all_text_10 = "Catch-All creado satisfactoriamente!";

$catch_all_image_1 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/1.png";
$catch_all_image_2 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/1_kl.png";
$catch_all_image_3 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/2.png";
$catch_all_image_4 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/2_kl.png";
$catch_all_image_5 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/3.png";
$catch_all_image_6 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/3_kl.png";
$catch_all_image_7 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/4.png";
$catch_all_image_8 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/4_kl.png";
$catch_all_image_9 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/5.png";
$catch_all_image_10 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/6.png";
$catch_all_image_11 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/catch-all/6_kl.png";

// ./email_accounts/webmail.php Pagecontent
$webmail_text_1 = "Con el Webmail Ud. puede revisar sus E-Mail desde cualquier computador del mundo conectado a la Internet. No necesita instalar ningun software adicional, y puede utilizar desde su interface todas la carácteristicas disponibles después que ha ingresado a su cuenta.";
$webmail_text_2 = "este texto esta perdido........ ";
$webmail_text_3 = "¿ Necesita ayuda ? Haga click sobre Webmail click";
$webmail_text_4 = "Icono";
$webmail_text_5 = "Su ISP puede utilizar diferentes servicios de webmail, que no estan soportados por este manual";

$webmail_image_1 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/webmail/login.png";
$webmail_image_2 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/webmail/1.png";
$webmail_image_3 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/webmail/1_kl.png";
$webmail_image_4 = "../$images_path/email_accounts/webmail/2.gif";

// FTP Accounts
// Left Navi
$ftp_text1 = "Resumen";
$ftp_text2 = "Agregar usuario FTP";
$ftp_text3 = "Administrador de archivos";

// ./ftp_accounts/index.php Pagecontent
$ftp_account_index_text_1 = " En la página <b>„Cuentas FTP“</b> se pueden manejar a usuarios FTP.";

$ftp_account_index_image_1 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/1.png";
$ftp_account_index_image_2 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/1_kl.png";

// ./ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user.php Pagecontent
$add_ftp_user_text_1 = " hacer click en <b>„Agregar usuario FTP”</b>";
$add_ftp_user_text_2 = " En el <b>„Nombre de usuario“</b> debe agregar al nuevo usuario. <br>A este nombre seguido del simbolo <b>@</b> se puede elegir si el usuario pertenecera al dominio o al subdominio.<br>En <b>„Password“</b> se debe agregar la contraseña designada para ese usuario y debe confirmarla.";
$add_ftp_user_text_3 = "Si se quiere restringir al usuario FTP a un directorio en especifico, haz click en <b>„Seleccionar directorio”</b> y elige el directorio designado";
$add_ftp_user_text_4 =" Después haz click en <b>„ Agregar”</b>";
$add_ftp_user_text_5 = " Si todo está correcto en la entrada deberá verse de la siguiente manera";
$add_ftp_user_text_6 = " Editar/eliminar el usuario FTP" ;
$add_ftp_user_text_7 = "Todos los usuarios FTP serán enlistados, y podran ser editados o aliminados al hacer click en <b>„Editar” /„Borrar”</b>.";

$add_ftp_user_image_1 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/1.png";
$add_ftp_user_image_2 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/1_kl.png";
$add_ftp_user_image_3 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/2.png";
$add_ftp_user_image_4 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/2_kl.png";
$add_ftp_user_image_5 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/5.png";
$add_ftp_user_image_6 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/3.png";
$add_ftp_user_image_7 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/add_ftp_user/3_kl.png";

// ./ftp_accounts/filemanager.php Pagecontent
$filemanager_text_1 = "El administardor de Archivos es una herramienta con interfase Web para subir y descargar sus documentos desde la web.<br>Con el Administrador de Archivos, también puede editar, borrar y renombrar sus archivos directamente desde el servidor.<br/> Haciendo click en <b>„Filemanager”</b> se accede a la pantalla de ingreso.";
$filemanager_text_2 = "Para ingresar al Administrador de Archivos, solo debe digitar su nombre de usuario y su contraseña, que son los correspondiente a cualquier usuario FTP creado en el Panel de administración de su cuenta.";
$filemanager_text_3 = "El manual de usuario en Ingles del Administrador de Archivos esta disponible en la siguiente dirección:";
$filemanager_text_4 = " ";
$filemanager_text_5 = "Manual de Usuario en Ingles";

$filemanager_image_1 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/filemanager/1.png";
$filemanager_image_2 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/filemanager/1_kl.png";
$filemanager_image_3 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/filemanager/2.png";
$filemanager_image_4 = "../$images_path/ftp_accounts/filemanager/2_kl.png";

// Manage SQL
// Left Navi
$db_text1 = "General";
$db_text2 = "Agregar Base de datos SQL";
$db_text3 = "PhpMyAdmin";

// ./manage_sql/index.php Pagecontent
$manage_sql_index_text_1 = "En este menú Ud puede crear una o más bases de datos SQL y sus usuarios ademas de administrar estos con un click de mouse";

$manage_sql_index_image_1 = "../$images_path/databases/1.png";
$manage_sql_index_image_2 = "../$images_path/databases/1_kl.png";

// ./manage_sql/add_sql_database.php Pagecontent
$add_sql_database_text_1 = "En el menú <b>„Administrar SQL“</b> debe elegir <b>„Agregar base de datos SQL “</b> e ingresar el nombre de la base de datos a crear. <br>Luego hacer click en <b>„Agregar“</b> con eso la base de datos será creada.<br> Clickeando la opción <b>„Usar ID númerico”</b>, se puede prevenir que al momento de crear dos bases de datos con el mismo nombre se creen conflictos.";
$add_sql_database_text_2 = "(Es posible que su ISP haya predefinido esta opcion por Ud.)";
$add_sql_database_text_3 = "Estado del mensaje";
$add_sql_database_text_4 = "Después de la creación, Ud. vuelve a la pagina principal, donde puede agregar usuarios a la recién creada base de datos.";
$add_sql_database_text_5 = "Agregar / Borrar usuarios SQL";
$add_sql_database_text_6 = "A la derecha haga click en <b>„Agregar usuario SQL”</b>, para agregar un nuevo usuario a la base de datos dominio_13.";
$add_sql_database_text_7 = "Ingrese el nombre de usuario y su contraseña. También en este caso, es posible utilizar la opción que acaba de presentar <b>„Usar identificador numérico” </b>(Es posible que su ISP haya predefinido esta opcion por Ud.).";
$add_sql_database_text_8 = "Una vez más Ud. regresa a la página principal, donde puede ejecutar queries directamente, cambiar la password del usuario, borrarlo, e incluso borrar la base de datos completa.";

$add_sql_database_image_1 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/1.png";
$add_sql_database_image_2 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/1_kl.png";
$add_sql_database_image_3 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/2.png";
$add_sql_database_image_4 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/2_kl.png";
$add_sql_database_image_5 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/3.png";
$add_sql_database_image_6 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/3_kl.png";
$add_sql_database_image_7 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/4.png";
$add_sql_database_image_8 = "../$images_path/databases/add_sql_databases/4_kl.png";

// ./manage_sql/phpmyadmin.php Pagecontent
$phpmyadmin_text_1 = "Por medio del phpMyAdmin Ud. puede crear, borrar, exportar sus bases de datos y sus correspondientes tablas en una atractiva interfase web.";
$phpmyadmin_text_2 = "Naturalmente todas estas opciones se puden hacer sin utilizar el phpMyAdmin, y solo mediante el envío de los comandos manualmente a la base de datos.";
$phpmyadmin_text_3 = "Haciendo click en <b>„phpMyAdmin”</b>, se abrira un nueva ventana en el navegador, esto para la autenticación de ingreso a la base de datos. ";
$phpmyadmin_text_4 = "Después de introducir el nombre de usuario y contraseña recogido en el punto 6.2 y pulsando el botón OK, se le redirige a la interfase WEB de phpMyAdmin. ";
$phpmyadmin_text_5 = "El manual de usuario de phpMyAdmin está disponible en Ingles en la siguiente dirección:";
$phpmyadmin_text_6 = "";
$phpmyadmin_text_7 = "Manual de usuario en Ingles";

$phpmyadmin_image_1 = "../$images_path/databases/phpMyAdmin/1.png";
$phpmyadmin_image_2 = "../$images_path/databases/phpMyAdmin/2.png";
$phpmyadmin_image_3 = "../$images_path/databases/phpMyAdmin/2_kl.png";

// Webtools
// ./webtools/navi.php
$wt_text1 = "General";
$wt_text2 = "Areas protegidas";
$wt_text3 = "Grupos / Administrar usuarios";
$wt_text4 = "Páginas de Error";
$wt_text5 = "Respaldo";
$wt_text6 = "Webmail";
$wt_text7 = "Administrador de archivos";

// ./webtools/index.php Pagecontent
$webtools_index_text_1 = "En ispCP hay disponibles muchas herramienta Web, que pueden ser un apoyo útil para la gestión y el uso de su sitio web.";

$webtools_index_image_1 = "../$images_path/webtools/1.png";
$webtools_index_image_2 = "../$images_path/webtools/1_kl.png";

// ./webtools/protected_areas.php Pagecontent
$protected_areas_text_1 = "Aquí usted puede proteger con contraseña ciertos directorios de su sitio web.";
$protected_areas_text_2 = "En la pagina principal, sobre „Areas Protegidas” hacer click en el botón <b>„Agregar nueva área protegida”</b>. Y tendra la siguiente pantalla:";
$protected_areas_text_3 = "Seleccione el directorio a proteger dentro de su espacio web haciendo click en <b>„Seleccionar directorio”</b>. <br>Para proteger con contraseña su sitio web completo, seleccione en la ventana emergente solo el directorio <b>„htdocs”</b>.";
$protected_areas_text_4 = "Para proteger un directorio unico, navegue al directorio deseado, primero haciendo click en el directorio <b>„htdocs”</b> encima de éste (no lo seleccione!).<br>Repita este paso hasta que llegue al directorio deseado y haga click en el link <b>„Seleccionar”</b>. ";
$protected_areas_text_5 = "La ventana emergente se cerrará automáticamente, y la ruta de acceso al directorio elegido se pondrá en el campo Ruta.";
$protected_areas_text_6 = "Ahora introduzca un nombre de usuario. Este aparecerá en la ventana de solicitud al entrar en el directorio protegido con su navegador.";
$protected_areas_text_7 = "Dentro de la opción usuario, seleccionar el usuario de antemano al que se concederá acceso a los directorios protegidos y después haga click en el botón <b>“Protger”</b>.<br>Si desea permitir el acceso a múltiples usuarios, selecciónelos manteniendo pulsada la tecla Ctrl.";
$protected_areas_text_8 = "Estado OK!";

$protected_areas_image_1 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/1.png";
$protected_areas_image_2 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/1_kl.png";
$protected_areas_image_3 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/2.png";
$protected_areas_image_4 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/2_kl.png";
$protected_areas_image_5 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/ftp.png";
$protected_areas_image_6 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/3.png";
$protected_areas_image_7 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/3_kl.png";
$protected_areas_image_8 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/4.png";
$protected_areas_image_9 = "../$images_path/webtools/protected_aeras/4_kl.png";

// ./webtools/webtools_page_2.php Pagecontent
$group_user_management_text_1 = "Antes de proteger a un directorio, tiene que añadir un usuario con contraseña.<br> Por lo tanto, haga clic en el botón <b>„Administrar usuarios y grupos”</b>. Después tendrás a la siguiente pantalla";
$group_user_management_text_2 = "La creación de un grupo no es necesariamente necesario.";
$group_user_management_text_3 = "Usted puede crear un usuario de un área protegida (directorio) a través del botón <b>„Agregar usuario”</b>.";
$group_user_management_text_4 = "Posteriormente, usted tiene que asignar este nuevo usuario a un directorio.";

$group_user_management_image_1 = "../$images_path/webtools/group_user_management/1.png";
$group_user_management_image_2 = "../$images_path/webtools/group_user_management/1_kl.png";
$group_user_management_image_3 = "../$images_path/webtools/group_user_management/2.png";
$group_user_management_image_4 = "../$images_path/webtools/group_user_management/2_kl.png";
$group_user_management_image_5 = "../$images_path/webtools/group_user_management/3.png";
$group_user_management_image_6 = "../$images_path/webtools/group_user_management/3_kl.png";

// ./webtools/error_pages.php Pagecontent
$error_pages_text_1 = "Al abrir un sitio web inexistente en el navegador, aparecerá un mensaje de error. En este caso es el Error 404 - No se encuentra el archivo.<br>En el área <b>Páginas de Error</b>puede sustituir estas páginas de error estándar, con diseño y contenido propio.<br> Al definir páginas de error personalizadas para un directorio, ello se aplicará también a todas las subcarpetas, a menos que haya otras páginas de error personalizadas asignadas a los subdirectorios.";
$error_pages_text_2 = "Las páginas de Error son guradadas en el directorio de /errors. Estas pueden ser vistas y editadas independientemente.";
$error_pages_text_3 = "Error 401 – Acceso denegado:";
$error_pages_text_4 = "Al introducir una contraseña equivocada para un sitio protegido con contraseña, este error aparece.";
$error_pages_text_5 = "Error 403 – Prohibido:";
$error_pages_text_6 = "Este mensaje de error aparece cuando un usuario desea tener acceso a un directorio / sitio que no tiene acceso o cuando el usuario ha introducido una credencial equivocada.";
$error_pages_text_7 = "Error 404 – Archivo no encontrado:";
$error_pages_text_8 = "Este error se produce al abrir un sitio, que no existe.";
$error_pages_text_9 = "Error 500 – Internal Server Error:";
$error_pages_text_10 = "Este error se muestra principalmente, si se abre un script cgi defectuosos.";
$error_pages_text_11 = "Editar páginas de error";
$error_pages_text_12 = "Usted puede acondicionar sus propios mensajes de error. Cada <b>Páginas de Error</b> se puede modificar en el contenido del mensaje de Error haciendo click en el botón <b> Editar</b>al lado de él.<br> En el siguiente menú, puede ajustar su mensaje de error. Para guardar los cambios debe hacer click en <b>„Guardar“.</b>";
$error_pages_text_13 = "Ver páginas de Error";
$error_pages_text_14 = "Puede mostrar la página de error haciendo clic en <b>„Ver“</b>. Esta función es muy útil, una vez que ha creado su propia página de error por ejemplo, para checkear posibles errores, etc.";

$error_pages_image_1 = "../$images_path/webtools/error_pages/1.png";
$error_pages_image_2 = "../$images_path/webtools/error_pages/1_kl.png";
$error_pages_image_3 = "../$images_path/webtools/error_pages/2.png";
$error_pages_image_4 = "../$images_path/webtools/error_pages/2_kl.png";
$error_pages_image_5 = "../$images_path/webtools/error_pages/3.png";

// ./webtools/daily_backup.php Pagecontent
$daily_backup_text_1 = "Los respaldos diarios incluyen las bases de datos";
$daily_backup_text_2 = "ispCP realiza copias de seguridad de su servidor de manera regular.<br> Para poder restaurar sus archivos perdidos o su pérdida de datos, haga clic <b>„Restaurar“</b>. Y todo los archivos desde el último respaldo serán restaurados.";
$daily_backup_text_3 = "Respaldar / Función restaurar";
$daily_backup_text_4 = "Un archivo con extensión .tar es creado diariamente dentro del directorio backup/ , Se debe considerar que el archivo del día anterior será borrado ( para no tenere costo de espacion web ). El usuario puede descargar este archivo via FTP.<br> En el caso de que los archivos ya no están disponibles (Por ejemplo debido a un quiebre en el servidor, etc.) el usuario puede cargar o subir el archivo .tar y ejecutar la operación de restauración, haciendo click en el botón <b>\"Restaurar\"</b>.<br> En ese caso, los archivos (web) será restaurados al estado de la última copia de seguridad.";
$daily_backup_text_5 = "Respaldar formato de archivo";
$daily_backup_text_6 = "test_9sql.bz2";
$daily_backup_text_7 = "domain.com_backup_16-01-2009_01-11-05.tar.bz2";
$daily_backup_text_8 = "incl. Date and Time of the Backups (16.01.09 at 01:11:05)";

$daily_backup_image_1 = "../$images_path/webtools/daily_backup/1.png";
$daily_backup_image_2 = "../$images_path/webtools/daily_backup/1_kl.png";

// ./webtools/webtools_page_5.php Pagecontent

// Text wird von ./email_accounts/webmail.php genommen

// ./webtools/webtools_page_7.php Pagecontent

// Text wird von ./ftp_account/filemanager.php genommen

// Domain statistics ERLEDIGT!
// Left Navi
$ds_text1 = "General";

// ./domain_sttistics/index.php Pagecontent
$domain_statistics_text_1 = "Las estadísticas de dominio hacen posible analizar las estadísticas de acceso y otros datos de su dominio. Usted puede determinar el período que desea analizar ingresando el año y el mes. Al hacer clic en <b>Aceptar</b>, la estadística se muestra.";
$domain_statistics_text_2 = "Si accede a las estadísticas a través del menú principal, se mostrarán los datos de el uso de datos .";
$domain_statistics_text_3 = "La información mostrada en este caso es:";
$domain_statistics_text_4 = "Fecha";
$domain_statistics_text_5 = "Transferencia Web del dominio";
$domain_statistics_text_6 = "Transferencia FTP";
$domain_statistics_text_7 = "Transferencia SMTP";
$domain_statistics_text_8 = "Transferencia POP3 e IMAP";
$domain_statistics_text_9 = "Total (la cuota máxima es mostrada bajo la barra)";

$domain_statistics_image_1 = "../$images_path/domain_statistics/1.png";
$domain_statistics_image_2 = "../$images_path/domain_statistics/1_kl.png";

// Support system
// Left Navi
$ss_text1 = "Tickets Abiertos";
$ss_text2 = "Tickets cerrados";
$ss_text3 = "Tickets nuevos";

// ./support_system/index.php Pagecontent
$support_system_index_text_1 = "La vista general del sistema de Soporte, automaticamente muestra todas las solicitudes de soporte abiertos";
$support_system_index_text_2 = "Al hacer click en el tema se puede responder o cerrar la solicitud de soporte.<br>Con la función borrar se pueden eliminar una o todas las solocitudes de soporte.";

$support_system_index_image_1 = "../$images_path/support_system/1.png";
$support_system_index_image_2 = "../$images_path/support_system/1_kl.png";
$support_system_index_image_3 = "../$images_path/support_system/open_tickets/1.png";
$support_system_index_image_4 = "../$images_path/support_system/open_tickets/1_kl.png";

// ./support_system/closed_tickets.php Pagecontent
$closed_tickets_text_1 = "Aqui puede ver una lista de los tickets cerrados.";

$closed_tickets_image_1 = "../$images_path/support_system/closed_tickets/1.png";
$closed_tickets_image_2 = "../$images_path/support_system/closed_tickets/1_kl.png";
$closed_tickets_image_3 = "../$images_path/support_system/closed_tickets/2.png";
$closed_tickets_image_4 = "../$images_path/support_system/closed_tickets/2_kl.png";

// ./support_system/new_ticket.php Pagecontent
$new_ticket_text_1 = "Esta opción abre un nuevo formulario para grabar una solicitud de soporte. Su solicitud será automáticamente enviada a su ISP.";

$new_ticket_image_1 = "../$images_path/support_system/new_ticket/1.png";
$new_ticket_image_2 = "../$images_path/support_system/new_ticket/1_kl.png";

Saludos cordiales

04-05-2009 07:46 AM
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